'We have seen now what has happened in the Philippines. It is an urgent warning. An example of changed weather and how climate change is affecting all of us on Earth.'
It is nothing of the sort. Ban Ki-moon is merely repeating the CAGW storyline that has been worked out by the UN IPCC and that, scientifically, is being invalidated by the actions of Mother Nature who is behaving more like a CAGW denier unlike the hysterical MSM.
Typhoon Haiyan was in no way unusual. The Philippines is a frequent target of super typhoons. It is a hazard of life on those islands. There have been 6 hurricanes more powerful than Haiyan that have occurred in the Philippines. The MSM is quick to trumpet the slant that supports the prevailing UN political view. It is up to the lesser lights of the press corps to expose the nonsense. The most intense typhoons have been on the decrease over the last 60 years.
So the facts put the lie to the deception or ignorance being propagated by the likes of Ban Ki-moon or George Clooney. Even the IPCC in its latest AR5 SPM report puts a low confidence on the connection between human action and extreme weather.
In fact, their belief that human emissions of CO2 controls the climate leads to the results shown above which shows that they do not even understand their own theory. Watch.
Here’s the theory. As CO2 increases in the atmosphere the planet gets warmer because CO2 is a heat trapping GHG. As the Earth warms more water evaporates from the oceans and since it is also a GHG even more heat is trapped in a positive feedback loop thus raising the temperature to unlivable levels if something isn’t done to lower our CO2 emissions. As GHGs increase, the polar regions receive additional heat transfer from the tropics. This lowers the temperature differential between the poles and the equator. Since temperature difference drives weather the lowered differential will result in FEWER storms not additional storms.
But you cannot scare the public by announcing fewer storms. This will be seen as a good thing by the man in the street. So the meme developed about worsening storms in contradiction to their own theory. However, it is not happening and people are beginning to realize that they are being fed BS (Bad Science). This is even apparent to defenders of CAGW.
To jump on Typhoon Haiyan as an example of what is to come more often is in contravention to their own CAGW theory and to observations over time.
You be the judge.
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