The skeptical web site is very quick to pillory the latest utterances in climate stupidity. They have great fun at it and for those of us who follow the chameleon issue of global warming/climate change/global climate disruption/weather weirding or whatever the elusive nom-du-jour might be it provides our comic relief from an issue that is so important for the future of our freedoms. It is important that we get it right and that science or the search for truth be the big winner to come out of the latest environmental scare/scam. Real-science are experts at identifying the purveyors of stupidity in the world of climate change.
Pointing out the contrary predictions of climate 'experts' is always fun. See this example of precipitation in Texas.
When climate 'expert' Joe Romm says the only hope for an end to the 2011 drought in Oklahoma and Texas is for a hurricane to hit, Real-Science waited until the rains returned as predicted by Republican Governor Rick Perry and lampooned Romm with this
Warmists have taken to claiming counter intuitively that global warming causes snow storms. So Real-Science noted this unusual recent snow fall in Arizona and called it 17" of global warming.
When the UN climate head, Christine Figueres, noted that the unseasonable weather that killed 6 that began on the eve of the latest Climate conference in Durban, South Africa on November 28, 2011 as CO2 continues to rise as not normal for that time of year in Durban, Real-Science was quick to locate a counter example that occurred in the same location 83 years before when CO2 was at 'safer' levels thus breaking the supposed connection between CO2 and weather. Another counter example was provided here. And another one here.
This is not the only example of a public figure linking current weather to a fantasy past because of their own ignorance of weather history. Here is another one.
When Accuweather proclaimed 2011 as one of the most active hurricane seasons on record Real-Science took note in the following manner and observed that quiet is the new active.They also pointed out that Florida hasn't been hit with a hurricane in almost 7 years which is a record.
They have recently taken to lampooning the 'this never used to happen here' crowd with news accounts of historical weather events culled from online newspaper archives and having people in the article, via bubble quotes, refer to the much worse weather that will occur in the future as a consolation for their losses.
When Katharine Hayhoe, a professor of atmospheric science at Texas Tech University in Lubbock, Texas, began making unsupportable statements re climate change Real-Science has been on her case here, here, here, here, here, here and here in a relentless attempt to educate the good professor about the weather in Lubbock. That was not an exhaustive list. KH is a mastermind purveyor of stupid. There are none so blind...
The 2011 drought in the US southwest has been a constant topic for the extreme-weather-is-proof-of-global-warming crowd who have declared it to be a permanent drought. Texas Governor Rick Perry who said the rains will return as they always do has been vindicated and Real-Science is having a field day reporting on all the rain the US Southwest has been getting. Remember the October 2011 playoff game that was canceled due to the wet weather. Skeptics love it when Mother Nature makes a mockery out of our self-proclaimed climate experts. Permanent drought, indeed! The rain takes the permanent out of drought. Disconnect.
The Arctic is important to warmists as " the world's barometer of environmental change". Which way is it going? Is Mother Nature confusing us? It is -20C in Alert, Nunavut and -50C at the Summit Camp in Greenland. The ice is safe this winter.
CO2 gets blamed for everything. Here is a good one from New Jersey.
Here is one on settled science in the great lakes. Whether the Great Lakes rise or fall there is a study to connect it to global warming. They can't be wrong but it really shows they don't know how the climate works. Check it out. It is great fun to watch the purveyors of stupid garrote themselves and have it recorded on this web-site for our daily giggle. There seems to be no end of stupid to choose from.
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- A complete list of things caused by global warming
- Australia Climate Science Coalition
- Buried in the Obits - coldest October day
- C3
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- Climate Realists
- Climatgate
- Fakegate
- Friends of Science
- Global Warming Skeptics
- Ice Age Now
- Icecap
- Its the Sun Not Your SUV
- Junk Science
- Science and Public Policy Institute
- Sea Ice Extent
- Simple Proof
- The Great Global Warming Swindle
- Watt's Up With That?
Blog Archive
- Is it the S U N and not the S U V?
- Polar Bears in Trouble - Expert
- Life 1993
- Look what CO2 can do - make hail
- I'm Dreaming of a White Christmas
- Tipping points - more settled science /sarc
- Low CO2 weather. Better?
- Predicted: Global Warming; Reality diasgrees.
- Great Lakes evaporating?
- The Last Word on Climate Change
- Well we can agree on this
- 1878 was a very bad year
- 2011 Good News Climate Studies
- A Response to Charlie Smith
- So what's going on in the Sahel
- Earth Climate Doomsday update
- Having fun with consensus
- Perhaps the word is getting out...
- Environmental alarmism
- There is ample contrary evidence
- The Horrible State of Climate Science
- Climate Reality Check
- Slight cooling trend in Antarctica
- The Purveyors of Stupid
- How about Summit Camp on Greenland
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