CO2 is bipolar. It is now in its wet mode in California.
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Friday, January 27, 2017
Having Fun in the Arctic
Russian icebreakers stuck in ‘very heavy severe ice conditions’ in Arctic - you mean the rapidly warming Arctic where the sea ice is disappearing faster than scientists forecast, the one that is screaming, the one with hot flashes, where Greenland is adding ice mass at record rates, one of the fastest warming places on Earth - that Arctic
Tuesday, January 24, 2017
The Presumption of Knowledge
Hail the Episcopal Bishop who “knows” which experts are right in this science debate. She hath declared that certified climate scientists paid by government grants speak the word of God. Other scientists (like 48% of Meteorologists, and two thirds of Geo’s and Engineers, plus practically everyone retired from NASA) are immoral, blind, threatening the poor, and wrong.
Doubt is not a pleasant condition, but certainty is absurd.” -- Voltaire
"The improver of natural knowledge absolutely refuses to acknowledge authority, as such. For him, scepticism is the highest of duties; blind faith the one unpardonable sin." -- Thomas H. Huxley
The whole problem with the world is that fools and fanatics are always so certain of themselves, but wiser people so full of doubts -- Bertrand Russell
Albert Einstein: Whoever undertakes to set himself up as a judge of Truth and Knowledge is shipwrecked by the laughter of the gods.
Our kids should be taught to ‘Question Everything’ as their SoP to guide them in the world.
It is good to know when adults don’t know what they are talking about.
Who to Believe?
It has been pointed out by global warming alarmists that skeptics like to quote the satellite temperature data because it does not show recent warming but ignore the surface data which does show recent warming.
Yet when it comes to sea level skeptics ignore the satellite data that shows a 3.3mm/yr rise and prefer the surface tide gauge data which shows a lower increase of 1.8mm/yr.
In both cases alarmists prefer the data under the control of NOAA/NASA and skeptics prefer data that is independent of NOAA/NASA.
You be the judge.
Sunday, January 22, 2017
Letter to PM
Subject: The MIddle Class Do Not LIke
Honorable Members:
The MIddle Class Do Not LIke
Those who are elitist
Those who misspend
Those who ‘know it all’
Those who are arrogant
Those who are patronising
Those who are hypocritical
Especially the last.
If you talk the talk walk the walk or shut up. And if you don’t shut up you will be talking to a tuned out audience.
I will believe there is a crisis when those who tell me there is a crisis start acting like there is a crisis. ~ Blogger Instapundit
He was talking about dangerous manmade global warming.
Do you at all understand how you appear to the ‘little people’ when you say we must cut OUR carbon dioxide emissions while you are taking 10 vacations a year or fly all over the world as if there is no crisis at all? Your words mean nothing! Then you have the gall to impose a tax on OUR usage. We cannot expense that!!
GROWING the Middle Class? How is that going? Canadian Paycheques Shrank in 2016
And now you want to take more and leave us with less? Thanks for nothing.
Are you like this lady?
Are you like this guy?
Or this guy?
Does that seem hypocritical to you? If it doesn’t then YOU are the problem. And your carbon tax is nothing but a
You will be digging your own grave and when it is deep enough we will bury you.
You have just made a trip in Canada AGAIN to reconnect with Canadians as you sense that you have LOST TOUCH. Quite frankly, I doubt that Canadians will witness a CHANGE in your behaviour.
You will impose your CO2 tax (you are disingenuous by calling it a CARBON tax) on OUR usage while NOT altering YOUR behaviour significantly. Changing light bulbs at 24 Sussex doesn’t count.
There is definitely a man made climate crisis and it exists in your mind’s eye only. We KNOW this because YOU do NOT lead by example(LBE)
They mean climate change at the hands of CO2.
When will the Environment Minister be told the truth by Environment Canada? She is looking like a low information politician with the nonsense she spews. Is that your intent? Who is really denying the science?
"The growth of knowledge depends entirely on disagreement" -- Karl Popper
Make the lie big, make it simple, keep saying it, and eventually they will believe it. Adolf Hitler
Transitioning off fossil fuels
Only colossal FOOLS transition from Fossil Fuels India? China?
M. Trudeau: if you think the world is transitioning OFF fossil fuels YOU are the fossil fool.
There is definitely a man made climate crisis and it exists in your mind’s eye only. We KNOW this because YOU do NOT lead by example(LBE)
They mean climate change at the hands of CO2.
