People who fret over the future have no vision. They forget that humans have minds and like to use them to solve problems. With 7 billion of us and growing that is a lot of mind power to focus on the challenges we face. Our mission, should we choose to accept it, is to make sure those minds have nutritious food which may not be possible if we use arable land to make biofuels. When someone can convince me that humans will cease to think I will begin to worry about the future.
Resources are limited. They will run out. That means our civilisation is unsustainable.
Those brilliant observations come from minds that are limited. Good thing there are scientists, engineers, inventors and entrepreneurs to pick up their slack. There are movers and moaners. Movers are doers. Moaners are a drag. Let the moaners go play Survivor without Jeff Probst to bring reward.
Resources are limited. They will run out. That means our civilisation is unsustainable.
So we should do what? Be afraid and feel guilty? Waste those precious resources by implementing impractical policies to reduce our carbon footprint while simultaneously lining the pockets of crony socialists? Grow crops to burn in our vehicles? Capture ‘free’ wind power when the wind blows hard enough but not too hard? Capture the sun’s rays via ubiquitous solar panels when Old Sol is not hiding behind the clouds during the day? Intermittent power is the moaner’s solution. Higher food prices is the moaner’s solution. Higher energy prices is the moaner’s solution. Hardship pollution is the moaner’s solution. Let the moaners go play Survivor without Jeff Probst to bring reward.
Resources are limited. They will run out. That means our civilisation is unsustainable.
Therefore we must stop using fossil fuels which produce CO2 when they are burned. Heat trapping CO2 will turn the Earth into an oven. Besides we are going to run out of them. We must switch to renewable power at some point in the future anyway. Stop human emissions of CO2 to save the planet from catastrophic man made climate change.
The planet hasn’t warmed for 18+ years. CO2 has been at much higher concentrations in the atmosphere for most of the last 600 million years. There was no runaway global warming then why would there be now? CO2 is not the thermostat controlling the temperature of the Earth. Man made climate change is but a ruse in use by the totalitarians among us who want to control those limited resources for their own benefit. Totalitarians know best. To get your buy in they have to tell you it is for your benefit. But watch who is asked to make the great sacrifices needed to achieve THEIR goal. When do the rulers live like their slaves? Is the Great Leader of N Korea deprived of what western civilisation has to offer?
The goal is control and the totalitarians among us do not care how they get there. They feign omniscience and do not seek alternative views. Devil’s advocates are not welcome and are marginalised if they dare speak out against the ‘plan’. Control freaks are most comfortable when they know folks are following directions laid out by themselves. Control freaks freak out if they think there is somebody somewhere doing something without their consent. They mistakenly assume fairness on their part because they will ‘consult’ with others and then do what they want anyway because they can. Freedom without permission is not allowed. Under a totalitarian regime you are not a self-owner. They own you. You cannot dig a hole where you live because you may irreparably damage the habitat of the ‘isn’t he cute’ worm. They will tell you what you can and cannot do. Your carbon footprint will be allocated to you based on criteria set out by the ‘scientists’ whose salaries are paid by the State. Can we believe that your status in the eyes of the State will determine your carbon footprint?
What could go wrong? The scientists will calculate the footprints. What could be fairer than that?
Who will control the controllers?
We should not let it get that far and reject the nonsense that is man made global warming due to the human emission of carbon dioxide. The plants love the stuff. CO2 is GREEN. And the planet is fine.
Perhaps the science is settled: The Science is Settled? ‘Carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is not the main driver of weather or climate’ We knew that.
Instead of the doom and despair of the eco-freaks let’s remember the words of Louis Armstrong: What a Wonderful World it can be. Since Now We Are Free let’s not lose it because humans work best in an environment of freedom. Who knows where the next great idea is going to come from? The control freaks don’t and it scares them. Do people really think that there will be NO ADVANCES in nuclear technology in the future that could reduce or replace our current reliance on fossil fuels? We moved away from whale oil and beasts of burden when fossil fuels came along. We will make a similar substitution long before we have squeezed the last drop of oil and gas from the dead vegetation of the past. Explorers and discoverers can’t wait.
It’s My Life I’m Alive It’s a Beautiful Day I’m Walking On Sunshine I Can See Clearly Now and I Feel Good. Rejoice in the freedom of the human mind which makes life sustainable.
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