Apocalypse and Gloom.
It is amazing how political and religious beliefs can lead us into dark alleys.
Alarmists are depressing.
reminds me of the old joke about the Jewish man who reads the Arab
newspapers all the time. “Why do you do that”, asks his friend.
“Because”, said the Jewish man, “in the Israeli press all you read about
are scud missile attacks and suicide bombings in the marketplace. In
the Arab papers you read about how Jews own all the banks and control
the world. The news is so much better.”
It is so much better to be a CAGW skeptic. The climate realists tell us how CO2 helps increase crop yields, severe weather isn’t getting worse, deaths due to extreme weather are way down, sea levels are not accelerating, there is no hot spot (pdf) and temperatures have leveled off. This is great news. It is hard to understand why alarmists are still so alarmed.
Perhaps they are alarmed at the realization that Mother Nature is not
behaving in a depressing fashion and they find that depressing because
they will have to admit that they were wrong and that untold resources
have been wasted pursuing policies
to solve a problem that doesn’t exist. Now that is depressing. Mother
Nature is doing what she has always done. We can sympathize and can
thank them for helping to advance the understanding of how our climate
really works. Bad theories show us where the dark alleys reside. Can
they take solace in that contribution?
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- Copyright Notice © JLS and LensFocus, 2008-present. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this blog’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to JLS and LensFocus with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.
Saturday, December 29, 2012
Wednesday, December 26, 2012
Mann is taking Nominations
Michael Mann of Hockey Stick infamy is accepting nominations for the climate change denial #farceoftheyear award.
Fun game Michael. So here are my 5 nominations for the CAGW denial of the year award:
Hot here; cool there. Heat distribution not so rare.
Thanks for the game Michael, See you next year for an encore?
Fun game Michael. So here are my 5 nominations for the CAGW denial of the year award:
- nominating Mother Nature for denial of CAGW who, in the warmest year evah, decided to send all that overheated Arctic air across Siberia and Eastern Europe killing hundreds due to the cold. And winter has barely begun. Guess she didn’t get the winter is warming memo.
- nominating the Maldives for CAGW denial by building hotels, resorts and airports which are soon to be submerged beneath the waves due to the rising seas. Stupid capitalists investing millions into infrastructure that will flood in decades.
- nominating the GCMs used by the IPCC for denial of CAGW by overestimating the warming which means they invoke the wrong cause. After all the fruits and veggies that carbon dioxide has helped to grow we owe CO2 an apology.
- nominating Antarctica for CAGW denial by witnessing more sea ice than normal around her for 12 straight months and for setting a record low of -100.8F at the South Pole in honor of the hottest year evah. Kinda takes the GLOBAL outta GLOBAL warming don’t it??
- nominating the summer 2012 heatwave/drought in the US for CAGW denial by failing to break the world record high or even set a State record high temperature during the hottest year evah! And for not sharing the heat with Alaska which enjoyed a cooler than normal summer. Kinda takes the GLOBAL outta GLOBAL warming don’t it??
Hot here; cool there. Heat distribution not so rare.
Thanks for the game Michael, See you next year for an encore?
Friday, December 21, 2012
How is your Doomsday Going?
Pogo politics from the Club of Rome:
"In searching for a new enemy to unite us, we came up with the idea that pollution, the threat of global warming, water shortages, famine and the like would fit the bill....All these dangers are caused by human intervention....and thus the “real enemy, then, is humanity itself....believe humanity requires a common motivation, namely a common adversary in order to realize world government. It does not matter if this common enemy is “a real one or….one invented for the purpose."
"The Earth has cancer and the cancer is Man."
And yet, things just keep getting better as this article from the Spectator points out. Here are some positive changes that we can all embrace.
Life span is up.
Incidence of HIV and malaria is down.
Peak oil postponed again.
Death tolls from natural disasters are down.
There were fewer war deaths in the last decade than at any time in 100 years.
There is less poverty.
Global inequality is less.
Check out the article. It is a time to rejoice and take pride in our human progress.
The Club of Rome is still out of touch with reality. Some things never change.
May this holiday season find you in good health and good spirits. Much happiness for a peaceful and prosperous New Year.
