It is no longer global warming because it isn't.

It is climate change because it does.

Men are never so likely to settle a question rightly as when they discuss it freely.

— Thomas B. Macaulay (1800-1859), Essay on Southey's Colloquies

All of us could take a lesson from the weather. It pays no attention to criticism.

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Monday, December 17, 2012

Doh! Ha!

COP18 has ended in Doha, Qatar. The attendees who flew “to a warm place to convince us that warmth is bad and we should fly less” (Richard Tol) have gone home, many to conditions that make a mockery of ‘global’ warming. The Kyoto 1 protocol was extended but only agreed to by 37 out of 194 nations in attendance. Vague talk of a $100bln fund to be made available in 2020 to nations suffering from the ‘so called’ climate change damage caused by the industrialised country’s emissions of CO2. Prediction: by 2020 CAGW will be a ‘thing of the past’ relegated to the dustbin of failed UN global governance initiatives. The Club of Rome thwarted in its attempt at global resource and population control. And why will it disappear from the MSM? Because the evidence is going to mount and become evident to all that the world is cooling and that extreme weather is decreasing.

On top of that there are 1200 coal plants to be built in 59 countries with near 900 of them to be in India and China. The world is not serious about reducing CO2 emissions and jeopardizing economic growth. They don’t really believe that CO2 is dangerous.

"The Kyoto Protocol remains the cornerstone of the international climate regime," said China, speaking for the so-called BASIC group, which also includes Brazil, India and South Africa.

"We urge developed country parties to Kyoto Protocol to raise their level of ambition in Doha, consistent with what is required by the science and their historical responsibility."

Now I wonder why China would be in favor of developed countries honoring their Kyoto commitments when it , the world’s largest emitter, is not considered a developed country. You only get one guess.

Headlines from COP18 - The Aftermath

Doha Agreement Unraveling As Belarus, Others Consider Kyoto Exit | The Global Warming Policy Foundation (GWPF)

Bianca Jagger: COP18 Failed to Turn Down the Heat - much in this article is in error but it does capture what happened or didn’t happen at CoP18. She laments it whereas skeptics will rejoice. It appears the steam has gone out of efforts to mitigate climate change as if that were possible. Adaptation is and always has been life’s reaction to climate change. Contrary to what some have come to believe, humans do not know how to control the weather or the climate.

COP18 – Kyoto 2 Comes Apart « Tory Aardvark

COP18 The Banshee Wail Of The Green NGOs « Tory Aardvark

UN Climate talks to be saved again

Green Activists Close To Despair After Yet Another Deadlocked UN Climate Confab
Another summary from Reason

Ritual Farce: Doha Is Finished. On To COP 19!

Did Doha sputter or succeed?

Given the inconsequential nature of these talks one can only hope that COP 19 slated for Poland in 2013 will be cancelled due to lack of interest.

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