It is no longer global warming because it isn't.

It is climate change because it does.

Men are never so likely to settle a question rightly as when they discuss it freely.

— Thomas B. Macaulay (1800-1859), Essay on Southey's Colloquies

All of us could take a lesson from the weather. It pays no attention to criticism.

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Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Mann is taking Nominations

Michael Mann of Hockey Stick infamy is accepting nominations for the climate change denial #farceoftheyear award.

Fun game Michael. So here are my 5 nominations for the CAGW denial of the year award:

  1. nominating Mother Nature for denial of CAGW who, in the warmest year evah, decided to send all that overheated Arctic air across Siberia and Eastern Europe killing hundreds due to the cold. And winter has barely begun. Guess she didn’t get the winter is warming memo.
  2. nominating the Maldives for CAGW denial by building hotels, resorts and airports which are soon to be submerged beneath the waves due to the rising seas. Stupid capitalists investing millions into infrastructure that will flood in decades.
  3. nominating the GCMs used by the IPCC for denial of CAGW by overestimating the warming which means they invoke the wrong cause. After all the fruits and veggies that carbon dioxide has helped to grow we owe CO2 an apology.
  4. nominating Antarctica for CAGW denial by witnessing more sea ice than normal around her for 12 straight months and for setting a record low of -100.8F at the South Pole in honor of the hottest year evah. Kinda takes the GLOBAL outta GLOBAL warming don’t it??
  5. nominating the summer 2012 heatwave/drought in the US for CAGW denial by failing to break the world record high or even set a State record high temperature during the hottest year evah! And for not sharing the heat with Alaska which enjoyed a cooler than normal summer. Kinda takes the GLOBAL outta GLOBAL warming don’t it??

Hot here; cool there. Heat distribution not so rare.

Thanks for the game Michael, See you next year for an encore?

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