Thursday, December 20, 2012
Claiming Science as Their Own
catastrophic anthropogenic global warming(CAGW) alarmists and messianic
messengers of climate change claim science as their territory it is a
little like the inmates taking over the asylum. Hah!¹
Just as that picture turns the world topsy-turvy like a trip down the rabbit hole reality bears witness to the fact that CAGW advocates have most things back to front. Hah!
In darkness they dwell turning our world into a living hell. Hah!
And while alarmists try to claim science as their own they engage in anti-scientific behaviour such as declarations that the debate is over, there is a consensus and the science is settled. These announcements from the high priests of CAGW should be enough to automatically turn on the skeptical radar of any thinking person and send it into an earnest vibrational bout of wild blinking and bleeping. Not only do they want the field of science to themselves they do not want any opposition on the pitch. They want to be champion without having to play the game. That sounds more like the modus operandi of a religion not the chessboard where hypotheses are formed and tested with reality as the final arbiter of truth. While skeptics may have been late to the contest the game is now on.
Alarmists say human induced CO2 is driving temperatures to the far side of uncomfortable and if we do not curtail our emissions of CO2 soon we will see human fricassee. Hah!
But there are those who say it is not so. Since we are engaged in a family feud let us use a slightly modified version of the famous phrase from that TV game.
Science says: temperature drives CO2. Monthly CO2 changes do not affect temperature. Hah!
Alarmists say that severe weather is on the increase in both frequency and severity due to CO2 increases.
Science says: not so. Hurricanes, tornadoes, floods, drought and forest fires are all trending down even as CO2 continues to accumulate in the atmosphere. Hah!
How can CAGW driven by human induced CO2 be causing current examples of severe weather when there has been no warming for the last 16 years? Disconnect!
While alarmists try to demonize the burning of fossil fuels, CO2, a trace gas essential to life on Earth continues to provide us with untold bounty. CO2 is plant food and they love it.
Alarmists have gotten the world backwards and are so ensconced in their misanthropic delusion of global doom that they cannot see reality. Every instance of bad weather is blamed on CO2 and strengthens their global warming angst. They are projecting their own fears and guilt upon the world rather than dispassionately examining reality. Ideology floods their thinking and they are drowning in their own anxiety. CAGW is such a mixed up jumble of nonsense that it should be sent to Alice in Wonderland where the scientists treat common weather phenomena as unusual. CAGW will fit right in.
Trouble is they are trying to drown the rest of us as well. And they may succeed long before their scary sea level rise submerges the Maldives. When you put dirt in a bucket of water does the water level rise? Has anyone calculated the amount of ‘dirt’ that land erosion, silt deposition and underwater volcanic activity in the ocean might contribute to sea level rise?
Those of us who are anchored in reality are bombarded with political action that seeks to mitigate a non-existent problem by ‘getting us off fossil fuels ASAP’. Hence we have government programs to ban incandescent light bulbs, plastic bags, coal power plants as well as subsidize the manufacture of electric vehicles, wind turbines, solar panels and biofuels. All these actions are totally unnecessary and sets the government up for massive waste of taxpayer money when the subsidies are withdrawn, the companies fail and take the ‘green’ jobs with them.
Historians and scientists will look back upon this era as awash in erroneous apocalyptic beliefs driving a fearful political elite. Phd theses will be written by social psychologists seeking answers as to how seemingly intelligent people could be betrayed by their emotional reactions to bad weather. And they will stumble upon certain beliefs expressed in various writings and speeches that will turn on the light bulb of understanding.
Quote by Club of Rome: "In searching for a new enemy to unite us, we came up with the idea that pollution, the threat of global warming, water shortages, famine and the like would fit the bill....All these dangers are caused by human intervention....and thus the “real enemy, then, is humanity itself....believe humanity requires a common motivation, namely a common adversary in order to realize world government. It does not matter if this common enemy is “a real one or….one invented for the purpose."
Quote by Christine Stewart, former Canadian Environment Minister: “No matter if the science is all phony, there are collateral environmental benefits.... climate change [provides] the greatest chance to bring about justice and equality in the world.”
These two quotes sum up the chimera that is CAGW. Alarmaholics don’t care about scientific truth. They are all about the pogo political science.
The future will look back and bestow CAGW with a more accurate acronym - Conning A Gullible
World. CAGW will be lumped in with other scientific misadventures like the Flat Earth, Earth is the center of the solar system, the fake Moon Landing, phlogiston, et al.
