We aren’t quite sure what planet Bill
is from or what planet Bill thinks he is visiting. It seems he comes
from a planet where the weather is controlled by CO2. In Bill’s World
CO2 has magical properties which allow it to trap heat and raise the
temperature of the planet and overheat the atmosphere to cause extreme
weather phenomena like hurricanes, drought, heat waves and melting
Arctic ice. Apparently, on his planet the appearance of these phenomena
all in one year are the harbinger of worse to come if we don’t reduce
the atmospheric concentration of CO2 to below 350 ppm. Bill has been
sent to warn us to repent before it is too late. He certainly knows how
to raise the alarm and fan the hysteria. Some people scare easy and are
ready to play follow the leader. Some of us recognize that Bill is not
from this planet because our memories have not been wiped clear of the
knowledge of past instances of the events that frighten Bill and his
followers. Hysteria identifies itself when it collides with reality.
whole problem with the world is that fools and fanatics are always so
certain of themselves, but wiser people so full of doubts -- Bertrand Russell h/t Greenie Watch
Hurricanes are not pleasant but they have appeared before and
sometimes have been far more deadly than contemporary occurrences. They
have also been more frequent in the past. Modern ones may cause more
property damage because there are more of us living in at risk areas
than in times gone by.
The same is true of droughts and heat waves. The melting Arctic has been a concern of scientists back in the 1920s, 30s, 40s, 50s and into the 60s and 70s.
It seems we have always been threatened with a deluge from melting
glaciers and ice caps. Since the ‘experts’ on Arctic melting have been
wrong for so long it doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure out that
the experts still don’t know what they are talking about. Much about
climate change on Earth remains a mystery.
Bill comes from a world in which the inhabitants suffer from tunnel
vision and can only see observations which support their narrative. They
have a spiel and select events that can be spun to support it. In
McKibbenland there is a consensus that CO2 is Satan and the oil
companies are his servants.
Bertrand Russell knew about consensus: "The
fact that an opinion has been widely held is no evidence whatever that
it is not utterly absurd; indeed in view of the silliness of the
majority of mankind, a widespread belief is more likely to be foolish
than sensible.” h/t Greenie Watch
is a man on a mission. He has claimed the moral high road without any
doubt of both the righteousness and correctness of his beliefs. It is
difficult for him to understand why others wouldn’t agree with his
vision. Given the emotional investment that Bill has in trumpeting his
hatred of oil companies, their profits, CO2 and the impending
destruction of the Earth it will be impossible for him to entertain any
doubts about cause. It is with certainty and conviction that he speaks.
No possibility of error can be entertained and should CAGW turn out to
be a false alarm as many of us know it to be no admission of error will
be forthcoming. Like a flat earther Bill will continue to maintain that
he is right just as Paul Ehrlich continues to think his prognostications
of the past did in fact come true. But the UK still exists as it did in 1970. It did not disappear under ice in 2000.
Trends change especially if they are cyclical. Predictions of disaster
tend to fall by the wayside of human ignorance. New scares arise to
replace the old ones. Some humans, it appears, like to frighten
themselves. Perhaps this accounts for horror movies.
Bill’s Planet - shall we call it Deimos - as CO2 concentration in its
atmosphere rose so did the temperature. This had to be stopped or the
Demons would have been roasted. Fortunately for us, Earth’s atmosphere
does not work that way. Temperatures have been flat for the last 16
years even as our fossil fuel burning has continued unabated. NOAA even
looked at the relationship and found no correlation with monthly variations in temperature and CO2 emissions. Phew! Human fricassee we won’t have to be.
the Arctic region of Deimos CO2 caused it to warm faster than anywhere
else on the planet and the sea ice melted in the summer. The Demons were
worried that the polar ice cap would also melt and sea levels would
rise and flood their coastal cities. So they reduced their CO2 emissions
and saved the ice. Unlike Earth, Deimos also had the same problem at
its South Polar region. Bill has been sent to warn us of that danger.
When we understand where Bill has come from we can appreciate his
hysteria over the issue. But the Earth is not Deimos.
though the Arctic sea ice melted to a record low this summer(2012) the
region has apparently returned to its normal chilly self as evidenced by
the cold air that the heat trapping CO2 molecules sent our way by
pushing the jet stream down into West Virginia and Maryland. The below
normal temperatures for early November that arrived with extra-tropical
cyclone Sandy dropped snow in these areas and the ski season got an
early start. The Arctic summer warmth dissipated as it always does. No
heat accumulation. What was that about an overheated Arctic? This planet
seems to vent its excess heat.
was very concerned about the summer heat wave in the eastern US and the
drought in the US Midwest and the effect that it had on corn prices.
Since Bill is not from here perhaps he was unaware that our government
has mandated that we mix ethanol (made from corn) into our gasoline.
That’s right Bill. We grow food to burn in our vehicles. Whose bright
idea was that? Must have been a politician from the corn belt. If we had
diverted the corn into food perhaps the price of corn would not have
undergone such a steep rise. Not to worry, Bill.
And Bill did you know that with all the
record temperatures set in summer 2012 not one new State record was
established? Does this suggest that it has been warmer in the past? See
the 1930s.
the weather event that had Bill most upset was the appearance of extra-tropical cyclone Sandy and the destruction it brought to New
England at the New York and New Jersey coastlines. The storm surge was
exacerbated by the full moon at high tide. The coastlines had not been
prepared for such an occurrence. Should State governments be liable?
unwelcome as extreme weather events are to people and as destructive as
they are when they hit heavily populated areas most of us understand
that they are acts of Nature and that they will continue to occur in the
future as they have in the past.
If they occur at lower levels of CO2 and at higher levels of CO2 then
could the correct conclusion be that CO2 has nothing to do with their
appearance? Hurricane frequency and energy have been on the decrease as
have most other instances of nasty weather. Perhaps we owe CO2 an apology.
doesn’t see the good news in the trends because his tunnel vision
affliction only allows the passage of alarming news. This is a concern
to those of us who are worried about Bill. We don’t like to see him so
anxious. Perhaps his close friends can effect an intervention and take
him to an AA - Apocalyptic Anxiety - meeting.
my name is Bill and I am an Alarmaholic. I am afraid of an invisible
trace gas essential to life on Earth. My addiction to BS - Bad Science -
is raising my anxiety level to unmanageable proportions.
Is it healthy to be so worried about the weather all the time?
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- Sea Ice Extent
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