It is no longer global warming because it isn't.

It is climate change because it does.

Men are never so likely to settle a question rightly as when they discuss it freely.

— Thomas B. Macaulay (1800-1859), Essay on Southey's Colloquies

All of us could take a lesson from the weather. It pays no attention to criticism.

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Tuesday, November 18, 2014

McDoom McPherson

The climate cycles continuously and we can’t stop it. Tell us something we don’t know. The precession of the equinoxes, variations in axial tilt and orbital eccentricity are beyond our ability to control.

“The climate change message is just depressing, no matter what way you look at it.
Best case scenario, we all have to change our lives dramatically, just to keep us vaguely on the right track.
Worst case scenario - were all doomed.”

So says Guy McPherson. He sounds like the ‘scientific’ reincarnation of Harold Camping. As you will recall Humbled Harold achieved his esteemed spot in the Hall of Fame of Failed Forecasts when the world didn’t end in a rapture on the 21st May 2011 and also missed its second appointment with apocalypse on Oct 21st of the same year. Harold has since succumbed to life and passed on into the great beyond while we continue to whirl about the sun. Whenever I hear a prophet of doom I don’t even have to know what the issue is about. I automatically remain firmly on the positive side life and not to be boastful but since humans are all still here my record of successful denials of doom speaks for itself. I expect to go to my grave with a perfect record and fully expect that my children, their children and their children’s children etc will have little difficulty maintaining that unblemished record.

My strategy is brilliant. I will only ever be wrong once and since it will happen on doomsday there won’t be anyone around to tell me what an ass I was unlike Humbled Harold and McDoom McPherson.
Unfortunately guys like Guy not only make a mockery of their own credibility with such pronouncements they also sully science with a similar brand. Science should fare better from its practitioners as it purports to say something useful about our world and provide us with the wonders of humans as we uncover Nature’s secret workings and adapt them to make us more comfortable. In pursuit of the ideal climate my heating system and my A/C are much appreciated at 43N and I quite like my iPod and access to the internet.

Can we at least expect a correct climate prediction from Guy before we don our groupie costumes and follow him with adoring adulation into his delusional den of doom? Go ahead, Guy. Consult your crystal ball model and impress us with your ability to predict when the Arctic will be ice free in our overheated world.

For Guy’s display we have dusted off a prime spot on a prominent shelf in the Hall of Fame of Failed Forecasts.

There is a brief interview clip in the article. Did the host give Guy a pack of nuts at the end? Perhaps that was a symbolic comment on how the host really sees the opinions of his guest. Most appropriate.

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