What time is it kids? It's Howdy Doody time!
Gorebull warming is back for
another snoreathon on Nov. 14-15.
"Al Gore hopes to show links between climate change and the effects of
extreme weather worldwide with an online and social media-fueled event
built around the idea of “dirty weather.”"
Good luck with that!
As a recent study shows CAGW is not happening. That which is not happening cannot cause anything let alone extreme weather.
Let us help out the Goreacle with some recent research on the subject of extreme weather that this author is certain you will not experience should you tune in to his hyperbolic hysteria.
Gore: “We face a global crisis of unprecedented proportions." Gee, all we need is the prediction of planetary doom and he will sound just like Harold Camping. Oh, look, here comes one now. It is not from Gore but his agreement is easy to imagine. The words of John Christy in his recent testimony before the US Congress sound more reasonable and rooted in reality than the alarmist rhetoric of self-interested snake oil salesmen like Al Gore.
Climate Depot:
According to Gore:
'Now we find ourselves living in what scientists call a
'new normal' of more extreme weather that's happening all over the world
with increasing frequency'.
Do the facts support
this view of reality or is this mindless fear-mongering?
Roger Pielke Jr:
Drought and Climate Change -
Anyone who shows up in public debate
(or the scientific literature) with an alternative view (e.g., droughts
have become worse in the US or there is more certainty at the global
level) had better come with some strong evidence.
Watts Up With That?:
Here is a collection of papers on extreme weather that does not support the MSM view championed by Al Gore.
To see the hype that is Al Gore we can remind ourselves of yet another tame hurricane season in the US and Caribbean in 2012. The US has not been hit by a major hurricane in 7 years the longest period of absence in the record. Florida has still not been hit by any hurricane during that same period. This does not sound like Gore's alarmist 'increasing frequency'. Will this be mentioned on the Goreathon?
Severe floods have eluded a rise in occurrence. Are people who sell hip waders disappointed?
Forest fires have also been on the decrease with 2012 to date (Sept) having the fewest on record.
Smokey the Bear is grateful. 
Extreme weather is not getting worse it is getting rarer. Perhaps that is due to the increasing amount of CO2 in our atmosphere. People love to demonize CO2. It seems that their venom is misguided. Do we owe CO2 an apology?
This is an interesting paper that shows how natural variability controls the North Atlantic climate. Progress in the understanding of our planet's climate change proceeds unabated by the political boondoggles favored by certain misinformed gentlemen.
It might be time to revisit Al's hypocritical hyping of climate hysteria when he downsizes his own lifestyle without relying on the purchase of carbon credits from his own firm to claim compliance.
Carbon credits were invented by the rich to allow them to relieve their guilt without affecting their lavish lifestyles. They continue to live the Life of Riley while the rest of us are expected to live like Dagwood Bumstead and like hard working Dagwood we have been scammed.

The studies cited above put the lie to the idea that weather is becoming more
extreme. It renders moot the belief that the debate is over, the science
is settled and that there is a consensus among scientists. The
conventional wisdom purveyed by the MSM is not wise and is in direct
contradiction to the information that reality is presenting to us. And
isn't reality the final arbiter of truth? The weather isn't getting weirder.
Some blogger comments are fun to read.
Can a misanthropic misinformed miscreant like Al Gore be charged with crimes against humanity?
CO2 has been exhaled during the creation of this post. No living thing was harmed. Some even liked it.
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