It is no longer global warming because it isn't.

It is climate change because it does.

Men are never so likely to settle a question rightly as when they discuss it freely.

— Thomas B. Macaulay (1800-1859), Essay on Southey's Colloquies

All of us could take a lesson from the weather. It pays no attention to criticism.

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Sunday, March 24, 2013

Twitter Bill

No, there is no bill before congress to regulate twitter.

This Twitter Bill.

Bill has the need to feed is apocalyptic anxiety (AA) in public. He needs to bathe in it. He is very good at finding things to be alarmed about. He lives in a perpetual state of alarm. The original perpetual alarm machine. Bill is an alarm junkie. If he could not find something to be alarmed about he would suffer withdrawal just like a drug user. Bill will believe anything that supports his apocalyptic vision especially if it is of the pogo variety - we are to blame.

Happiness, for Bill, is a new reason to crow over the damage that human existence is doing to the planet. It sends him into fits of glee. He has invested so much into the CAGW myth that he cannot back away in spite of the evidence against it. He must save face. Admitting he was in error is unthinkable in his world. It won’t happen.

Cracks in the Arctic ice, early cherry blossoms or Colorado fires and now off the charts ragweed fuel and energize his apocalyptic existence. It is painful to see him suffer so much. Most of us are able to take these things in stride and realize that they are a part of the natural process and they have occurred many times in the past. We are still here. Doomsayers have a less than perfect record for exactness while those who reject the apocalyptic concerns of the anxious have an unblemished record of accuracy.

Those who exhibit AA will always be with us and like other people suffering from emotional hangups they cannot be helped unless they are willing. Those motivated by what they consider to be a moral cause cannot be expected to present themselves for treatment.

They are activists - immune to facts. Facts bounce off them like bullets off the man of steel.

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