alarmists wait with baited breath the arrival of the blooming of the
cherry blossoms in the spring. They have been told by ‘experts’ that
cherry trees are blooming earlier because of global warming. They are
proof of global warming. But are they proof of man made global warming?
That assumption is implicit in the narrative put forward by alarmists
but often remains unstated.
year (2012) the cherry blossoms arrived in full bloom on March 20. This
year they were projected to arrive around March 26th but instead chose
to make their appearance on April 9, 2013. This is almost three weeks
later than last year.
If last year was proof of global warming can we conclude that this year is proof of global cooling?
Here are some facts on the peak bloom of the cherry trees in Washington, D.C.
Peeking at the data we learn that the peak peaked in 1998 and has been flat ever since.
Another AGW canary dies in the coal mine.
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