What do you do if you are a scientist that knows that the song you have been singing that backs the theory you have been harping has turned out to be wrong?
Do you tell the truth?
What are the risks?
Your reputation? Your funding? Your job?
The reputation of your profession?
All of the above?
What to do?
Pretend you didn't know? Plead ignorance?
Double down on your theory?
Alter the data to support your view?
Defend your data diddling?
Hide your data diddling?
What would a person of character do? Tell the truth?
Hire OJ’s lawyer?
Keep quiet?
Ride the wave as long as one can?
Double down.
Let someone else take the hit?
Collude with others in the same boat to....?
What would most people in such a quandary do?
The job comes first because the family comes first? We have to eat! Thanks, CO2.
Doesn’t conscience come first because it has to? It will try to force its way into your consciousness no matter how you try to suppress it.
Or you go nuts? In some way it will manifest.
Lies beget lies. Now you have to remember everything you said or be caught out.
Best to admit truth early when you first verify it. Then esteem goes up among colleagues. Some have done this. See James Lovelock..
You are still respected as a scientist and a fallible human being.
Or double down and become a clown.
Embarrassment follows but is minimized the sooner you get out of the gutter. We can all have a laugh and then continue on still with mutual respect.
You escape with your self respect (don’t underestimate that). It’s worth more than your job.
Consider this, you have still contributed to human knowledge by showing what was wrong.
Others will know not to follow your path. This is a useful contribution.
But continue the malfeasance and soon the fraud catches up to you without protection in high places. Now criminality becomes a part of the picture.
Consider the makeup of the lawmakers and the possible next inhabitant of the WH. Will he protect you?
Fallible scientist or criminal? Which shall it be?
Who will have the cajones to step away from the fraud? Are there any people of character at NOAA/NASA?
Tick tock.
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