It is no longer global warming because it isn't.

It is climate change because it does.

Men are never so likely to settle a question rightly as when they discuss it freely.

— Thomas B. Macaulay (1800-1859), Essay on Southey's Colloquies

All of us could take a lesson from the weather. It pays no attention to criticism.

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Saturday, November 28, 2015

The World's Greatest Threat

You will be excused if you believe it is ISIS.

Ten Hours Since Obama Contained ISIS Is he delusional? Rhetorical question. ISIS has expanded to Europe, DUMMY!                                   

To say the least the ‘leaders’ of the free world have their priorities backwards. But what else is new?       

Terrorism is real and it is here now. ISIS wants the ‘malahim’. 'The U.S. and its allies will descend on Syria once they see that the air campaign has failed. That is a promise by God and his Messenger.'

A 7th century mindset with access to 21st century weapons - a lethal combination as we continue to experience while our idiot ruling class think a harmless, invisible, trace gas essential to life on earth is the enemy. We Practice Tolerance at our peril.

Were the ISIS terror attacks in Paris retaliation for the Jihadi John drone attack? Hit back fast and harder than ever? Well, they did that!   

And does anyone care what the people think?

This is why it is going ahead.

“But a recent study by scientists at NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center shows that far from shrinking, the Antarctic ice sheet is growing – a lot.”

Williams: 'What becomes of what you had hoped to be this big public campaign leading up the climate summit?'

Well, Brian, one would hope it restores some perspective to what is really important but with the Obozo in the WH I wouldn’t be holding my breath.


In the 1970s NASA was busy with the climate as well as space adventures.

At least they knew enough to take solar cycles into account when determining orbital height and orbital decay.

Hmmm... it appears a case could be made for either one. They got the ‘cooling trend’ wrong although the jury is still out on the 1971 prediction. And they wanted out of space exploration before the SkyLab miscalculation.

Now they are reduced to adjusting temperature data to bolster the mythical CO2 centric global warming story.

1970s NASA knew the sun mattered. NASA in the 21st century forgets what they knew and replaces the sun with politically chosen CO2. Their 21st century predictions aren’t panning out either hence the necessity to ‘adjust’ the data to follow the politically preferred script.

"In searching for a new enemy to unite us, we came up with the idea that pollution, the threat of global warming, water shortages, famine and the like would fit the bill....All these dangers are caused by human intervention....and thus the “real enemy, then, is humanity itself....believe humanity requires a common motivation, namely a common adversary in order to realize world government. It does not matter if this common enemy is “a real one or….one invented for the purpose." ~ Club of Rome

NASA now helps with the invention. Sad but true.

The Price of Telling the Truth

What do you do if you are a scientist that knows that the song you have been singing that backs the theory you have been harping has turned out to be wrong?  

Do you tell the truth?

What are the risks?

Your reputation? Your funding? Your job?

The reputation of your profession?

All of the above?

What to do?

Pretend you didn't know? Plead ignorance?

Double down on your theory?

Alter the data to support your view?

Defend your data diddling?

Hide your data diddling?

What would a person of character do? Tell the truth?

Hire OJ’s lawyer?

Keep quiet?

Ride the wave as long as one can?

Double down.

Let someone else take the hit?

Collude with others in the same boat to....?

What would most people in such a quandary do?

The job comes first because the family comes first? We have to eat! Thanks, CO2.

Doesn’t conscience come first because it has to? It will try to force its way into your consciousness no matter how you try to suppress it.

Or you go nuts? In some way it will manifest.

Lies beget lies. Now you have to remember everything you said or be caught out.

Best to admit truth early when you first verify it. Then esteem goes up among colleagues. Some have done this. See James Lovelock..

You are still respected as a scientist and a fallible human being.

Or double down and become a clown.

It is not easy to admit that you have been part of the biggest scientific fraud in history.

Embarrassment follows but is minimized the sooner you get out of the gutter. We can all have a laugh and then continue on still with mutual respect.

You escape with your self respect (don’t underestimate that). It’s worth more than your job.

Consider this, you have still contributed to human knowledge by showing what was wrong.

Others will know not to follow your path. This is a useful contribution.

But continue the malfeasance and soon the fraud catches up to you without protection in high places. Now criminality becomes a part of the picture.

Consider the makeup of the lawmakers and the possible next inhabitant of the WH. Will he protect you?

Fallible scientist or criminal? Which shall it be?

Who will have the cajones to step away from the fraud? Are there any people of character at NOAA/NASA?

Tick tock.

