It is no longer global warming because it isn't.

It is climate change because it does.

Men are never so likely to settle a question rightly as when they discuss it freely.

— Thomas B. Macaulay (1800-1859), Essay on Southey's Colloquies

All of us could take a lesson from the weather. It pays no attention to criticism.

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Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Mysteries of CO2

We are told that CO2 is a heat trapping gas and that accumulations of CO2 in the atmosphere due to accelerating human emissions are warming the planet. This is bad because we could all become human fricassee if we don’t curtail and even reverse our emissions. A limit of 2C temperature rise is seen as the absolute maximum that we can tolerate. My trip to florida is now cancelled.

Ben Freeman tweeted:
To all those who think global warming is a hoax made up by tree-hugging liberals: it's 80 degrees on Dec 3rd & you're an idiot. . .carry on.

And so Oklahoma Ben thinks he has just proven those skeptical of man made climate change to be stupid wrong.

We might want to ask Ben how he reconciles the 80F in Oklahoma on Dec 3rd with the -30C in Fairbanks Alaska in November. People in Fairbanks are burning wood to try and stay warm.

80F in Oklahoma on Dec 3rd = global warming?
-30C in Fairbanks Alaska in November = global cooling?

Fairbanks kinda takes the GLOBAL outta GLOBAL warming don’t it?

How does CO2 do that? And why do some people think where they are is what it is like everywhere else?

Does Fairbanks not have any CO2 in their air? Is their CO2 the transparent kind that lets heat through?

Do we need a CO2 index to tell us how much CO2 is in the air at different locations? Would this help us to understand how one place can be so warm while another is so cold at the same time of year? How come meteorologists don’t report the CO2 concentration in their forecasts? Isn’t it an important number?

The residents of Fairbanks can be excused for wondering why their CO2 is not working while that in Oklahoma is turning winter into summer. Perhaps Oklahoma can ship some of their heat trapping CO2 to Fairbanks. That seems fair.

The idiotic discussion above demonstrates that CO2 has no effect on the weather and therefore it has no effect on the climate. CO2 is a trace gas essential to life on Earth. We shouldn’t forget it. Meteorologists will have separate explanations for the conditions in Alaska and Oklahoma.

Hot here; cold there. Heat distribution not so rare. Have a look around, Ben. Oklahoma is not the center of the universe.

CO2 has been exhaled during the creation of this post. No living thing was harmed. Some even liked it.

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