H.L. Mencken was aware of the political problem many years ago when he remarked:
"The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed — and hence clamorous to be led to safety — by menacing it with an endless series of hobgoblins, all of them imaginary."
CO2 has been exhaled during the creation of this post. No living thing was harmed. Some even liked it.
¹Hah! - emphatic CO2 exhalation in defiance of imagined human induced global warming
Just as that picture turns the world topsy-turvy like a trip down the rabbit hole reality bears witness to the fact that CAGW advocates have most things back to front. Hah!
In darkness they dwell turning our world into a living hell. Hah!
And while alarmists try to claim science as their own they engage in anti-scientific behaviour such as declarations that the debate is over, there is a consensus and the science is settled. These announcements from the high priests of CAGW should be enough to automatically turn on the skeptical radar of any thinking person and send it into an earnest vibrational bout of wild blinking and bleeping. Not only do they want the field of science to themselves they do not want any opposition on the pitch. They want to be champion without having to play the game. That sounds more like the modus operandi of a religion not the chessboard where hypotheses are formed and tested with reality as the final arbiter of truth. While skeptics may have been late to the contest the game is now on.
Alarmists say human induced CO2 is driving temperatures to the far side of uncomfortable and if we do not curtail our emissions of CO2 soon we will see human fricassee. Hah!
But there are those who say it is not so. Since we are engaged in a family feud let us use a slightly modified version of the famous phrase from that TV game.
Science says: temperature drives CO2. Monthly CO2 changes do not affect temperature. Hah!
Alarmists say that severe weather is on the increase in both frequency and severity due to CO2 increases.
Science says: not so. Hurricanes, tornadoes, floods, drought and forest fires are all trending down even as CO2 continues to accumulate in the atmosphere. Hah!
How can CAGW driven by human induced CO2 be causing current examples of severe weather when there has been no warming for the last 16 years? Disconnect!
While alarmists try to demonize the burning of fossil fuels, CO2, a trace gas essential to life on Earth continues to provide us with untold bounty. CO2 is plant food and they love it.
Alarmists have gotten the world backwards and are so ensconced in their misanthropic delusion of global doom that they cannot see reality. Every instance of bad weather is blamed on CO2 and strengthens their global warming angst. They are projecting their own fears and guilt upon the world rather than dispassionately examining reality. Ideology floods their thinking and they are drowning in their own anxiety. CAGW is such a mixed up jumble of nonsense that it should be sent to Alice in Wonderland where the scientists treat common weather phenomena as unusual. CAGW will fit right in.
Trouble is they are trying to drown the rest of us as well. And they may succeed long before their scary sea level rise submerges the Maldives. When you put dirt in a bucket of water does the water level rise? Has anyone calculated the amount of ‘dirt’ that land erosion, silt deposition and underwater volcanic activity in the ocean might contribute to sea level rise?
Those of us who are anchored in reality are bombarded with political action that seeks to mitigate a non-existent problem by ‘getting us off fossil fuels ASAP’. Hence we have government programs to ban incandescent light bulbs, plastic bags, coal power plants as well as subsidize the manufacture of electric vehicles, wind turbines, solar panels and biofuels. All these actions are totally unnecessary and sets the government up for massive waste of taxpayer money when the subsidies are withdrawn, the companies fail and take the ‘green’ jobs with them.
Historians and scientists will look back upon this era as awash in erroneous apocalyptic beliefs driving a fearful political elite. Phd theses will be written by social psychologists seeking answers as to how seemingly intelligent people could be betrayed by their emotional reactions to bad weather. And they will stumble upon certain beliefs expressed in various writings and speeches that will turn on the light bulb of understanding.
Quote by Club of Rome: "In searching for a new enemy to unite us, we came up with the idea that pollution, the threat of global warming, water shortages, famine and the like would fit the bill....All these dangers are caused by human intervention....and thus the “real enemy, then, is humanity itself....believe humanity requires a common motivation, namely a common adversary in order to realize world government. It does not matter if this common enemy is “a real one or….one invented for the purpose."
Quote by Christine Stewart, former Canadian Environment Minister: “No matter if the science is all phony, there are collateral environmental benefits.... climate change [provides] the greatest chance to bring about justice and equality in the world.”