We Can Only Hope

Let’s be blunt. Forty years of global warming hysteria never has been about the globe getting warmer, or saving the planet. It’s always been about control and money. Their control. Your money. If you need to be told who “they” are, you haven’t been paying attention. They are a cabal of intertwined common interests that include government regulators who stand to gain power, financial opportunists who stand to profit and ideologues whose mission is to separate you from your money, and from control over your lives. They are socialists or progressives. They like to be called “environmentalists,” tarring the reputation of an otherwise well-intentioned group.

We can only hope! Leave alone my burger!

Learning from the Past

It appears that Obama has learned from the past failures of climate prognosticators of Arctic ice free summers. Those forecasters only went out 5 or 10 years and lived to be embarrassed by their failures  People can remember that far back.

Obama has gone out 25 years but I project that while his prediction will likewise prove false the press will conveniently forget. Aren't the doomsters always wrong?

Actually, Obama is just setting up his ‘success’ in saving the world from climaggeddon. He is anticipating an ‘historic agreement’ of self congratulations at the Paris COP21 2015 summit. When humans are still here 25 years from now he will remind everyone how he saved the planet. NOAA/NASA will unpack the temperature adjustments that they have made to date and the world will show the cooling that now exists but has been covered by the data diddling by the data diddlers at NOAA/NASA.

It is wonderful when you are the POTUS and can have the data manipulated to turn you into the Saviour you knew you were always meant to be.

And all it took was for me to double the debt that it took all the other presidents before me to accumulate. Am I great or what? I have saved the future for the children I care so much about and to whom I now proudly present the bill.

On the Road to Paris - COP21

As #COP21 approaches the news media have been rife with scare stories designed to bolster the idea that Dangerous Man Made Climate Change is ruining our world. The propaganda has been steady and somewhat ludicrous given that Mother Nature keeps sending messages that she is not out of control.

Here is a partial list of worrisome and scary postings along the road to Paris. Seemingly, climate change is responsible for all things bad in the minds of alarmists.

Apparently they use too much electricity and must be punished.

But less sex means fewer people. Isn’t that what alarmists want? Isn’t that a good thing in their perverted world?

It is essential to find a scapegoat and insinuate wrongdoing(Exxon) even if it later turns out to be hogwash. Establishing guilt in the public mind is an important propaganda tactic.

Bill is depressed and you would be to if you believed the nonsense he does.

Well, now people have an excuse for their poverty.

Meanwhile from the land of skeptical free inquiry we have reports that contradict the  message of fear purveyed by the climate alarmists.

Ah, two stories of warmists trying to eliminate the opposition.They are a demonstration of the best warmist argument: shut up! ISIS and GW alarmists don’t like apostates.

Gee, one of their own has reported that Antarctica is gaining ice mass in a world that is supposed to be warming fastest in the polar regions in an unprecedented, accelerating manner. Oops is right!

Geology has some input to explain melting sea ice in the Arctic. It is NOT CO2’s fault? How rude!

NOAA has become an expert in diddling the temperature data to tell a warmer story. Will this  help the credibility of Science and Scientists in the public mind? That was a rhetorical question.

The oft repeated and never demonstrated consensus takes another hit.

Fortunately, Patricia went poof like a firecracker that delivered Pfffft! instead of BANG!! Alarmists can’t catch a break.

And now another coverup from the alarmists. The WAIS is being warmed by geothermal heat from volcanoes acting like a car seat warmer.

And even an MSM filled with scary stories of climate change can’t scare the masses. They have seen through the propaganda ruse. The unprecedented, accelerating climate change remains invisible to the people just like the carbon dioxide that is supposed to be driving it.

It is hard for something that isn’t happening to be the cause of anything. Alarmists are not fond of this fact.

One can only hope that the ruminations in Paris will be

Reducing human emissions of CO2 is a wasteful activity akin to digging ditches only to fill them in again - busy work that accomplishes nothing.

The opportunity cost of the IPCC COP process consists of the disease and poverty that could have been eliminated with a more humane distribution of resources. But perhaps those who support the UNFCCC chimera don’t want that outcome.

"There exists ample authority under which population growth could be regulated...It has been concluded that compulsory population-control laws, even including laws requiring compulsory abortion, could be sustained under the existing Constitution if the population crisis became sufficiently severe to endanger the society." ~ John Holdren, Obama science czar


Competing Investigations - Exxon and WAIS?

which will turn up nothing incriminating but is well timed just prior to the all important(to legacy obsessed Obama) COP21 in Paris.

