Ms Boxer speaks of common occurrences like they have never happened in the past. She seems genuinely convinced that the current drought which has a long geological history in California is somehow caused by humans in the present day. It leaves one wondering what she thinks caused them in the past when SUVs and power plants were not around.
She thinks that ‘the historic drought’ of today leads to more wildfires while the government’s own National Interagency Fire Center has forest fires near record lows last year(2013).
Next she picks on common algae blooms as being exacerbated by climate change. CO2 is a magic gas and does nothing but evil.
She tries to confuse the man made climate change issue by continually referring to carbon dioxide as carbon in a deliberate attempt to generate a picture of dirty black soot in people’s minds when she uses the word ‘carbon’. This obfuscation is needed because she correctly assumes people will not fear an invisible trace gas that is plant fertilizer. This virtual alchemy is dishonesty in service of the cause. Carbon sounds worse than carbon dioxide so let’s go with that.
She tries to convince her readers that ‘cleaning up carbon pollution’ will lead to cleaner air. There are 400 ppm CO2 in the ambient air. She has 40,000 ppm in her lungs and yet she survives. If anything proves that CO2 is NOT a pollutant our ability to breathe is good evidence.
Sen Boxer refers to the recent haul out of an estimated 35,000 walrus in Alaska while not bothering to learn or inform her readers that such occurrences have happened in the past. She attributes it to the loss of ice in the Arctic while not bothering to inform her readers that such an occurrence did not happen in either 2007 or 2012 - years with record low sea ice. And what happened to those 35,000 walrus? Anybody follow up? Get the mileage out of the ‘scare’ story and move on. Typical MSM.
“The American people want Congress to address climate change, as poll after poll has shown”
The Senator seems a little out of touch with the people or is carefully selecting polls which support her position and ignoring those that don’t. People of the Cause engage in selective data because they want to act and ride roughshod over anyone who doesn’t see it their way. They do not want to stop and consider contrary opinions. Fact is people rank global warming at the bottom of their priority list.
According to latest Gallup poll environmental concerns of Americans are at their lowest rank ever. A majority worry only a little or not at all about climate change. European citizens agree.
And in Florida District 13 Republicans are Jolly because the voters decide to sink Sink who ran ads attacking Jolly’s lack of AGW piety. Perhaps it is the alarmists who are losing ground to the common sense of the people.They stay up all night to wage the fight over an issue people are not concerned about. Perhaps DEM Sens should be concerned about that.
Like Senator Whitehouse she wants your money and will take it via a carbon tax. “What we need is a price on carbon pollution to reflect its true costs on society.” Politicians are takers not makers.
The true cost of CO2 to the environment is zero but the benefits are many. Ask your fruits and veggies if they would like more or less CO2 with their air. But something that is beneficial can’t be worked by a politician to increase government power over the individual.
For an educated person the ignorance Sen Boxer displays on the issue of climate change is astounding. How pray tell does she account for this: More Glacier Studies Confirm Roman And Medieval Warm Periods Were Just As Warm As Today. But then there is a reason why Chapter 11 follows Chapter 10 in Hayek’s The Road to Serfdom. Check the titles.
Not only can Ms Boxer see the climate change outside her window she can also hear primal screams from the changing planet. Seeing things that aren’t there and hearing things no one else can hear are symptoms of a deranged mind.
The people of Buffalo are seeing all the trapped heat that fell to the ground when they look out their window. I suspect that this is not what the Senator had in mind. So are a lot of people. More than 50 percent of Lower 48 covered in snow
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