These two quotes sum up the chimera that is CAGW. Alarmaholics don’t care about scientific truth. They are all about the pogo political science.
The future will look back and bestow CAGW with a more accurate acronym - Conning A Gullible
World. CAGW will be lumped in with other scientific misadventures like the Flat Earth, Earth is the center of the solar system, the fake Moon Landing, phlogiston, et al.
H.L. Mencken was aware of the political problem many years ago when he remarked:
"The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed — and hence clamorous to be led to safety — by menacing it with an endless series of hobgoblins, all of them imaginary."
CO2 has been exhaled during the creation of this post. No living thing was harmed. Some even liked it.
¹Hah! - emphatic CO2 exhalation in defiance of imagined human induced global warming
Let it Snow 2012-2013
PUBLISHED ON Dec. 20, 2012
The stuff that children won’t know about keeps dropping all over the world along with the temperatures. Here is a recent example of this thinking. But the warmists do have trouble keeping their story straight. Gore now claims that heavy snowfalls are compatible with AGW. Below are 2012-2013 examples of our overheated atmosphere producing cold and snow and tomorrow is just the first day of winter. The earliest reports are on the bottom. Most are from: http://iceagenow.info/ and Tom Nelson and Stephen Goddard. With all this coldness in the world perhaps we should warm up. Pass the coal.
A History of Ski Industry Doom - in the US
63 inches of snow in 3 days Mt Baker - 4 to 5 more feet expected !!
Death toll from Ukraine cold spell rises to 61 - World News | TVNZ
Down to -50C: Russians freeze to death as strongest-in-decades winter hits
Winter warnings in 17 states
3 to 4 feet of snow for Wyoming
Cold weather gets a grip on Moscow
37 dead in Ukraine from cold spell
More than a meter of snow in Romania
Heavy snow blankets Iranian cities
Heavy snowfall in Tehran -
Border checkpoint closed on Russian-Georgian border due to heavy snowfall
2 to 3 feet of snow expected in Oregon
Hundreds of cars trapped - Snow piled up to their roofs.
Health Ministry: 18 people freeze to death in Ukraine
High winds, heavy snow slam Northwest
Afghanistan Winter Risks 2 Million, U.N. Says
Devastated Utah Ski Area Has Received Only Eleven Feet Of Snow This Autumn | Real Science
As Cold Snap Hits, Kyrgyz Capital Loses Electricity, Gas
Cold weather makes Cossack hats a British fashion hit | Fashion | The Guardian
More Climate Devastation In Arizona - Flagstaff also received a winter storm in late March of 2012
Mt Rainier – Almost 11 feet of snow in four days
India – Nearly 500 people stuck on Jammu-Srinagar highway due to snowfall
Heavy snowfall cuts power to hundreds of Ukraine villages
Bulgaria: 3 dead as bitter cold hits country
Elephants Fed Vodka to Keep From Freezing in Russian Winter | Geekosystem
Heavy snow strands many in Japan - Video
U.N. helping over 156,000 Syrian refugees as cold weather takes toll
Sofia among places with record-low temperatures as chill grips Bulgaria - The Sofia Globe
Beijing on blue alert for blizzard
Record snowfall in Kyiv – Heaviest in at least 130 years
Record snowfall hits southwest Norway
Up to two feet of snow for Mt Lemmon Arizona
Twitter / RyanMaue: Patch of -40°F air in Northern …Manitoba
Heavy snowfall strands villages in Balkans
Heavy snowfall – State of emergency declared in Kyiv, capital of Ukraine
Ninety-three village roads in Turkey closed due to heavy snowfall
Snowfall causes miles-long traffic jam in Germany
Heavy snowfall in Moldova – Many towns and villages isolated
Heavy snowfall, cold, kill 15 in Eastern Europe
Almost all of Romania under snow and blizzard warning
More snow and minus 20C for Bucharest
Heavy snow blocks Iraq-Iran pathRomania – PDL leader unable to vote because of blizzards
Almost all of Romania under snow and blizzard warning
Heavy snow keeps Balkans in deep freeze | wkyc.com
Quake-hit Iranians facing harsh winter - Features - Al Jazeera English
East European Cold Snap Cuts Power, Kills at Least 15
Twin Cities have third largest December single-day snowfall - TwinCities.com
Snowstorm clobbers Upper Midwest and Northern Plains
Georgia closes mountain passes due to heavy snowfall
Heavy Snowfall Paralyzes Eastern Turkey
Blizzards continue sweeping through North China
Snowstorm bearing down on Copenhagen
Heavy snowfall causes problems across Serbia
Killer winter storm in New Mexico
Blizzard Conditions, Snow And Bitter Cold Batter Europe – Claiming Lives
The Reference Frame: Snow covers Europe
Heavy snowfall and freezing temps kill 5 in the Balkans
Blizzard rolls across southern Sweden
Record snowfall in Missoula Stephens Pass Ski Area – 48 inches of snow in one day
Cold snap threaten crops in Italy
Crystal Mountain Washington – It is snowing heavily!
