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Monday, December 10, 2012
Trouble with the Consensus
“The vast majority of climate scientists say human activity — primarily emissions from the burning of fossil fuels and deforestation — is to blame for the rise in global temperatures seen in recent decades.”
Well, not for the last decade and a half.
Tom Nelson: Global warming stopped 16 years ago, reveals Met …
But this is the party line trumpeted ad nauseum by CAGW alarmists.
“One is the overwhelming scientific consensus. Every scientific academy in the world supports the scientific consensus, but the press is still not reporting concretely enough on the scientific consensus.” says Donald Brown, Climate Ethicist
Strange. Maybe the press has wizened up and now realize that the consensus is not all it is cracked up to be. Maybe the press is still looking for the polls conducted with the memberships of the scientific academies. Who was the independent polling agent? What were the questions that were asked? How many were polled? What was the return rate? Are the raw data available for anyone to examine? When those poll results are made available perhaps the press will report on them and be convinced that they were something other than political statements by organizations that do PAID work for their governments.
Here are some recent cracks in the solidarity of the so-called ‘consensus’ on CAGW.
Financial Post Open Letter by 125 scientists
Top British Science Body in Revolt over Global Warming Censorship
MURDOCK: Spacemen to NASA: Cool it on global warming - Washington Times
Here is an older one that details the many scientists who object to CAGW.
But most importantly, Mother Nature continues to report disagreement with the CAGW theory. Is anybody listening? And hers is the only voice that counts.
New paper finds no increase in extreme weather in Europe over past 250 years -- Paper published in European Physical Journal
The Climate Scam Of The Day – Melting Permafrost: We've heard it all before
Analysis: US Climate Becoming Much Less Extreme -- 'Both record maximums & record min have been on decline...The year 1936 was by far the most extreme year in US history'
EPA Say Heatwaves Much Worse in 1930's: 'Heat waves occurred with high frequency in the 1930s, and these remain the most severe heat waves in the U.S. historical record'
BBC Confirms That Polar Melt Has Almost No Effect On Sea Level
Gore effect timed to UN climate summit in Qatar: Globe Seized By Bitter Cold – Arctic Sees Record Refreeze – UK Faces 100-Year Winter – Snow In New Zealand!
Global warming still stalled since 1998, WMO Doha figures show: 'There is now some admission even from the hardest climate hardliners that something may be going on which is not understood'
New paper finds Arizona droughts were less frequent and less extreme during 20th century -- Paper published in Climatic Change -- 'Reconstructs droughts in NE Arizona over past 400 years'
New paper shows a large increase of solar radiation in Spain since 1985, dwarfs alleged effect of CO2 -- Published today in Global and Planetary Change
Climate Claim Fail: UN claims of 'sea levels are rising 60% faster' taken apart -- Using Their Own Numbers, Sea Level Rise Actually Slowed Down 3%!
12 Straight Months Of Above Normal Antarctic Sea Ice: 'Today marks 365 consecutive days of above normal Antarctic sea ice'
The 2012 Arctic sea ice reaches a record low due to an August polar cyclone and the press jump all over this like it is the canary in the coal mine. The record refreeze in the Arctic has been completely ignored. Why? It is not scary therefore it is not news. The press fail to point out that according to the CAGW theory both poles are supposed to be melting. Antarctic sea ice has been above normal for 12 months straight which blows the theory out of the water and it is not news? It should be good news. We still don’t understand what is going on at the poles but whatever it is, it is not CAGW.
The evidence continues to mount that there is no climate crisis and all that we have been doing to reduce CO2 emissions has been unnecessary. What a waste of time, effort and taxpayer money.
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