The Polar Bear Report 2017
Hi Guys!
Happy New Year! I know how you folks down south worry about how we are getting along in a warming world so I thought I’d give you an update. This is how things are shaping up in 2017.
The State of the Arctic
Despite the warm air that blew through here before Christmas 2016 let me assure you that there is lots of sea ice around. Slippery too, as you can see!
Polar bear habitat message for the year end: 2016 Arctic ice extent same as 2010 Where is the media?
And the ice is getting thicker just like it was back in 1940.
The more things change the more they stay the same.
I talked to our buddies over in Greenland and they are telling me that the snow and ice is piling up on the Northern Hemisphere’s main ice cap.
I’m an Albino. Can you see me now?
Although we live in an inhospitable climate we have adapted.
Some of you worry about our numbers because of your perceived global warming. You folks do need something to worry about don’t you? Well, let me tell you, since you stopped shooting us our population has exploded. There are more of us than ever before competing for the food up here. Have no fear there are lots of us here. You can pat yourselves on the back. Our recovery has been remarkable.
But somehow that good news is met with more angst.
Humans are hard to understand. Its like you are allergic to good news. If rising temperatures and lack of sea ice are not killing us you find something else to worry about like pollutants.
But then we cross you up and thrive. Laying down your arms was very helpful.
One look at me ought to convince you of that don’t you think? Good thing the ice is thicker, eh?
It’s important we are in great shape. With FALLING sea levels it gets more difficult to climb up the embankments at Churchill to get to their dumps when the ice melts. Some wiseacre thinks we are ‘climate refugees’ because we go to the dump.
Gee guys, if a No Frills closes up don’t you switch to Freshco? Does that make you a ‘No Frills’ refugee? We do the same thing as you - switch suppliers. No wonder they call some of you Drama Greens. You imagine problems where there are none.
Take temperatures for example. Everytime we get a little warmth in the Great White North hysteria flows through the warmist camp and emerges on the pages of the MSM.
Meanwhile they ignore super cold Siberia which according to their way of thinking ought to convince them that the world is getting colder. Hot here, cold there is heat distribution not so rare. It is the way things work. One area offsets the other. Besides it has happened before not so long ago.
Believe me we could use a break from the mighty cold once and awhile. Don’t begrudge us. We will survive and have done so in the past.
Not only should the Drama Greens look to the past for reassurance they should examine the temperature trends that have been amassed over the last few decades.
Trends are climate, a puff of warm air from the south is weather. Learning to tell the difference would be good for your therapy bills. Another way to cool your overheated anxiety would be to educate yourself about the record of Arctic ‘experts’. There is a trend in failed forecasts for an ice-free Arctic. Perhaps that should induce a bit of skepticism in accepting the word of PHDs as gospel.
SCIENCE : Arctic To Be Ice-Free By 1978 Harper magazine made their forecast in 1958.
In 1969 the NYT gave the Arctic a reprieve. New York Times : Arctic To Be Ice Free By 1989
That didn’t work out either. Nor did a lot of others. Check out the following link.
Climate Experts Are Idiots - perhaps harsh but accurate, no?
1000 Miles Of Ice Growth In 12 Days Where is the media?
There is a reason why a Nobel Laureate in physics advised us that :
Both Professor Wadhams and the US Navy thought the Arctic would be ice free by September 2016. Still here.
Check out the references below.
You can check Arctic temperatures at the following links.
News from the overheated Yukon
News from overheated Northwest Territories
News from overheated Nunavut
News from overheated Greenland
Note the temperature there folks.
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