The case of the alarmist is so strong that unlike American Pharoah’s owners who said ’bring it on’ to the competition alarmists want to incarcerate those who disagree with them. One stands up and faces the competition unafraid. The alarmists seek refuge behind laws because they cannot muster an effective defence of their claims.
20 alim of the climate ulema decided to #ActonClimate Have called 4 a #RICO20 jihad vs climate apostates.
RICO was a law designed to take down organized crime syndicates, but scientists now want it to be used against scientists, activists and organizations that voice their disagreement with the so-called “consensus” on global warming.
Resorting to RICO by 20 climate scientists who cannot convince other scientists to accept their point of view is capitulation. It is an admission that they cannot penetrate the arguments of their adversaries and in order to ‘win’ they must invoke legal sanctions for an imaginary campaign to mislead the public. This is a classic case of psychological Projection by people who fool no one but themselves. It is the action of cowards who lack the character to admit when they are wrong. It is the action of fools who are fine with diddled data to bolster their case then accuse others of misleading the public. The arguments, data and observations presented by skeptics are a powerful indictment of the position of CO2 centric alarmists and they now realize it. Lacking moral fortitude they do not do the adult thing and admit their error but double down on the accusations to deflect attention away from the shortcomings of their own case. It is now all too obvious why alarmists will not sit on the same stage as skeptics and debate like grownups. If the alarmist case is so strong they should be anxious to demonstrate such in an open forum. Instead they use the trick of the magician and misdirect attention away from their weakness and go on the attack.
Skeptics clamor for a debate. Alarmists run and hide. They duck like a quack.
Alarmists claim they are right and want to ban the competition and not give skeptics a public forum.
Skeptics are unafraid to face the public with their message.
The public is so unconcerned about the whole debate that they put climate change at the bottom of their political priority list.
Only alarmists are alarmed and they don’t want the public to find out?
Too late.
The use of the RICO racketeering act is meant to associate those skeptical of the CO2 centric man made global warming chimera with gangsters, criminals. It is a poor attempt at guilt by association. It is the most contemptible act by a group of ‘scientists’ so frightened for their own position that they will not confront skeptics on the same stage. The group of 20 and their now tarnished schools of higher yearning demonstrate their cowardice with this slimy tactic. What’s next? Beheadings by the seashore? To the 20: you are behaving like Guardians of All Knowledge and that bears more than a passing resemblance to the Jihadists of ISIS!
The desired RICO case will never materialize because the warmists have too much to lose and they know that they are wrong. That is why they are diddling the data.
The alarmists demonize CO2, an invisible trace gas essential to life on Earth. It is plant food and if feeding the flora is a dangerous transformation of life on this planet my fruits and veggies are in its debt. We exhale CO2 and help to feed the flora. In return they slip us oxygen of which we are rather fond in a mutually beneficial and amicable symbiotic relationship. From this evil comes? Do you eat? #Actonclimate: Plant plants. Just as they demonize CO2 alarmists demonize all who oppose their superior scientific skills and wisdom. They accuse skeptics of being funded by Big Oil because they cannot stand the thought that it has been an unpaid blogosphere that has exposed their ruse. And while they complain about tainted money funding the skeptics they gleefully accept the largesse they have wrested from the clutches of government by raising the false alarm of trapped heat. Trapped heat: Phantom of the Atmosphere. But skeptics are not the only thorn in the side of the alarmist.
Mother Nature has not behaved according to the alarmist plan. While MN provides examples of her power all across the world each year, alarmists want us to believe that the last 60 years of human emissions of CO2 are somehow different. But the trends belie their misinformation and dash their hopes for world government. Alarmists thought they had a good idea to rally behind but Mother Nature has elevated her unmistakable finger in the faces of the mythical 97%. Without the polls to back them up alarmists claim a 97% consensus and they accuse skeptics of misleading the public? And, yes, I am aware of the 75 out of 77 chimera.
Alarmists seize each instance of extreme weather and blame it on the human emissions of CO2. Up until 2006 the US was the world’s largest emitter of CO2 and since then it has been number 2. You would think that with all those CO2 emissions that Mother Nature would be punishing the US with more frequent and severe heatwaves, tornado touchdowns, hurricane landings and precipitation soakings. The reality is that all of these unwelcome events occur less frequently in the US than in the lower CO2 past. Perhaps it is the US that contains the chosen people as they have been passed over by CO2 induced climate change. Or maybe the US exports all its emitted CO2 to other less fortunate countries? Can we be impertinent and thank CO2 for the extreme weather breather?
Alarmists mislead people with the implication that a CO2 reduction will improve the weather. When has bad weather ever cared about the CO2 content in the air? It is, of course, only the superior detection abilities of an alarmist that, in undated photos, can recognize the difference between a low CO2 and a high CO2 storm.
Resorting to RICO is an admission of failure. It is capitulation to the skeptics. It is recognition that reality has judged them wrong. It is the pretense of taking the moral high ground as a face saving technique to try and salvage the greatest scientific scam of the human era of CO2 emissions while attempting to punish their victors for exposing them. It exposes their character for all the world to see. It is a last ditch effort before failure and defeat is announced. Silliness has been their trademark and Bad Science their Leader. Perhaps we should RICO Mother Nature to find out who paid her off NOT to follow the man made climate change script!
The dedicated followers of Marx seized an issue and completely botched it.
"In searching for a new enemy to unite us, we came up with the idea that pollution, the threat of global warming, water shortages, famine and the like would fit the bill....All these dangers are caused by human intervention....and thus the “real enemy, then, is humanity itself....believe humanity requires a common motivation, namely a common adversary in order to realize world government. It does not matter if this common enemy is “a real one or….one invented for the purpose." ~ Club of Rome
POGO politics. RIP. Arrest the deniers is the slogan of criers and liars, of wooly bullies who are so blinded by their own agenda that they can’t see they are turning into tyrants. The skeptics have SMOKED them!! And they know it!!
When will they of the ‘pin it on others before they pin it on me’ school of scientific methodology have the human decency to admit it?
The attempt to silence a man is the greatest honor you can bestow on him. It means that you recognize his superiority to yourself. ~Joseph Sobran
Perhaps we need 2 #RICO20 Mother Nature 2 find out Y she diverges from the output of the esteemed climate models
Perhaps we need to #RICO20 Mother Nature for not agreeing with the climate models. Who is funding her?
Perhaps we need a #RICO20 investigation of Mother Nature to find out Y she is spitting in the face of the esteemed 97%
Mother Nature is causing the alim in the #climate ulema some indigestion with her failure to follow the climate models. #RICO20 her!
To paraphrase Luther: Skeptics are called ‘deniers’ by those whose purses will suffer from their truths’ #RICO20 them
20 alim of the climate ulema decided to #ActonClimate Have called 4 a #RICO20 jihad vs climate apostates.
20 alim of the climate ulema decided to #ActonClimate Have called 4 a #RICO20 jihad vs Mother Nature for diverging from their climate models
20 alim of the climate ulema decided to #ActonClimate Have called 4 a #RICO20 jihad vs Reality for invalidating their climate models
20 alim of the climate ulema decided to #ActonClimate Have called 4 a #RICO20 jihad so they can pursue their fraud
Perhaps we should #RICO20 NOAA/NASA for their data manipulation Isn’t that racketeering and with public money?
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