Submission to
Environment and Climate Change Canada
Climate Policy Office
14th floor, Fontaine Building
200 Sacré-Coeur Boulevard
Gatineau QC K1A 0H3
To Those in Review:
Settled Science
Mother Nature disagrees and she has the ONLY opinion that counts.
Warming is regional only. Hot here. Cold there. Heat distribution not so rare.
If the science is settled how come these keep popping up?
Record cold morning in Sydney - how did that happen? Don’t they have heat trapping CO2 in Sydney? Oh, wait. It’s late fall in the SH. Time of year overrules CO2 influence.
Season Approaches: U.S. Hits Record 127 Months Since Major Hurricane Strike - how does the world record holder for lifetime emissions of CO2 get passed over? Are they the chosen people?
'The study determined that melting snow and ice in the arctic and tundra will not create a self-sustaining feedback loop that would make global warming much worse.'
Gee, why does this sound familiar? Could it be cyclical?
The man’s powers of observation are astounding. Can he see when it wasn’t happening? Or has it always been happening? The climate changes irrespective of the amount of CO2 in the air. If it is changing faster than ever with 400 ppm CO2 how much faster CO2 must have increased to end the last ice age.
Swedish Govt Telling Citizens To Eat Mealworms To End Climate Change - tastes like chicken. Do you want fries with that?
Study Finds ‘No significant global precipitation change from 1850 to present’ – Published in Journal of Hydrology - isn’t it supposed to be getting wetter and drier or something as CO2 continues to increase unabated?
Peer Review Veteran: ‘Peer Review Has Lots Of Problems …Tends To Stifle Non-Dogmatic Thinking’ - you mean scientists can’t be trusted?
Dutch Geologist Calls Climate Science A ‘Mass Hysteria’ – ‘Historians Will Shake Their Heads In Disbelief’ - guess he’s not part of the phony 97%
Retired Professor On Germany’s CO2 Reduction Effort: “Totally Idiotic What We Are Doing” - can’t fire him so he is free to speak his mind
Colorado lawmaker under fire encouraging colleagues to see ‘Climate Hustle’ - this guy may not be so lucky. Like Kim Jong-un and ISIS warmists do not like dissent in the ranks.
Study finds ice isn’t being lost from Greenland’s interior – Published in journal Science - Phew, it would be hard to find amongst all the other ice
The Official And Authoritative Obama Texas Drought - has changed to flooding - we so know what is going to happen in the future. Settled science and all.
As is almost always the case, measurements once again trump model projections, even when the models are of the highly-hyped CMIP5 variety...
Modern Debacle Of Wasted Trillions. Consensus: Efforts To Prevent Climate Change “Will Almost Surely Fail”! - let’s wreck the economy for no good reason
Maurice King, well known UK professor: “Global Sustainability requires the deliberate quest of poverty, reduced resource consumption and set levels of mortality control.”
Fighting global warming will impoverish everyone - did you vote for it??
Some Inconvenient truths about AGW - it doesn’t exist?
They mean climate change at the hands of CO2..
Perhaps this makes the social BENEFITS of CO2 PRICELESS. What do you think?
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