It is no longer global warming because it isn't.

It is climate change because it does.

Men are never so likely to settle a question rightly as when they discuss it freely.

— Thomas B. Macaulay (1800-1859), Essay on Southey's Colloquies

All of us could take a lesson from the weather. It pays no attention to criticism.

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Friday, January 30, 2015

They Are Getting Closer

There is a new excuse for the lack of global warming over the last 18+ years.

'As meteorologists, we know that chance and chaos dominate the weather. You have to face the fact that chance plays a big role here.'

Well this is close to the recognition of the ‘chaos’ component that made its way into the IPCC Assessment Review in 2001.

” … In climate research and modelling, we should recognise that we are dealing
with a coupled non-linear chaotic system, and therefore that the
long-term prediction of future climate states is not possible.”
From the 3rd IPCC report, Section 14.2 “The Climate System”, page 774.

Are we getting closer to an admission of the truth? Is this part of the THIRD step in the grieving process for climate alarmists who must surely be seeing that their pet CO2 centric theory is not holding up very well. That third step would be BARGAINING which follows DENIAL and ANGER . Alarmists are now willing to admit factors other than CO2 can account for what we are observing.

We have no reliable way of knowing the future. We can only guess.

We have no futurebots we can send on ahead to scout it out and report back.

Our global climate models(GCMs) cannot perform that function because of the truth of the above IPCC quote. Besides, the GCMs have been invalidated by the performance of Mother Nature over the last couple of decades.

The record of correct predictions from our experts about the future is pathetic. Experts still haven’t learned the wisdom of Yogi Berra who humorously advised that it is difficult to make predictions especially about the future.

We are far better off directing our attention to current matters like poverty, local famine, disease, potable water etc. that we can actually do something about rather than wasting our time and precious resources pandering to someone’s foolish fears.

Basic Physics

Those who like to blame carbon dioxide(CO2) for the world warming trend of the late 20th century are fond of pointing out that it is basic physics that this happened because CO2 is a heat trapping GreenHouse Gas(GHG) and CO2 has been increasing in our atmosphere due to the human burning of fossil fuels.

Those who point out that the warming has stopped in the 21st century are often told to go learn some basic physics.

Presumably, the ‘basic physics’ is incorporated in the algorithms of the computer code used to run the Global Climate Models(GCMs) on those woefully expensive supercomputers that taxpayers have been funding for the last 25 years. Unfortunately for the global warming/climate change alarmists the output of these GCMs do not mirror reality. Mother Nature altered course and the geniuses behind the curtain of the supercomputers have been scrambling to explain where all the ‘missing heat’ went that their models suggested should have occurred.

“BAN KI-MOON: Science has spoken.” – ABC

He’s right: Science says THE MODELS ARE BROKEN

The GCMs continue to diverge from the path Mother Nature has chosen at an increasing rate. Someone needs to learn some ’basic physics’ and it is not Mother Nature. The Divergence has an alarmist theory busted. Can Global Climate Models be trusted?
CO2 is an invisible trace gas essential to life on Earth. CO2 is clean and green. We need more of it not less. The globe is greening. CO2 has been exhaled during the creation of this post. No living thing was harmed. Some even liked it. Let the plants dance.

The IPCC models have been invalidated and we owe CO2 an apology.

Equating CO2 Growth to Warming

'Looking back over time, the United States is far and away the number one emitter. This analysis from the World Resources Institute shows that from 1850 to the year 2011, the United States, a single country, produced 27 percent of the total carbon dioxide emissions of the world. No other single country was close — indeed, the U.S. even outdistanced all the nations of the European Union combined.'

While Chris is hand wringing over the historical CO2 emissions of his homeland a majority of his fellow countrymen remain unperturbed. For 25 years they have been hearing about the coming apocalypse of dangerous man made climate change without so much as a blip on their radar. Predictions of pre-eminent scientists, celebrities and politicians have fallen by the wayside of time. Just more people who do not know what they are talking about.

