From the website of Barbara Streisand.
the wake of Hurricane Sandy, I can’t comprehend how there are still
climate change deniers out there. Yet there are. These last few days,
we’ve all seen pictures of New Jersey and New York LITERALLY under
water. And the extreme droughts in the Midwest, the floods in Vermont
and the fires in Colorado and Texas this year only validate what nearly
every leading scientist has confirmed: Climate change is REAL and causes
extreme weather conditions.”
it my imagination or have we had hurricanes in the past some of which
have been far more damaging and deadly than Hurricane Sandy? I don’t
mean to downplay the horror of being in the middle of any hurricane or
its aftermath and our sympathies go out to the victims. But both the
severity and frequency of hurricanes have been on a downtrend
even as our atmospheric CO2 has been on the rise. That is a disconnect
between fact and theory and certainly not what we are being told by the
MSM. BS obviously gets her info from the MSM and does not question it.
Now we all know the droughts of the 1930s and 1950s were far worse than
that of 2012. Perhaps we should go back to the levels of CO2 present in
1927 and the floods of Vermont could have been avoided. Oh, wait, they
had floods back then too. Fires have occurred in the past when CO2 levels were much lower than today. Gee, who would have thunk it. Smokey The Bear is quite pleased with our progress in reducing
forest fires as time has gone by. These facts would seem to call into
doubt what ‘every leading scientist has confirmed’. BS is listening to
the MSM and treating them as gods. Change is what the climate does - no
argument - but CAGW as a cause of extreme weather conditions is bunk.
BS must be from another planet - the same one our MSM hails from.
due to the lack of political courage by some politicians and relentless
lobbying and campaign contributions from the powerful oil and fossil
fuel industries, progress on this issue has been impossible.”
Barbara, it could be that people who actually live on this planet and
have some understanding of how the climate works realize that the
‘science’ used to trumpet the seriousness of the issue is BS - Bad
Science. The weather is a natural phenomenon. It is not man made. Was
there ever a year when the weather was ideal everywhere on the planet?
There are serious disconnects between what the CAGW advocates predict
and what Mother Nature is actually doing. And hers is the only voice
that counts. Perhaps Barbara is from another planet because her voice is definitely out of this world.
Meanwhile another Barbara
over in the Senate is forming a “climate change caucus,” and argues
that Hurricane Sandy “changed a lot of minds” on the topic. She must be
listening to Al Gore and his dirty weather. Others disagree that Sandy was caused by CO2 including most of the public where in a poll 51% said Sandy was not connected to AGW. Another Barbara from off planet.
Both could use some climate education.
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