My goodness you would think the world was going to end by the way some people talk about the weather.
Including us perchance?
That last one seems a bit much.
seem really frightened about the future of the planet and the world we
are going to leave to our descendants. They are afraid of CO2 and want
us to do something to combat climate change for which, apparently, we
are solely responsible. Oh, the guilt! Can you bear it?
is no need to fret. CAGW is but a delusion in the minds of people who
want control over more aspects of your life. Frighten you and make you
feel guilty is the stock and trade of the political elite.
"The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed —
and hence clamorous to be led to safety — by menacing it with an endless
series of hobgoblins, all of them imaginary.” ~ H.L Mencken
H.L. knew what he was talking about. None of the climate calamities that are being forecast have any basis in reality. The IPCC GCMs upon which they are predicated bear no resemblance to reality. GCMs are based on the assumption that
CO2 is the main driving force of the climate change we have experienced
during the late 20th century(1976-1998). But as CO2 concentration has
continued to rise temperatures have not. Therefore there is no additional energy available in the atmosphere to drive more extreme weather. But there was more sunlight in the 80s and 90s.
sleep easy tonight secure in the knowledge that your activities on this
earth are not responsible for any negative effects on the climate. You
will have to put up with the politicians pursuing a phantom of the
atmosphere for they are always the last to catch on that the people don’t care
about climate change because it is a non-issue. They will implement
some costly policies and claim to have solved the non-problem when it
doesn’t show up which is always the case. They seek more control over
your life and the policies they enact will give it to them.
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