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Environment and Climate Change Canada
Climate Policy Office
14th floor, Fontaine Building
200 Sacré-Coeur Boulevard
Gatineau QC K1A 0H3
To Those in Review:
Adapting to CC
We may wish for stability in good weather but variability is a feature of our atmosphere not a bug. Our atmosphere is not a static environment. It is an anarchic mix of molecules in various states of kinetic frenzy, a whirling, swirling, twirling, fluid, chaotic, ever changing soup of unpredictable turmoil From this tumult stability does not emerge for long. Once upon a time back in 2001 the IPCC was aware of that truth.
” … In climate research and modelling, we should recognise that we are dealing
with a coupled non-linear chaotic system, and therefore that the
long-term prediction of future climate states is not possible.”
From the 3rd IPCC report, Section 14.2 “The Climate System”, page 774.
Earth rotates, it tilts, it wobbles, it orbits, it is pushed and pulled by sun. moon and planets. From this, stability is but a pipe dream, an unexpected respite in a world of constant change. We live in atmospheric bedlam buffeted by our ingenuity and will to survive. Weather and climate change can be unpleasant but are not sufficient to wipe us all out.
The climate has always changed so it is no surprise that our generation faces what has always happened. Climate changes continuously. This is not news. When hasn’t it been prudent to prepare for and adapt to the worst weather that an area has ever experienced? Prepare for the worst and hope for the best.
We will weather the weather whatever the weather whether we like it or not.
Economic development allows us the luxury to weather the weather. Rapid fossil fuel exploitation and deployment underwrites the robust development that is our best protection against the vagaries of Mother Nature. Some protective actions that can be taken (list not meant to be exhaustive):
Dredge rivers in areas prone to floods.
Don’t build on flood plains. They got that name for a reason.
Develop water catchment facilities in areas prone to occasional drought. See NAtional Geographic on Ethiopia.
Maintain forest firebreaks and clean out the underbrush in boreal forests near population centers at risk
Reliable cheap electricity provided by fossil fuels will assist low income households to keep the heat on in winter and the air conditioning humming in summer. Fossil fuels are ideally suited to provide electricity because they create power that is dispatchable, reliable, cheap, portable and doesn’t require backup. They are the backup.
New pipelines are essential for the development of an effective strategy to combat the vicissitudes of a chaotic, unpredictable climate. In Canada, we do not want to be left defenseless against the polar vortex or fires in our boreal forest.
Robust economic development around the world is our best defense against extreme weather. It allows us to rush necessities to areas that experience ruinous weather over which we have no control. Widespread economic development allows the human population to adapt to climate change with stronger buildings and better breakwalls. Global economic development is humanity's best defense against extreme climate change. Fossil fuels underwrote the development of the West. Why deny this to the 1.3 billion of humanity still without electricity? Would that not be immoral?
Do we want this to happen in Canada? Should we not learn from the mistakes of others?
If CO2 is the cause of extreme weather than how do you explain a cyclone Killa in Manila while in Hawaii it is just another day in paradise. Same amount of CO2 in the air but different results on the same day. What turns CO2 from Dr Jekyll to Mr Hyde? And when we start asking that question we are no longer looking at CO2 as the primary driver of the climate. Something(s) else must have the prime responsibility for the occurrence of extreme weather conditions and changing local climate. Doesn’t that suggest to you that CO2 has nothing to do with it? The laws of physics are not different in Manila and Hawaii. What conditions were different? Shouldn’t we look for an answer to that question to uncover the secret behind extreme weather occurrences?
They mean climate change at the hands of CO2..
Perhaps this makes the social BENEFITS of CO2 PRICELESS. What do you think?
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