weather is supposed to be more frequent and more severe in our day
because of the increase of CO2 in our atmosphere which is now at 395ppm.
2012 was supposed to be a very bad year for ‘dirty’ weather.
We are told that below 350ppm
CO2 is safe and the weather will not ramp up and wreak so much havoc as
it does today. Hence we are asked to reduce our ‘carbon’ footprint.
kind of weather world was 1957? The people alive at that time
experienced blizzards in the US, heat waves in Argentina, an Arctic
‘heat wave’, forest fires in Long Island, floods in Dallas, fires and
hurricane winds in Sydney, floods, drought and typhoons in China, worst
floods in Oklahoma history, extreme weather over the US, deadly
torrential rain in Japan, 30 foot drifts in Texas, severe drought in
Algeria and Morocco, flash flood in St Louis, deaths from US heat wave,
blizzard dumps 2 feet of snow in Wyoming and colorado, flash floods in
Kansas, huge fires in Queensland, baseball sized hail in Texas, one of
the worst droughts in US history, 200 dead in Philippines flash flood,
flood in Las Vegas, Ceylon floods take 250 lives, 339 dead in European
heat wave, tornadoes in Missouri kill 28, famine in Indonesia, Hurricane
Audrey kills 431 in Texas and Louisiana, Louisiana hit by tropical
storm Ester, Hawaii hit by first recorded hurricane, flood in Spain,
freak rain in Alice Springs Australia, F5 tornado hits Fargo, North
dakota, typhoon Bess hits Japan, several named typhoons rake Asia, four
year US drought expands to 29 million acres, heavy rains flood Texas
drought area, PO river floods Italy, there were menacing icebergs, wild
November weather with tornadoes, floods, snow and rain, scientists were
worried about melting ice caps, glaciers and the human contribution to
warming (sound familiar?), springlike flood in Quebec in December. Wow,
that was a tough year. It wasn’t all fluffy white clouds floating across
a blue sky or gentle summer rains watering the flowers. When has it
ever been that way?
1957 one noted American scientist predicted that NYC would be under
water by 2010 - sharks in the subway, yikes! The scientist and the date
are different but the prediction is still with us.
expert scientist predicted in 1957 world famine by the year 2000. This
prediction is still with us but the date has now changed. It is hard to
get an alarmist to abandon his prediction. They are always moving the
Is this why physicist Richard Feynman said: Science is the belief in the ignorance of the experts?
Read all about it. Would you like to return to such wonderful times? Maybe 1956
was better. Supposedly, the world was safer back then and yet they were
still worried about melting polar regions, rising sea levels and global
famine due to drought. This sounds all too familiar and yet along came
the 1960s and 1970s when global cooling was all the rage among scientists. We like our hysteria hot and we like our hysteria cold. It doesn’t matta. All damn same!
does not take a genius to extend a trend. We all learned to do that in
grade five. The true seer is the one who can predict the bend in the
trend. Mother Nature is not linear. The IPCC knows this:
” … In climate research and modelling, we should recognise that we are dealing
with a coupled non-linear chaotic system, and therefore that the
long-term prediction of future climate states is not possible.”
From the 3rd IPCC report, Section 14.2 “The Climate System”, page 774.
are all familiar with the types of weather that occurred in 1957. We
experience the same type of events today. Does this not raise the
obvious point that if extreme weather events occurred at ‘safe’ levels
of CO2 and also at the higher levels of today then CO2 has nothing to do
with it?
Nature has exonerated CO2 of all blame for climate change. We owe CO2
an apology. Now we just have to wait for the CAGW alarmists to catch up
and get with the program of adapting to a climate that changes
continuously. This will require them to overcome their addiction to
apocalyptic anxiety.
wait a minute you say. Isn’t the bad weather more frequent and severe
now than in the past because of our human induced emissions of CO2? We
continue to hear this in the media but the data do not support such a view. In fact as CO2 has been rapidly increasing in the atmosphere severe weather has been in a downtrend.
University of London professor emeritus Philip Stott has noted: “The
fundamental point has always been this. Climate change is governed by
hundreds of factors, or variables, and the very idea that we can manage
climate change predictably by understanding and manipulating at the
margins one politically-selected factor (CO2), is as misguided as it
Our misanthropic miscreants in the Ministry of Misinformation will not be dissuaded by the truth. They are guided by an Agenda(21). They will carry the farce of CAGW as far as they can in the service of this agenda.
Agenda 21 is a refuge for control freaks. Put down that plastic bag!
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