It is no longer global warming because it isn't.

It is climate change because it does.

Men are never so likely to settle a question rightly as when they discuss it freely.

— Thomas B. Macaulay (1800-1859), Essay on Southey's Colloquies

All of us could take a lesson from the weather. It pays no attention to criticism.

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Saturday, November 24, 2012


Wow! another one suffering from apocalyptic anxiety. Is there a support group for that? There seems to be a lot of it going around.  Perhaps we need a 12 step program for people who have overdosed on the CAGW delusions in their own mind.

Hello, my name is Michael and I am an alarmaholic. I am afraid of CO2, a trace gas essential to life on earth. Just knowing that I exist leaves me trembling in fear and sweating with guilt. My exhaled CO2 helps to feed my vegetables but at what cost? Gaia, have mercy on my soul.

Good grief, Michael. Methinks you are addicted to BS - Bad Science. Take a look at some skeptic websites. Guaranteed you will feel better.

Quote by emeritus professor Daniel Botkin: "The only way to get our society to truly change is to frighten people with the possibility of a catastrophe."

Must be a UN CoP coming up. Have all the alarmists have been asked to flood the media with the scariest climate stories they can dream up?

Quote by Paul Watson, a founder of Greenpeace: "It doesn't matter what is true, it only matters what people believe is true."

Gee, don't let the truth get in the way.

Quote by Timothy Wirth, U.S./UN functionary, former elected Democrat Senator: “We’ve got to ride the global-warming issue. Even if the theory of global warming is wrong, we will be doing the right thing in terms of economic policy and environmental policy.”

So there is another agenda? Who'd thunk it?

And the crux of the problem? There are those who think that there are too many of us consuming too much stuff. Three cheers for bird flu.

Quote by Susan Blakemore, a UK Guardian science journalist: "For the planet’s sake, I hope we have bird flu or some other thing that will reduce the population, because otherwise we’re doomed."

Given Ms Blakemore’s opinion, and she is not alone, perhaps there is something to fear.

H/T to for quotes

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