It is no longer global warming because it isn't.

It is climate change because it does.

Men are never so likely to settle a question rightly as when they discuss it freely.

— Thomas B. Macaulay (1800-1859), Essay on Southey's Colloquies

All of us could take a lesson from the weather. It pays no attention to criticism.

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Monday, November 4, 2013

The Speed of Modern Climate Change

One of the main arguments of contemporary climate change alarmists is the speed with which it is supposed to be happening. Human induced CO2 is supposed to be speeding up climate change.

So how do alarmists explain periods in the past where scientists tell us that climate change happened in weeks or months not thousands of years.

A climate shift that happened 55 million years ago occurred over a period of weeks and months—not 10,000 years as previously believed—say scientists.

Humans were not around during that period of unprecedented climate change. We must look to natural factors for an explanation.

And that means that natural factors could also be responsible for the climate change that we have witnessed since the end of the Little Ice Age. Otherwise we need to be able to explain the mechanism by which human emissions of CO2 kicked in and put itself in the driver’s seat of modern climate change.

And so a theory was formed, inputs recognized, algorithms developed and climate models constructed to simulate the future of climate change. Mother Nature has now invalidated our attempts to ‘star’ CO2 in the lead role of our computer models. Recent evidence, as has been recognized in the IPCC’s AR5 SPM, leads to a lower estimate of climate sensitivity. CO2 has been relegated to a bit part in the climate drama. Other factors(natural) have overwhelmed the expected prowess of CO2 to trap heat and stopped the rise of temperatures for the last 17 years.

Some people are still fooled by the heat distribution in the atmosphere and mistake warmer than normal temperatures at the ‘wrong’ time say, in Alaska, to be evidence of a warming world while ignoring compensating simultaneous areas of cooler than normal temps elsewhere on the globe. Hot here; cold there; heat distribution not so rare. Remember the warm summer of 2012 was accompanied by a cooer than normal British summer where the Olympians were complaining. Alaska and Scandinavia also had a cooler summer that year.

Does not this make sense? At any time there is only so much energy in the atmosphere. If it is hotter over here then somewhere else it must be compensatingly cooler.

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