I pity the judge in the science trial of the century. He/she will have to unravel the mess that is climate science by wading through umpteen emails regrading Penn State Professor Michael Mann's hockey stick graph. The emails show that even his colleagues in collusion were aware of the less than stellar nature of his work. Read about it here. The defense will call McKitrick and McIntyre and that should about wrap it up.
The global warming scare certainly was Mann-made and Mr Mann will not be happy to read about this recent Chinese study
Michael Mann has now had two opportunities to step up and admit his part in fudging the data for his infamous hockey stick graph. Emails detailing his involvement and the opinions of his colleagues were released in 2009 and again recently in November 2011. The emails are definitive. Mr Mann has been 'outed' by these emails and the only step left to him is to admit what he has done so that we can all get back to being searchers for truth in climate science rather than manufacturers of our own preferred truth. His failure to do so will result in the release of further damning emails by the keyholder of the remaining 220,000 emails. It is now essential that this matter be aired out in court so that the truth is no longer denied. We await the results of the libel suit brought by Mr Mann against retired climate scientist, Canadian, Dr. Tim Ball.
Michael Mann's refusal to admit will sadly ensure him a place of infamy in the annals of scientific history.
To admit one's bad behavior is to invite compassion and forgiveness. To continue the farce in the face of overwhelming evidence, perhaps wishing it will all just go away, is shameful. It will end badly for Mr Mann. Even Penn State will be forced to abandon him. His champions will not emerge from UEA. They doubted his work all along. He will stand alone.
Climategate is a sad day for climate science. Meanwhile COP17 continues unabated in Durban, South Africa as if the exposed myth of CO2 induced global warming was still valid. People's careers and funding depend on ignoring that the emperor has no clothes. This is also shameful. So far, with the exception of Vaclav Klaus, there are no current leaders willing to step up and call a spade a spade although the Republican candidates running for the GOP nomination for president in the 2012 US elections are now united in their opposition to man-made global warming initiatives. We can only hope that the winner will follow through and join Mr Klaus in calling for a halt to the war on fossil fuels and CO2, a trace gas essential for life on earth.
As if to mock the purveyors of stupid a dose of global warming was brought by Mother Nature that dropped temperatures in Southern California to record lows. See here.
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