It is no longer global warming because it isn't.

It is climate change because it does.

Men are never so likely to settle a question rightly as when they discuss it freely.

— Thomas B. Macaulay (1800-1859), Essay on Southey's Colloquies

All of us could take a lesson from the weather. It pays no attention to criticism.

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Saturday, June 11, 2016

Putting a Price on Carbon

Submission to
Environment and Climate Change Canada
Climate Policy Office
14th floor, Fontaine Building
200 Sacré-Coeur Boulevard
Gatineau QC K1A 0H3

To Those in Review:

Sometimes ZERO is the right answer

We want a price of zero. Here’s why.

How much pain have they caused us, the evils that never happened. ~Thomas Jefferson

CO2 is NOT a pollutant. It is not a poison. It is our friend. Try breathing without it.

My rumour mill is atwitter with whispers that my fruits and veggies love CO2. And so do yours.

"In the last 80 years, as CO2 emissions have most rapidly escalated, the annual rate of climate-related deaths worldwide fell by an incredible 98%. This means the incidence of death from climate is 50 times lower than it was 80 years ago," writes Epstein.

It’s a beautiful day in the neighbourhood. The truth has come out as we knew it would.

We owe CO2 an apology.

CO2, an invisible gas essential to life on Earth, is plant food and if feeding the flora is a dangerous transformation of life on this planet my fruits and veggies are in its debt. We exhale CO2 and help to feed the flora. In return they slip us oxygen of which we are rather fond in a mutually beneficial and amicable symbiotic relationship. From this evil comes?

Future generations will look back at this time and wonder how so many people could be taken in by the ‘hate fossil fuel’ hysteria. It will be the focus of Phd studies on how people could fall for the delusion that CO2 is a toxic pollutant. We exhale it people. It is in your lungs in concentrations approaching 40,000 ppm. How are you feeling? It is in the ambient air at 400 ppm and has been as high as 8000 ppm within the last 570 million years. We are here. There was no tipping point no runaway global warming beyond which the planet became uninhabitable.

Plants grow better, stronger, faster because of the increasing concentration of CO2 in the atmosphere.

In concluding, the U.S. research team declares that "from this remarkable 30-year archive of satellite imagery, we thus see evidence of a greening trend," which clearly indicates that the net result of the climatic and physiological effects of atmospheric CO2 enrichment on Earth's terrestrial plant life has in the mean been decidedly beneficial.

Apart from that CO2 has no redeeming features

We need to stop all activities aimed at decreasing human emissions of CO2.

CO2 is clean and green. CO2 is a friend with BENEFITS. Must you eat? Then the social BENEFITS of CO2 are PRICELESS. We need more of it not less. The globe is greening. This is a sign that CO2 is benign. CO2 has been exhaled during the creation of this post. No living thing was harmed. Some even liked it. Let the plants dance.

The EPA’s ruling that CO2 ‘endangers health and welfare’ itself endangers health and welfare. CO2 is a trace gas essential to life on Earth. Demonizing CO2 and curtailing human emissions of CO2 will maintain poverty in underdeveloped nations as well as lower the living standards of people in developed countries. It is a ruling that will set us on a path that can do nothing but harm to the health, wealth and comfort of humans. The elite will rationalize their continued use of fossil fuels as essential to the survival of the nation. They will relieve their guilt about fossil fuel use by curtailing your use of it. Since you use less, less is used so the usage of the 1% will be miniscule in comparison to the savings from your impoverishment. You are sacrificed on the altar of elitist guilt. They must oversee your sacrifice for the good of the nation.

Icecap comment. This season beat out 2004 and 2009 for US crop yields with a global glut of produce. Ideal weather conditon(sic) combined with higher CO2 has improved productivity. CO2 is plant food. Even in drought ridden California, CO2 helped to limit losses by enhancing growth and reducing water needs. The losses would have been much greater with lower CO2 levels.

Tell the truth!    Tell the truth!

Ask a commercial greenhouse operator if they would like 800 to 1200 ppm CO2 in the ambient air. It would save them money.

They mean climate change at the hands of CO2..

Enjoy your CO2 today. It is keeping you alive!

Perhaps this makes the social BENEFITS of CO2 PRICELESS. What do you think?

For free minds and free markets,

More people now truly resent,
How warmists will always present,
Their misguided view,
That to fight CO2,
Protects the environment.

Added after posted:

They mean climate change at the hands of CO2..

Enjoy your CO2 today. It is keeping you alive!
Perhaps this makes the social BENEFITS of CO2 PRICELESS. What do you think?

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