Heavy Snow Warning Issued for N. Gyeonggi Province
Winter hits large parts of north western Germany hard
Mt Baker Washington – 80 inches of snow in 4 days!
Violent blizzards in Stockholm
Britain Braced For First Major Snowfall
NOAA Nov 2012 – The East was Cold! « sunshine hours
Heavy Snowfall Warning Issued in Korea
Heavy snowfall, cold, sweep across Turkey
Huge snowstorm hits Alps
Sweden - December temps are down
The Netherlands - Train services cut because of the snow
Many still stranded after Stockholm blizzard
Hottest Year Ever : Below Zero Temperatures In New Mexico On Monday | Real Science
Another 6 feet of snow in Cascades since Wed night
Third Coldest November On Record In North Carolina | Real Science
November In Virginia Was The Eleventh Coldest On Record | Real Science
Snow disrupts airplane travel in Northern Europe
Flights delayed in London - more snow
UK gets blasted - pictures
Canberra: Coldest December morning on record it is supposed to be late spring in Australia
Snow hits South Korea earlier than usual, harsh winter predicted - Korea - Stripes
Good snowfall gives new life to glaciers – Times Of India - Himalayan water supplies replenished
Stockholm airport paralysed as snow storm strikes Sweden | Reuters
Twitter / RyanMaue: 7-day snowfall totals (not ...
Summer snow storm at Falls Creek Australia
Winter’s new cold record -31.3C | Finland
Hudson Bay ice extent growing quickly
Record snowfall in Manitoba
Ice Cold Weather Prevails in Norway throughout the Week - The Nordic Page - Panorama
Ukraine has 302 towns without power due to snowstorms
Snowfall at Turkish resort
Another blizzard for NE China
Russian Drivers Stuck in Traffic Jam for Two Days
A meter of snow in many parts of Sweden
Frozen Chicken Found In The Coal Mine | Real Science - there is a place in Alaska called Chicken.
Heavy snowfall severs Russia
Record-breaking snowfall in Moscow – Video
Blizzard in Estonia
Finland snowstorm causes blackouts
Once-in-century October snow across South Australia
Severe Snow Storm Hits Northern Japan - Video
Moscow blanketed by major early snowfall
Snowfall paralyzes life in China
Japan - Heavy snowfall leaves thousands without electricity
Heavy snowfall in Altay, China
Record Snowfall in Regina, Saskatchewan
Snowfall in Galiyat two weeks earlier than usual - Pakistan
Tens of thousands to freeze to death in Iran?
Global cooling predicted for the next 30 years
Continuous snowfall in Kashmir Valley, India
Heavy snow in Pakistan – Some roads blocked by 4-5 feet of snowfall
Smoky Mountains – Record snowfall in October
Worst snowstorms in 50 years damage 400 greenhouses - China
Eurasian Autumn Snow Extent Highest in Last Three Decades
Up to 1 meter of snow in Happo, Japan
Blast of winter for Canadian Prairie provinces
Worldwide snow cover WAY above average
NE China Snowstorms May Be Worst in 50 Years
Snowstorms sweep N. China – Video
Cold records shattered in Alberta
Snowbird – More than 3 feet of snow in 2 days
Helena MT shatters 109-year-old snowfall record
“We are probably entering a new ice age right now,” says Swedish professor
Russian Scientist — New Little Ice Age Near
Global cooling? David Archibald says temperatures are about to dive
44 inches (112 cm) of snow in Ulm Montana
Biggest EVER November snowstorm for Bridgeport, Newark, & JFK
Edmonton auto body shops ‘chaotic’ after massive snowfall
Record Snowfall making headlines around the country
Record snowfall slams U.S. Northeast
Earliest opening ever for a Canadian ski resort
Cold snap devastates New Zealand vineyards
Early snowfalls hit northern China – Three Japanese tourists dead after being stranded overnight on the Great Wall
Skiers and snowboarders rejoice as Gore Effect hits Australia!
