catastrophic anthropogenic global warming(CAGW) alarmists and messianic
messengers of climate change claim science as their territory it is a
little like the inmates taking over the asylum. Hah!¹
as that picture turns the world topsy-turvy like a trip down the rabbit
hole reality bears witness to the fact that CAGW advocates have most
things back to front. Hah!
In darkness they dwell turning our world into a living hell. Hah!
while alarmists try to claim science as their own they engage in
anti-scientific behaviour such as declarations that the debate is over,
there is a consensus and the science is settled. These announcements
from the high priests of CAGW should be enough to automatically turn on
the skeptical radar of any thinking person and send it into an earnest
vibrational bout of wild blinking and bleeping. Not only do they want
the field of science to themselves they do not want any opposition on
the pitch. They want to be champion without having to play the game.
That sounds more like the modus operandi of a religion not the
chessboard where hypotheses are formed and tested with reality as the
final arbiter of truth. While skeptics may have been late to the contest
the game is now on.
say human induced CO2 is driving temperatures to the far side of
uncomfortable and if we do not curtail our emissions of CO2 soon we will
see human fricassee. Hah!
But there are those who say it is not so. Since we are engaged in a family feud let us use a slightly modified version of the famous phrase from that TV game.
Science says: temperature drives CO2. Monthly CO2 changes do not affect temperature. Hah!
Alarmists say that severe weather is on the increase in both frequency and severity due to CO2 increases.
Science says: not so.
Hurricanes, tornadoes, floods, drought and forest fires are all
trending down even as CO2 continues to accumulate in the atmosphere.
How can CAGW driven by human induced CO2 be causing current examples of severe weather when there has been no warming for the last 16 years? Disconnect!
alarmists try to demonize the burning of fossil fuels, CO2, a trace gas
essential to life on Earth continues to provide us with untold bounty. CO2 is plant food and they love it.
have gotten the world backwards and are so ensconced in their
misanthropic delusion of global doom that they cannot see reality. Every
instance of bad weather is blamed on CO2 and strengthens their global
warming angst. They are projecting their own fears and guilt upon the
world rather than dispassionately examining reality. Ideology floods
their thinking and they are drowning in their own anxiety. CAGW is such a
mixed up jumble of nonsense that it should be sent to Alice in
Wonderland where the scientists treat common weather phenomena as
unusual. CAGW will fit right in.
Trouble is they are trying to drown the rest of us as well. And they may succeed long before their scary sea level rise submerges the Maldives.
When you put dirt in a bucket of water does the water level rise? Has
anyone calculated the amount of ‘dirt’ that land erosion, silt
deposition and underwater volcanic activity in the ocean might
contribute to sea level rise?
of us who are anchored in reality are bombarded with political action
that seeks to mitigate a non-existent problem by ‘getting us off fossil
fuels ASAP’. Hence we have government programs to ban incandescent light
bulbs, plastic bags, coal power plants as well as subsidize the
manufacture of electric vehicles, wind turbines, solar panels and
biofuels. All these actions are totally unnecessary and sets the
government up for massive waste of taxpayer money when the subsidies are
withdrawn, the companies fail and take the ‘green’ jobs with them.
and scientists will look back upon this era as awash in erroneous
apocalyptic beliefs driving a fearful political elite. Phd theses will
be written by social psychologists seeking answers as to how seemingly
intelligent people could be betrayed by their emotional reactions to bad
weather. And they will stumble upon certain beliefs expressed in
various writings and speeches that will turn on the light bulb of
Quote by Club of Rome:
"In searching for a new enemy to unite us, we came up with the idea
that pollution, the threat of global warming, water shortages, famine
and the like would fit the bill....All these dangers are caused by human
intervention....and thus the “real enemy, then, is humanity
itself....believe humanity requires a common motivation, namely a common
adversary in order to realize world government. It does not matter if
this common enemy is “a real one or….one invented for the purpose."
Quote by Christine Stewart, former Canadian Environment Minister:
“No matter if the science is all phony, there are collateral
environmental benefits.... climate change [provides] the greatest chance
to bring about justice and equality in the world.”
These two quotes sum up the chimera that is CAGW. Alarmaholics don’t care about scientific truth. They are all about the pogo political science.
The future will look back and bestow CAGW with a more accurate acronym - Conning A Gullible
CAGW will be lumped in with other scientific misadventures like the
Flat Earth, Earth is the center of the solar system, the fake Moon
Landing, phlogiston, et al.
H.L. Mencken was aware of the political problem many years ago when he remarked:
whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed — and
hence clamorous to be led to safety — by menacing it with an endless
series of hobgoblins, all of them imaginary."
CO2 has been exhaled during the creation of this post. No living thing was harmed. Some even liked it.
¹Hah! - emphatic CO2 exhalation in defiance of imagined human induced global warming
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