Chris has left out the effect on temperature that CO2 is supposed to have so let us draw his attention to that metric as well. Over the last 25 years, according to the GHCN anomalies  temperature dataset as CO2 has gone up by 45 parts per million (ppm) the temperature rose by .42C. A comparable 25 year period of warming took place between 1920 and 1944 when  the temperature scorched our ancestors with a .48C rise and CO2 rose by a measly 8 ppm.

In other words, a 5.6 times increase in CO2 in the air over the last 25 years is associated with a lower temperature increase than the earlier 25 year period of warming. Is this what is meant by the heat trapping super powers of CO2?

Chris, you might want to check your premises about CO2 as a causal mechanism for temperature. Does it really look to you like CO2 causes temperatures to rise? Might we need a new star for our climate drama? Write about that, Chris and you might begin to understand why the majority of your countrymen don’t think global warming is a threat. There is a reason why Antarctica is sparsely populated.

The WAIS is safe from CO2 melting but it may not be so secure given the active geophysical processes recently discovered beneath it which is fueling its warmth. Mother Nature and not humanity is responsible for the occasional collapse of the WAIS ice wall into the ocean. POGO science takes another hit as scientists at MIT determine from NASA satellite data that Antarctica is cooling.

Just because there is more CO2 in the air does not mean that the temperature is getting warmer. Geological history disputes that association.

CO2 is an invisible harmless trace gas essential to life on Earth. It is not pollution. CO2 has been exhaled during the creation of this post. No living thing was harmed. Some even liked it.

Misrepresenting Denialism

While the MSM is trying to DENY that Mother Nature does not support their pet global warming meme ....

The real DENIERS are those who are too busy throwing around the term to notice that Mother Nature does not support their cherished theory. They prefer to remain in DENIAL of reality.

And then they get ANGRY about it and call for the heads of skeptics.

Soon we will have BARGAINING, the next step in the grieving process when you lose your cherished theory.

Could that have arrived with the willingness of alarmists to admit temperatures have failed to rise in tandem with CO2 emissions over the last 18 years? And to back off their ridiculous claim that 2014 was the warmest year since 1880? Perhaps the continual attempt to change the focus of the argument from global warming to climate change to anthropogenic climate disruption to expressing their feelings is a type of bargaining and an ass backwards way of admitting their arguments lack credence. Changing focus is an admission that the cherished theory is in trouble.

Next we will have DEPRESSION followed finally, we hope, by ACCEPTANCE.

If there is no agreement reached in Paris in 2015 will that produce the expected DEPRESSION?

Or is their need to express their feelings a sign that DEPRESSION is just around the corner? Is the need to commiserate a sign of depression?

Some say there are seven stages of grief with an upturn and ‘working through’ that follow DEPRESSION and precede ACCEPTANCE.

Fortunately there are support groups to help with the upturn and working through. Recovering alarmists can find a list of them at any popular skeptical web site. Got Sunshine on a Cloudy Day


"IPCC AR5 Section7.4.6 says, "Many studies have reported observations that link solar activity to particular aspects of the climate system."

Would anyone be surprised to learn that sunshine is correlated with temperature?

In the era of ‘CO2 is causing the globe to warm dangerously’ our sun often takes a back seat or is discounted as  a major factor in climate change altogether. The sun has no political mileage. We don’t control it. If you are searching for an issue to unite people AND that can be blamed on us CO2 is a much better candidate.

"In searching for a new enemy to unite us, we came up with the idea that pollution, the threat of global warming, water shortages, famine and the like would fit the bill....All these dangers are caused by human intervention....and thus the “real enemy, then, is humanity itself....believe humanity requires a common motivation, namely a common adversary in order to realize world government. It does not matter if this common enemy is “a real one or….one invented for the purpose." ~Club of Rome

And so CO2 has been groomed in the minds of people for the starring role in the Great Climate Drama of the 21st century. Global governance is desired by the ruling elite in order to gain control over the world’s resources so that they can be managed in a sustainable manner. The goal is control and they do not care if the issue used to gain that control is based in reality or not. The truth will be sacrificed , if necessary, to achieve the goal. Any guesses as to who will NOT suffer under this arrangement?  

