It is no longer global warming because it isn't.

It is climate change because it does.

Men are never so likely to settle a question rightly as when they discuss it freely.

— Thomas B. Macaulay (1800-1859), Essay on Southey's Colloquies

All of us could take a lesson from the weather. It pays no attention to criticism.

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Tuesday, December 6, 2011

How about Summit Camp on Greenland

David Suzuki is running a campaign to use the global warming scare to gather donations for his foundation to fight climate change. The campaign is called Where Will Santa Live and is predicated on the belief that CO2 added to the atmosphere by humans is causing the sea ice to melt in the Arctic and since Santa lives at the North Pole which is in the middle of the Arctic Ocean his abode and toy manufacturing facility are no longer a safe habitat.
This is a problem that Santa has had to address in the past. The North Pole has been ice free many times in the past. People have worried about Arctic melt before. But hysteria will keep the money coming, eh David?

So perhaps Santa should wisen up and make a permanent home in a more stable Northern environment such as the Summit Camp on Greenland where the temperature yesterday was a balmy -50C. Santa should be safe from human induced global warming in that location for many centuries to come.
Scientists understand the climate so well that the Arctic has been predicted to be ice free many times in the past. We are still waiting. Repeated failure has not impressed the current crop of climate scientists as predictions continue to be reported in the MSM. David, you might be interested in some history recorded below. Warming at the North Pole is not unprecedented and has happened at much lower levels of CO2 in the atmosphere. It is not just a modern phenomenon.
How does an ice age start David?  What accounts for the recurring ice age-interglacial cycles? Surely it was not coal fired generating plants or SUVs. Can we prevent the next ice age?

Norrth Pole ice free in 2000

Arctic To Be Ice Free By 2008

Arctic To Be Ice Free By 2010 or 2015

Arctic to be Ice Free by end of summer 2012

The next one was from NASA who also said:

NASA : Climate Models Can’t Forecast Arctic Ice

1853 : 40 Degree Water And An Open Sea At The Pole

 It is interesting to speculate how Santa provides light and power to his toy shop and home at the North Pole when the elves are busy at work. Solar might work in the land of the midnight sun but isn't much good during the winter when there is no sun. But then the ice melts during the summer and the expanse of ice needed for the solar panels might melt and sink them. Wind might work but how tall would the wind turbines have to be at the North Pole. Could they even be installed or would they even work in the cold? Hydro is out at the North Pole as is geothermal and nuclear so it seems we are left with some sort of electric power provided by fossil fuels. Perhaps gas or diesel to run the generators. Ships would have to bring the winter's supply of fuel before the ice refreezes in the Arctic winter or a situation like that at Nome, Alaska could ensue. So Santa will have to burn fossil fuel to make toys which will put CO2 into the atmosphere and this will only hasten the heating of the Arctic which will melt more ice and make it imperative that Santa keep moving his operation. The Greenland Summit Camp is looking more and more like the solution for Santa.

David Suzuki is enlisting one myth to support another. The myth of human induced global warming/climate change/climate disruption/weather 'wierding'/weather myth of the day/ is bolstered by the imagination of those who will wonder where Santa will live when all the ice at the North Pole is gone. Truth is, we don't have to worry about Santa or the Arctic sea ice. As can be seen from the above references the experts on the disappearance of the sea ice haven't been correct yet!

We can have fun with the Santa myth but when people mistakenly take the CAGW myth seriously they do stupid things to each other via legislation. Subsidies to green energy solutions direct resources away from cheaper sources of energy into more expensive and less reliable sources of energy. This poses an economic burden to those who can least afford it. Scientists have NOT been able to show a definitive causal connection between human addition of CO2 to the atmosphere and any negative climatic results. The belief that there is will lead to an unnecessary reordering of our economic life to the detriment of future generations and our own standard of living. In fact, many benefits have been attributed to the rise of CO2 in the atmosphere since per-industrial times. CO2 is green and isn't that good??

The Climategate emails have unmasked the corruption with the IPCC process and among IPCC lead authors and their supporters. These abuses are being documented at various sites around the internet.

Mr. Suzuki needs to return to working with scientific data rather than indulging in mythology.  

CO2 as driver of bad weather is dead. RIP.

Now, turn on the A/C in summer and drive those SUVs without guilt.








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