As #COP21 approaches the news media have been rife with scare stories designed to bolster the idea that Dangerous Man Made Climate Change is ruining our world. The propaganda has been steady and somewhat ludicrous given that Mother Nature keeps sending messages that she is not out of control.
Here is a partial list of worrisome and scary postings along the road to Paris. Seemingly, climate change is responsible for all things bad in the minds of alarmists.
Apparently they use too much electricity and must be punished.
But less sex means fewer people. Isn’t that what alarmists want? Isn’t that a good thing in their perverted world?
It is essential to find a scapegoat and insinuate wrongdoing(Exxon) even if it later turns out to be hogwash. Establishing guilt in the public mind is an important propaganda tactic.
Bill is depressed and you would be to if you believed the nonsense he does.
Well, now people have an excuse for their poverty.
Meanwhile from the land of skeptical free inquiry we have reports that contradict the message of fear purveyed by the climate alarmists.
Ah, two stories of warmists trying to eliminate the opposition.They are a demonstration of the best warmist argument: shut up! ISIS and GW alarmists don’t like apostates.
Gee, one of their own has reported that Antarctica is gaining ice mass in a world that is supposed to be warming fastest in the polar regions in an unprecedented, accelerating manner. Oops is right!
Geology has some input to explain melting sea ice in the Arctic. It is NOT CO2’s fault? How rude!
NOAA has become an expert in diddling the temperature data to tell a warmer story. Will this help the credibility of Science and Scientists in the public mind? That was a rhetorical question.
The oft repeated and never demonstrated consensus takes another hit.
Fortunately, Patricia went poof like a firecracker that delivered Pfffft! instead of BANG!! Alarmists can’t catch a break.
And now another coverup from the alarmists. The WAIS is being warmed by geothermal heat from volcanoes acting like a car seat warmer.
And even an MSM filled with scary stories of climate change can’t scare the masses. They have seen through the propaganda ruse. The unprecedented, accelerating climate change remains invisible to the people just like the carbon dioxide that is supposed to be driving it.
It is hard for something that isn’t happening to be the cause of anything. Alarmists are not fond of this fact.
One can only hope that the ruminations in Paris will be
Reducing human emissions of CO2 is a wasteful activity akin to digging ditches only to fill them in again - busy work that accomplishes nothing.
The opportunity cost of the IPCC COP process consists of the disease and poverty that could have been eliminated with a more humane distribution of resources. But perhaps those who support the UNFCCC chimera don’t want that outcome.
"There exists ample authority under which population growth could be regulated...It has been concluded that compulsory population-control laws, even including laws requiring compulsory abortion, could be sustained under the existing Constitution if the population crisis became sufficiently severe to endanger the society." ~ John Holdren, Obama science czar
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