The stuff that children won’t know about keeps dropping all over the world along with the temperatures. Here is a recent example of this thinking. But the warmists do have trouble keeping their story straight. Gore now claims that heavy snowfalls are compatible with AGW. Below are 2012-2013 examples of our overheated atmosphere producing cold and snow and tomorrow is just the first day of winter. The earliest reports are on the bottom. Most are from: http://iceagenow.info/ and Tom Nelson and Stephen Goddard. With all this coldness in the world perhaps we should warm up. Pass the coal.
A History of Ski Industry Doom - in the US
63 inches of snow in 3 days Mt Baker - 4 to 5 more feet expected !!
Death toll from Ukraine cold spell rises to 61 - World News | TVNZ
Down to -50C: Russians freeze to death as strongest-in-decades winter hits
Winter warnings in 17 states
3 to 4 feet of snow for Wyoming
Cold weather gets a grip on Moscow
37 dead in Ukraine from cold spell
More than a meter of snow in Romania
Heavy snow blankets Iranian cities
Heavy snowfall in Tehran -
Border checkpoint closed on Russian-Georgian border due to heavy snowfall
2 to 3 feet of snow expected in Oregon
Hundreds of cars trapped - Snow piled up to their roofs.
Health Ministry: 18 people freeze to death in Ukraine
High winds, heavy snow slam Northwest
Afghanistan Winter Risks 2 Million, U.N. Says
Devastated Utah Ski Area Has Received Only Eleven Feet Of Snow This Autumn | Real Science
As Cold Snap Hits, Kyrgyz Capital Loses Electricity, Gas
Cold weather makes Cossack hats a British fashion hit | Fashion | The Guardian
More Climate Devastation In Arizona - Flagstaff also received a winter storm in late March of 2012
Mt Rainier – Almost 11 feet of snow in four days
India – Nearly 500 people stuck on Jammu-Srinagar highway due to snowfall
Heavy snowfall cuts power to hundreds of Ukraine villages
Bulgaria: 3 dead as bitter cold hits country
Elephants Fed Vodka to Keep From Freezing in Russian Winter | Geekosystem
Heavy snow strands many in Japan - Video
U.N. helping over 156,000 Syrian refugees as cold weather takes toll
Sofia among places with record-low temperatures as chill grips Bulgaria - The Sofia Globe
Beijing on blue alert for blizzard
Record snowfall in Kyiv – Heaviest in at least 130 years
Record snowfall hits southwest Norway
Up to two feet of snow for Mt Lemmon Arizona
Twitter / RyanMaue: Patch of -40°F air in Northern …Manitoba
Heavy snowfall strands villages in Balkans
Heavy snowfall – State of emergency declared in Kyiv, capital of Ukraine
Ninety-three village roads in Turkey closed due to heavy snowfall
Snowfall causes miles-long traffic jam in Germany
Heavy snowfall in Moldova – Many towns and villages isolated
Heavy snowfall, cold, kill 15 in Eastern Europe
Almost all of Romania under snow and blizzard warning
More snow and minus 20C for Bucharest
Heavy snow blocks Iraq-Iran pathRomania – PDL leader unable to vote because of blizzards
Almost all of Romania under snow and blizzard warning
Heavy snow keeps Balkans in deep freeze | wkyc.com
Quake-hit Iranians facing harsh winter - Features - Al Jazeera English
East European Cold Snap Cuts Power, Kills at Least 15
Twin Cities have third largest December single-day snowfall - TwinCities.com
Snowstorm clobbers Upper Midwest and Northern Plains
Georgia closes mountain passes due to heavy snowfall
Heavy Snowfall Paralyzes Eastern Turkey
Blizzards continue sweeping through North China
Snowstorm bearing down on Copenhagen
Heavy snowfall causes problems across Serbia
Killer winter storm in New Mexico
Blizzard Conditions, Snow And Bitter Cold Batter Europe – Claiming Lives
The Reference Frame: Snow covers Europe
Heavy snowfall and freezing temps kill 5 in the Balkans
Blizzard rolls across southern Sweden
Record snowfall in Missoula Stephens Pass Ski Area – 48 inches of snow in one day
Cold snap threaten crops in Italy
Crystal Mountain Washington – It is snowing heavily!
