which will turn up nothing incriminating but is well timed just prior to the all important(to legacy obsessed Obama) COP21 in Paris.
'What these environmentalist loons managed to find out was one employee who was saying the same thing that has turned to a widespread ideology among the leftists in the early 21st century. There was not even a proper paper published anywhere. There was not even a paper. It was an opinion or a hobby of one scientist – a guy who has no publication record that would be related to climatology.'
Meanwhile will the NY Attorney General investigate what scientists(NSF) knew about the WAIS in the 1970s but kept under wraps?
[Climate Depot Note: With this startling revelation that the National Science Foundation knew that mankind was not responsible for 'collapse' of West Antarctic ice sheet, the question begs why they hid it all of these years since! Will Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse investigate the Antarctic ice cover up with the same zeal they are going after the alleged 'Exxon knew' controversy? What did warmist scientists know and when did they know it? Will there be 'smoking gun' hidden documents to reveal the cover-up!?]
The claimed “collapse" of the west Antarctic Ice Sheet was occurring during the cold 1970’s, and scientists knew that it had nothing to do with climate.
'It has nothing to do with climate, just the dynamics of unstable ice.' - Dr. Richard Cameron, then National Science Foundation ( NSF) program manager for glaciology
Well, isn’t that inconvenient?
23 Jan 1977, Page 13 - Independent Press-Telegram - Jan. 23, 1977
"We're seeing the west ice sheet on its way out," said Cameron. "It seems to be doing something completely different than the east ice sheet. It has nothing to do with climate, just the dynamics of unstable ice." [Note: Dr. Richard Cameron was National Science Foundation ( NSF) program manager for glaciology.]
And now we know that the WAIS is responding to the warmth of geological forces - active volcanoes - under the WAIS. You might thin too with a volcano under your ass.
Phys.org finds a nice way of saying the doomsters have completely misunderstood the reason why the West Antarctic Ice Sheet outlet has been thinning. New research finds hotter than previously thought geothermal activity underneath the glacier. This means the animated model showing massive WAIS recession by 2350 Cabot Institute director Prof. Rich Pancost was scaring the punters with down at SPRI last week is junk science:
Thwaites Glacier, the large, rapidly changing outlet of the West Antarctic Ice Sheet, is not only being eroded by the ocean, it’s being melted from below by geothermal heat, researchers at the Institute for Geophysics at The University of Texas at Austin (UTIG) report in the current edition of the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.
The findings significantly change the understanding of conditions beneath the West Antarctic Ice Sheet where accurate information has previously been unobtainable.
And another warmist fairy tale is buried in the snow.
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