'What these environmentalist loons managed to find out was one employee who was saying the same thing that has turned to a widespread ideology among the leftists in the early 21st century. There was not even a proper paper published anywhere. There was not even a paper. It was an opinion or a hobby of one scientist – a guy who has no publication record that would be related to climatology.'

Meanwhile will the NY Attorney General investigate what scientists(NSF) knew about the WAIS in the 1970s but kept under wraps?

[Climate Depot Note: With this startling revelation that the National Science Foundation knew that mankind was not responsible for 'collapse' of West Antarctic ice sheet, the question begs why they hid it all of these years since!  Will Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse investigate the Antarctic ice cover up with the same zeal they are going after the alleged 'Exxon knew' controversy? What did warmist scientists know and when did they know it? Will there be 'smoking gun' hidden documents to reveal the cover-up!?]
The claimed “collapse" of the west Antarctic Ice Sheet was occurring during the cold 1970’s, and scientists knew that it had nothing to do with climate.
'It has nothing to do with climate, just the dynamics of unstable ice.' - Dr. Richard Cameron, then National Science Foundation ( NSF) program manager for glaciology

Well, isn’t that inconvenient?
23 Jan 1977, Page 13  - Independent Press-Telegram - Jan. 23, 1977
"We're seeing the west ice sheet on its way out," said Cameron. "It seems to be doing something completely different than the east ice sheet. It has nothing to do with climate, just the dynamics of unstable ice." [Note: Dr. Richard Cameron was National Science Foundation ( NSF) program manager for glaciology.]

And now we know that the WAIS is responding to the warmth of geological forces - active volcanoes - under the WAIS. You might thin too with a volcano under your ass. finds a nice way of saying the doomsters have completely misunderstood the reason why the West Antarctic Ice Sheet outlet has been thinning. New research finds hotter than previously thought geothermal activity underneath the glacier. This means the animated model showing massive WAIS recession by 2350 Cabot Institute director Prof. Rich Pancost was scaring the punters with down at SPRI last week is junk science:
Thwaites Glacier, the large, rapidly changing outlet of the West Antarctic Ice Sheet, is not only being eroded by the ocean, it’s being melted from below by geothermal heat, researchers at the Institute for Geophysics at The University of Texas at Austin (UTIG) report in the current edition of the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.
The findings significantly change the understanding of conditions beneath the West Antarctic Ice Sheet where accurate information has previously been unobtainable.

And another warmist fairy tale is buried in the snow.


Crackpots at the NYT

If the NYT is calling people who  question Dangerous Man Made Climate Change ‘crackpots’ one can only conclude that the writer of the Op-ED is looking in the mirror.

Perhaps their piece was meant as a self deprecatory poke at themselves.

Name calling is the specialty of the house at NYT where DMMCC is concerned. And we all know that the schoolyard bully tactic of name calling is  well, puerile. Takes one to know one.

Are too. Am not. Are too. Am not.

Very mature approach to counteract the recent study that found that Antarctica is gaining ice mass - a little fact that sinks the ship of DMMCC. Kinda does some damage to all those sea level fears too. But don’t expect to see facts like that broached in an OP-ED designed to smear and belittle. Tactics not data. That’s the ticket!

Can we anticipate that the NYT response to that study to be one of denial?

Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Alarmists in Denial

“Sceptics who still doubt anthropogenic climate change have now been stripped of one of their last-ditch arguments: It is true that there has been a warming hiatus and that the surface of the earth has warmed up much less rapidly since the turn of the millennium than all the relevant climate models had predicted. However, the gap between the calculated and measured warming is not due to systematic errors of the models, as the sceptics had suspected, but because there are always random fluctuations in the Earth’s climate.

Sounds more like Alarmists last ditch effort to save a failed theory. Good to see them admit that which cannot be denied: It is true that there has been a warming hiatus and that the surface of the earth has warmed up much less rapidly since the turn of the millennium than all the relevant climate models had predicted. Analysis here.

And that they can’t predict ‘random fluctuations in the Earth’s climate’. Now we are getting somewhere. The IPCC knew this back in 2001 before they went on their ‘sky is falling’ trip which is far more lucrative than admitting that you know you don’t know. .

” … In climate research and modelling, we should recognise that we are dealing
with a coupled non-linear chaotic system, and therefore that the
long-term prediction of future climate states is not possible.”
From the 3rd IPCC report, Section 14.2 “The Climate System”, page 774.

But when your theory predicts this much warming and Mother Nature delivers 8X less, then your theory is busted and climate models can’t be trusted.

The authors of the article in Phys Org from which the first quote in bold above was taken don’t see the import of their own admission. Amazing and very Juicy!

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