But, alas, with science like the above the sun will reassert its prominence in the Climate Drama for which it demonstrates a flare and usurp the lead role from the incorrectly blamed invisible non-toxic life giving trace gas, CO2.

Evidence Points To Declining Cloud Coverage As Real Culprit For 80's and 90's Global Warming - less cloud cover means more sunshine. Can we all share a collective Homer Simpson Doh! over that one.

Gee, who’da thunk it? Temperature at the Earth’s surface modulated by cloud cover. Think catching some rays on a beach when a big cloud passes in front of the sun. Do you feel warmer or cooler?. Oh, what a relief it is.
Birds in Shade.jpeg

Tut, tut. That’s not putting all the data on the table is it? You can’t only admit the data that supports your theory and exclude that which doesn’t. That’s not science. That’s politics. No wonder their models can’t predict squat.  

Is it the Sun Stupid?  - Now, there’s a thought!

Do we owe CO2 an apology?

CO2 was exhaled during the creation of this post. No living thing was harmed. Some even liked it.

The Green Solution is a ProblemFrom the solution is the problem department comes this news from the Libtocracy of Ontario where incandescent bulbs are anathema to the green agenda. One hundred watt bulbs are a thing of the past in this CO2 obsessed Agenda 21 jurisdiction so compact bulbs were introduced as the green panacea. Oh, oh Ontario may ban compact fluorescent bulbs from landfills ... Ontarians have discovered that compact bulbs contain mercury and don’t want that in their landfills. Environment Minister Glen Murray says the bulbs end up in landfills and harm the environment because they contain mercury which can seep into the soil. It appears that green solutions have tradeoffs that now must be dealt with. Compact bulbs are not only more expensive than the old reliable incandescent bulb but more dangerous too. Without the irrational fear of carbon dioxide as a heat trapper the problem wouldn’t exist. It seems that people who want to lead others are not happy unless they make more problems that they must be called upon to solve.

From the solution is the problem department comes this news from the Libtocracy of Ontario where incandescent bulbs are anathema to the green agenda. One hundred watt bulbs are a thing of the past in this CO2 obsessed Agenda 21 jurisdiction so compact bulbs were introduced as the green panacea.
Ontarians have discovered that compact bulbs contain mercury and don’t want that in their landfills.
Environment Minister Glen Murray says the bulbs end up in landfills and harm the environment because they contain mercury which can seep into the soil.
It appears that green solutions have tradeoffs that now must be dealt with. Compact bulbs are not only more expensive than the old reliable incandescent bulb but more dangerous too.
Without the irrational fear of carbon dioxide as a heat trapper the problem wouldn’t exist. It seems that people who want to lead others are not happy unless they make more problems that they must be called upon to solve.


Divergence is becoming a huge problem for climate science just as Divergents are a problem for the authorities in the movie franchise Divergent.

First we have the divergence between global climate model scenarios of how temperature should play out as CO2 continues to increase unabated in the atmosphere with the actual temperatures presented by Mother Nature.

We have the divergence between rising CO2 and falling frequency of extreme weather.

And now we have the divergence of land and sea based temperature datasets with the satellite based temperatures.

The divergence of the fantasyland of man made global warming/climate change from reality is increasing.

And so diverges public opinion from that of the manipulators in politics.  

News from our Rapidly Warming WInters

Freezing UK in travel hell as airport closes, flights delayed and motorists abandon cars

Outskirts of #Quetta, Pakistan today. It's the first snowfall of the winter & there's more heavy #snow to come. Jo

Uh oh: Anchorage forecast shows "days w/o below 0F" streak to end 100s of days short of record …

Romney Eliminates Self from POTUS Race

“I’m one of those Republicans who thinks we are getting warmer and that we contribute to that,” said Romney, adding that Washington has done “almost nothing” to address it.

Well that is the opinion of a failed politician who will fail if he makes a second bid for the top job. Top scientists beg to differ.

The common folk aren’t buying into the apocalyptic nature of climate change. Climate changes continuously. Shrug. Yawn. Go back to work.

Perhaps Romney is in the wrong party.

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