It is no longer global warming because it isn't.

It is climate change because it does.

Men are never so likely to settle a question rightly as when they discuss it freely.

— Thomas B. Macaulay (1800-1859), Essay on Southey's Colloquies

All of us could take a lesson from the weather. It pays no attention to criticism.

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Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Closed Minds

Closed minds must remain behind. Open minds admit new evidence. Closed minds remain ignorant. Closed minds cannot advance. Closed minds are a tactic to deliberately remain isolated from reality. Opposing opinion is useful to bring the truth into sharper relief. Opposing opinion can be a teachable moment for the orthodoxy or for its shortcomings.

Closed minds have made a commitment and can admit no wrong. We must walk away from closed minds and leave them behind until they see the truth can no longer be denied.

At the end of any scientific study provision must be made for entertaining other possible explanations for the results obtained. Estimates of measurement errors must be included. This is scientific SOP.

What are the other possible explanations for the climate change the world has experienced since the end of the LIA around 1850?

When a speaker skeptical of man made global warming is invited to talk this sends alarmists into a frenzy and they object and lament that there weren’t alarmists on the dais to present counter arguments.

The NYT doesn’t like opposing opinion while others want to express the orthodoxy when their side isn’t provided a public voice. They always want their side heard at the same time that they want to exclude those opposed. They want a monopoly on what is heard. Isn’t monopoly a bad thing? Warmists want to have their cake and eat it too. Control freaks freak out when they can’t control.

Part of alarmist methodology is to prevent opposing voices from being heard and when they do manage to speak before an audience warmists demand equal time. Equal time for them but not for those opposed. Monopoly of opinion. Free speech be damned! Is that another name for my case is weak and I am afraid it can’t stand up to scrutiny?

Self delusion is much easier to accomplish in the cocoon of isolation. Unafraid and curious those interested in the truth invite both confirmation bias and cognitive dissonance to the table to hash out their differences.

"The growth of knowledge depends entirely on disagreement" -- Karl Popper

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