Sometime within the lifetime of someone already living Mr Westbrook expects a catastrophic failure of the world. My record of disagreeing with doomsters remains unblemished and in the whole human history of the world the doomsters have yet to score. The curators at the Hall of Fame of Failed Forecasts have dusted off the shelf space for Mr Westbrook’s commemorative plaque. Unfortunately, since he has placed his prediction so far in the future he will not be around for his induction ceremony.
The reason Mr Westbrook does not put an exact date on his prediction is because he has NO IDEA when this catastrophe will occur. He has no idea because he does not know how the climate works anymore than anyone else. He has no idea because his climate models cannot get anything right and he knows it.
If the seas were 80 feet higher in the past when CO2 was at 400 ppm is that not proof that CO2 has nothing to do with sea level rise because we are at the same level of CO2 now but the seas remain stubbornly 80 feet lower? Via this mismatch isn’t Mother Nature dropping us a hint that something other than CO2 was responsible for the 80 foot higher sea level in the past?
CO2 has been higher than the current 400 ppm for most of the last 600 million years. Hello! There was no runaway global warming that made the planet uninhabitable. We are here! So the apocalyptic worry over 400 ppm is ludicrous. What we do know is that plants love the increase in atmospheric CO2 as they are responding with record crop harvests and increased forest growth.
Mr Westbrook does both himself and science a disservice by uttering such unsupportable doomsday scenarios. Failed scientific predictions teach us that Phds are no longer being handed out with a direct line to the truth or a guarantee of infallibility.
Give the man a bag of nuts.
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