It is no longer global warming because it isn't.

It is climate change because it does.

Men are never so likely to settle a question rightly as when they discuss it freely.

— Thomas B. Macaulay (1800-1859), Essay on Southey's Colloquies

All of us could take a lesson from the weather. It pays no attention to criticism.

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Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Skeptics are 'truly evil people'

So says Tim Wirth. Al Gore likens skeptics to homophobes, alcoholics and racists. It makes it easy for them to discount the legitimate views and questions of skeptics if they can be so demonized. While AGW alarmists may be good at name calling we can recognize why they have chosen to launch such attacks. They seek solace from each other in a game of ad hominem one upmanship. They get pleasure from each other’s cleverness at denigrating those they disagree with. They become more bold and more sure of themselves when they have fellow travelers. It allows them to ignore rather than confront the arguments presented by those hateful people. It is avoidance. They are running scared and that is why these ad hominem attacks are a necessary part of their narrative. They seek to insulate their views from criticism not by addressing the criticism but by manufacturing an excuse to avoid it.

But aren’t they really angry with themselves? They have publicly gotten themselves involved in a cause that is turning out to be a non-problem. AGW has been a big part of their lives. They have followers and have publicly urged them to go out and ‘win the conversation’. And now Mother Nature is not cooperating. It will take men of great character to publicly admit when they are wrong. And there is no way out of their dilemma except to accept the public humiliation. Men of lesser character will select another strategy. They will attempt to demonize their detractors in an attempt to save face. They are angry at themselves for getting themselves into this situation. They are forced to be humiliated (in their own minds) or to be seen as bullies who won’t engage in rational conversation with those who politely disagree with them.

Wirth and Gore have chosen the latter course of action. Their self-anger will be directed outward at their opponents. Intelligent people will not be deceived by this action and will see it for what it is. Wirth and Gore are on the wrong side of the argument and they know it. They will remain willfully blind, set a destructive goal to be achieved and exit the argument when it has been.

No admission of error and no apology for championing an unnecessary nefarious policy to save their reputation. But that will be all for show. The knowledge of who they are will be demonstrated to all who observe.

The hypocrisy of Gore has already been demonstrated with his sale of Current TV to oil interests in Qatar.

And who is Tim Wirth?

Timothy Wirth, U.S./UN functionary, former elected Democrat Senator: “We’ve got to ride the global-warming issue. Even if the theory of global warming is wrong, we will be doing the right thing in terms of economic policy and environmental policy.”

Unconcerned with the truth, AGW is a means to an end. Wirth was practicing this as long ago as 1988 when he “turned off the air conditioning and opened the windows at Hansen’s global warming hearing in June 1988”. Nothing like stacking the deck. It was a puerile tactic necessary only for those unsure of the strength of their case. Do evil people do these things? You be the judge.

Mr. Wirth is not one to put himself in the unenviable position of debating a skeptic. If the case for AGW was so strong why would he avoid. Meet and shut up the skeptic with an amazing display of facts and logic. It never happened and probably won’t.

Mr Gore has refused all debate invitations as well. If his arguments are so strong why should he fear giving exposure to skeptical arguments? Errors are easier to expose out in the open and public exposure of errors is devastating to those making them. Gore has not taken advantage of that opportunity. Why?

This alone should weaken their message in the eyes of the public. But the public is catching on that Mother Nature is not following the narrative laid out for her by those who thought they knew her. The climate scientists devised climate models based on their best guesses as to how the climate works and thus how it would play out in the future. Mother Nature prefers her own climate model which does not correspond to that of our best climate scientists.

Delusion: a belief held with strong conviction despite superior evidence to the contrary.

People are learning that:

  1. There is no hot spot despite the increasing concentration of CO2 in the atmosphere. Here is another paper that reaches the same conclusion. They keep piling up. Is it hiding?
  2. World temperatures have been flat for the last 16 years despite the rapid rise in CO2 atmospheric concentration since the turn of the last century. Consensus is lacking.
  3. Extreme weather is not getting worse despite the rapid rise in CO2 atmospheric concentration since the turn of the last century. Sandy was not due to AGW.
  4. Sea level rise (SLR) is not accelerating despite the rapid rise in CO2 atmospheric concentration since the turn of the last century.
  5. Water vapor is not increasing in the atmosphere despite the rapid rise in CO2 atmospheric concentration since the turn of the last century.
  6. US has been cooling for the last 15 years despite the rapid rise in CO2 atmospheric concentration since the turn of the last century. Kinda takes the GLOBAL outta GLOBAL warming don’t it?
  7. Himalayan glaciers expanding contrary to prediction and despite the rapid rise in CO2 atmospheric concentration since the turn of the last century.
  8. The melting Arctic? We have heard it all before. We are still here and still waiting for the disastrous rise in sea levels despite the rapid rise in CO2 atmospheric concentration since the turn of the last century.
  9. Antarctica is cooling despite the rapid rise in CO2 atmospheric concentration since the turn of the last century.
  10. As the world warms LWIR increases at the top of the atmosphere. It is supposed to be trapped by increased CO2.
  11. IPCC Global Climate Models (GCMs) can’t predict squat despite the rapid rise in CO2 atmospheric concentration since the turn of the last century. Some warmists are beginning to recognize this. Here is the latest.

Bonus: plants grow better, stronger, faster because of the increasing concentration of CO2 in the atmosphere.

The only voice that counts in science is that of Mother Nature and she is saying loud and clear that CO2 does not have much if anything to do with climate change. After all, if you have extreme weather in times of lower CO2 concentration and bad storms in times of higher CO2 atmospheric concentration then isn't the correct conclusion that CO2 has nought to do with it?

People are learning that CO2 has nothing to do with the temperature or the climate.

The evidence mounts as a new study shows that tropical storms have decreased in frequency since 1872. Weather was more variable  and extreme in the past.

Did you realize that deaths due to severe weather trauma are way down because of our early warning systems? Isn’t that great?

If we are a warming world then why was snow cover at a record level in December 2012? As the world warms are we not supposed to see less snow and more rain in the winter? Why are 2012 winter temperatures so cold in a warming world?

And the polar bears? They are thriving.

People are catching on and more and more scientists are speaking out or recanting on previously accepted CAGW beliefs.

To the chagrin of climate change alarmists Mother Nature is an AGW denier.

She is truly evil people.

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