If the growth of CO2 in our atmosphere due to the burning of fossil fuels is a cause of both a warming world and one in which snow storms are more severe and occur more frequently then how would we recognize a cooling world?
Would we expect cooler temperatures and fewer snowstorms?
The reason that CO2 is blamed for more snow is that CO2 is supposed to trap heat energy that adds to the total energy of the system and causes more evaporation. CO2 is said to cause more severe weather of every kind due to the increased energy content and water vapor present in the atmosphere.
This might appear to make some sense until you try to explain ice ages mini or huge.
If CO2 is the controller than does less energy in the system mean less severe weather including snow storms? Then from whence comes all the snow and ice in an ice age?
We need ‘cold’, an absence of heat, to make snow and ice. If that is true in a cooling world it must also be true in a warming world. So the warming world has to explain the dissipation of heat necessary for the formation of more snow and ice. If the heat must dissipate then how can a runaway global warming occur?
If the heat dissipates then CO2 is NOT trapping it! Trapped heat becomes the phantom of the atmosphere.
Warmists cannot have it both ways. They cannot have more snow and more heat in a warming world. In a warming world snow and ice must be replaced by more rain. As the world warms heat is distributed from the tropics to the poles. This will result in less snow and ice in the polar regions. This makes sense.
No one puts their water filled ice cube tray in a warming oven and expects ice cubes to form.
Some indicators of a cooling world from: Were there Signs of Cooling? Yes, There Were
“Were there signs of the cooling before it took place?
The answer to that question will be: Yes, there were. Here are some of them:
- Steadily increasing Antarctic sea ice from 1979 to present
- Cooling temperatures at the South Pole for the past 50 years
- Increased winter snow cover in the Northern Hemisphere during the last decade
- A dramatic increase in wintry weather in the UK during the past decade
- Frozen water mains bursting in northern Michigan during the 2013-’14 winter
- Snow in Baghdad
- Snow in Cairo
- The U.S. electric grid very nearly failing during winter 2013-’14 during the polar vortex
- The Great Lakes being frozen more deeply and longer than ever recorded
- A pause in global warming of 17 years, going on 18 years, according to NASA satellite measurement
- And, finally, today’s earliest-ever snow in South Dakota
Do these constitute proof of global cooling as of September 11, 2014? Absolutely not”
As solar cycle 24(SC24) descends to its nadir over the next half dozen years and CO2 continues to rise unabated we may have our answer.
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