There is no one more deaf than he who doesn’t want to listen
"The growth of knowledge depends entirely on disagreement" -- Karl Popper
Make the lie big, make it simple, keep saying it, and eventually they will believe it. Adolf Hitler
Friday, January 20, 2017
Admission Their Theory is Bogus
Climate Activists Seek To Redefine What A Hurricane Is ‘So We’ll Have More Of Them’ – Every storm now will be ‘unprecedented’
The need to shore up a theory by changing definitions is an admission that hurricanes are not becoming more frequent or more severe or they wouldn’t find the need to redefine.
Can there be a clearer admission that the CO2 centric theory of global warming/climate change is invalid?
Both Wrong
Things keep getting better and barring a smack by a super sized celestial object or an insane launch of nuclear weapons doomsday is not in our future. Whenever I encounter apocalyptic predictions my inclination is to take the opposite view. My record is perfect while the doomsayers have yet to score.
The predictions of the doomsayer have been populating the Hall of Fame of Failed Forecasts.
Despite the failures new doomsters are not deterred because ‘they know stuff’. Or think they do.
My unblemished record says they don’t know as much as they think they do. Apparently, Phds are no longer handed out with a direct line to the truth or a guarantee of fallibility.
Perhaps too often they are given to arrogant fools.
The whole problem with the world is that fools and fanatics are always so certain of themselves, but wiser people so full of doubts -- Bertrand Russell
Lord Salisbury: "No lesson seems to be so deeply inculcated by experience of life as that you should never trust experts. If you believe doctors, nothing is wholesome; if you believe theologians, nothing is innocent; if you believe soldiers, nothing is safe."
Wisdom permeates human history but it seems each generation must stumble upon it via their own ‘modern’ follies.
When Did Terrorist A/C Do This?
When Did Terrorist A/C do this?
The hell with ISIS. Let’s sign a petition against A/C.
Democrats are becoming totally divorced from reality. They want to live in the bubble in their own minds and not have to deal with the real world. They have no solutions to the hard stuff. They just want to do good so they can feel good about themselves.
The snowflakes in their dome need a shake.
Wednesday, January 18, 2017
The Trump International Golf Links are just 10 miles North of Aberdeen
Friedman suggested the golf course might be submerged by the rising seas.
Before making such a claim would it not be prudent to check on sea level rise(SLR) in the area?
Aberdeen is the closest tidal gauge to Trump’s golf course and it shows little to no SLR despite the unrelenting rise in CO2 in our atmosphere over the last 65 years.
When does Friedman expect reality to change and what will cause it?
EcoAnxiety Reaches an Apex
In all good conscience it is not possible for me to send these tweets to he who shall remain nameless because you never know what word may send a depressed person slipping over the edge to a suicidal splat below. But in anonymity we can have some fun with the ecoanxiety that shall be named: dangerous manmade climate change.
@Nameless 11 yrs study Wow! Took ~11 secs 4 me 2 remember that CO2 is an input 2 photosynthesis & I exhale it Makes me a polluter?
@Nameless 11 yrs study & U didn’t learn CO2 is an input 2 photosynthesis & U exhale it Makes U a polluter?
@Nameless sorry to hear about your climate depression There are support groups for that They helped me out!
Take a chill pill @Nameless 25 New Papers Confirm A Remarkably Stable Modern Climate: Fewer Intense Storms, Hurricanes, Droughts, Floods, Fires
Bad weather has been with us like forever @Nameless It is normal. Hope your therapist can help you see that
Hurricanes, tornadoes, floods & drought are normal, if unwelcome, phenomena @Nameless We don’t control them FFs allow us to survive them
Re your ecoanxiety @Nameless Suck it up buttercup or your kid(s) will grow up to be anxiety ridden basket cases
@Nameless I see no problem with a limited period of ecoanxiety as long as you keep in mind that Man Made Climate Change is a scam
Good luck @Nameless
Analysis: ‘So far the weather has sided with the skeptics’
25 New Papers Confirm A Remarkably Stable Modern Climate: Fewer Intense Storms, Hurricanes, Droughts, Floods, Fires… - very good summary of the issue
This can’t be good for the cause
Evidence-Based Science: Study Determines Changes In Global Precipitation Minimal Over Last 150 Years
No wonder I like reading the anthropogenic global warming SKEPTIC blogs: the news is so much better!
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