Figueres figures that humans can control the weather.
So let us look at some figures that challenge the figures that Figueres doesn’t present. First of all when(historical link) haven’t we had “severe climate and weather events all over the world”? Historical references, complements of our ancestors, record many instances of bad weather wreaking havoc on humans throughout the ages.
The weather never stops. This was recognized in a children’s poem:
Whether the weather be fine,
Or whether the weather be not,
Whether the weather be cold,
Or whether the weather be hot,
We'll weather the weather,
Whatever the weather,
Whether we like it or not.
Sometimes we get weather that we would rather not weather. It is part of life on our planet. We learn to adapt as best we can. (Galveston)
We can start off by reminding Ms Figueres of the figures for temperature recently reported in several locations concerning the lack of global warming for the last 16 years.
It also seems prudent to remind Ms Figueres that the world is fretting over a .8C rise over the last 150 years which to this observer doesn’t seem noticeable let alone be a cause for alarm. It also comes from an unequal distribution of weather stations heavily biased toward the Northern Hemisphere. Both polar regions as well as the Southern Hemisphere are not well represented. The US has over 900 stations in its HCN network. If we were to deploy and monitor over 900 thermometers in Antarctica, an area larger than the continental US, would we see that terrifying .8C disappear between the error bars of measurement? We can’t know if we don’t measure but it seems reasonable to conclude that the .8C would be a lot less since we know that the South Pole has been cooling for the last 30 years.
CO2 has is currently assigned a starring role in Global Climate Models relied upon by the UN for their predictions of a future catastrophe if we do not act to reduce human emissions of carbon dioxide. And yet trends over the last century or so tell a different story. Here are some figures for Ms Figueres to digest that suggest a more positive vision for increasing CO2 in the atmosphere.
Whaaaat? Have we slipped down the rabbit hole to see what Alice is doin’ in Wonderland?
CO2, that demon gas that is essential to life on Earth has benefits other than those connected with feeding us. It is actually associated with better weather.
How so?
Droughts are trendless over the last 60 years even as CO2 continues to inhabit our atmosphere in ever greater quantities. This is great news. Thank-you CO2.
From down the rabbit hole: rather than warming causing drought it is drought causing warming.
Warming leads to fewer floods. By implication and according to the IPCC this means that CO2 increases lead to fewer floods. Rejoice! Thank-you CO2.
As CO2 increases tornadoes get scared and stay away.
Hurricanes are less frequent now than in the past. CO2 knows how to tame them.
Even forest fires are afraid of increasing CO2 and have been staying away. Smokey the Bear is grateful to increasing CO2.
Rising CO2 causes falling sea level. Huh?
Increasing CO2 could be causing cooling. Say it ain’t so.
What a magical gas! It can warm; it can cool. We just have to learn how to wave the magic wand at the right time. Where is Harry Potter when you need him?
There is no end to CO2’s abilities. Now it is growing supersized sweet potatoes. Poor people will be happy.
Or CO2 has nothing to do with any but the latter. You decide.
Ms Figueres figures we need to do something about the weather as if we could. I figure Ms Figueres needs to brush up on her figures because she does not know what she is talking about.
If she does not then it is she who is the Reality Denier.
CO2 has been exhaled during the creation of this post. No living thing was harmed. Some even liked it.