Heavy Snow Warning Issued for N. Gyeonggi Province
Winter hits large parts of north western Germany hard
Mt Baker Washington – 80 inches of snow in 4 days!
Violent blizzards in Stockholm
Britain Braced For First Major Snowfall
NOAA Nov 2012 – The East was Cold! « sunshine hours
Heavy Snowfall Warning Issued in Korea
Heavy snowfall, cold, sweep across Turkey
Huge snowstorm hits Alps
Sweden - December temps are down
The Netherlands - Train services cut because of the snow
Many still stranded after Stockholm blizzard
Hottest Year Ever : Below Zero Temperatures In New Mexico On Monday | Real Science
Another 6 feet of snow in Cascades since Wed night
Third Coldest November On Record In North Carolina | Real Science
November In Virginia Was The Eleventh Coldest On Record | Real Science
Snow disrupts airplane travel in Northern Europe
Flights delayed in London - more snow
UK gets blasted - pictures
Canberra: Coldest December morning on record it is supposed to be late spring in Australia
Snow hits South Korea earlier than usual, harsh winter predicted - Korea - Stripes
Good snowfall gives new life to glaciers – Times Of India - Himalayan water supplies replenished
Stockholm airport paralysed as snow storm strikes Sweden | Reuters
Twitter / RyanMaue: 7-day snowfall totals (not ...
Summer snow storm at Falls Creek Australia
Winter’s new cold record -31.3C | Finland
Hudson Bay ice extent growing quickly
Record snowfall in Manitoba
Ice Cold Weather Prevails in Norway throughout the Week - The Nordic Page - Panorama
Ukraine has 302 towns without power due to snowstorms
Snowfall at Turkish resort
Another blizzard for NE China
Russian Drivers Stuck in Traffic Jam for Two Days
A meter of snow in many parts of Sweden
Frozen Chicken Found In The Coal Mine | Real Science - there is a place in Alaska called Chicken.
Heavy snowfall severs Russia
Record-breaking snowfall in Moscow – Video
Blizzard in Estonia
Finland snowstorm causes blackouts
Once-in-century October snow across South Australia
Severe Snow Storm Hits Northern Japan - Video
Moscow blanketed by major early snowfall
Snowfall paralyzes life in China
Japan - Heavy snowfall leaves thousands without electricity
Heavy snowfall in Altay, China
Record Snowfall in Regina, Saskatchewan
Snowfall in Galiyat two weeks earlier than usual - Pakistan
Tens of thousands to freeze to death in Iran?
Global cooling predicted for the next 30 years
Continuous snowfall in Kashmir Valley, India
Heavy snow in Pakistan – Some roads blocked by 4-5 feet of snowfall
Smoky Mountains – Record snowfall in October
Worst snowstorms in 50 years damage 400 greenhouses - China
Eurasian Autumn Snow Extent Highest in Last Three Decades
Up to 1 meter of snow in Happo, Japan
Blast of winter for Canadian Prairie provinces
Worldwide snow cover WAY above average
NE China Snowstorms May Be Worst in 50 Years
Snowstorms sweep N. China – Video
Cold records shattered in Alberta
Snowbird – More than 3 feet of snow in 2 days
Helena MT shatters 109-year-old snowfall record
“We are probably entering a new ice age right now,” says Swedish professor
Russian Scientist — New Little Ice Age Near
Global cooling? David Archibald says temperatures are about to dive
44 inches (112 cm) of snow in Ulm Montana
Biggest EVER November snowstorm for Bridgeport, Newark, & JFK
Edmonton auto body shops ‘chaotic’ after massive snowfall
Record Snowfall making headlines around the country
Record snowfall slams U.S. Northeast
Earliest opening ever for a Canadian ski resort
Cold snap devastates New Zealand vineyards
Early snowfalls hit northern China – Three Japanese tourists dead after being stranded overnight on the Great Wall
Skiers and snowboarders rejoice as Gore Effect hits Australia!
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