Science: Sceptical Scientists or Scientific Deniers/ - contains a sample of the data that disproves CAGW
Observations show major flaws
- Even if we assume it’s warmed since 1979, and assume that it was all CO2, if so, feedbacks are zero — disaster averted. 71
- It was as warm or warmer 1000 years ago. Models can’t explain that. It wasn’t CO2. The models can’t predict past episodes of warming, so why would they predict future ones.
UK MetOffice Confirms: Dangerous, "Accelerating" Global Warming From CO2 Does Not Exist - examines HC 4 and displays the deceleration in warming even as CO2 has increased
The study itself notes that its estimates of a sea level acceleration aren’t “significantly different from zero.”
All Natural… Four New Peer-reviewed Scientific Publications Show No Detectable Sea Level Rise Signal
It warmed from 1920-1944, cooled from 1944-1976, warmed from 1976-2000 and now it is cooling again. Have we learned that there are climate cycles?
There is NO APOCALYPSE coming from the growth of CO2 in the atmosphere. Stop with the Global Warming hysteria already! Take a chill pill!
Some levity for the climate debate.
Perhaps China is only paying lip service to the Paris agreement to see if the WEST is stupid enough to fill the Global Climate Fund with $100 billion into which they can then dip their chip.
Political spin disguised as science.
And PRESTO! How did everyone get it so wrong? - POLITICO
While the MSM and their allies are left to ponder the ignorance in their arrogance the new world moves on.
Hopefully the anticipated ‘crackdown’ will materialize after January 20, 2017 and the MSM will begin to report this issue with more skepticism for the CO2 centric theory of manmade global warming.
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