Warmist Carl Pope blames CO2 for blizzards and cold; also, emitting trace amounts of CO2 is like cranking up the heat on your spaghetti sauce until it boils over
Now turn up the burner, steadily higher, making the sauce hotter. (That's what increasing concentrations of greenhouse pollutants do -- they keep more heat inside the atmosphere. More heat means more energy, molecules moving faster, hitting each other harder -- that's what temperature measures. So an atmosphere with more stored energy is more energized, more violent. Weather is put on steroids.)
Hey Carl: remember the scalding, triple digit summer of 2012 which was full of heatwaves and drought? It seems to me that CO2 had a wonderful opportunity to display its prowess as a heat trapping gas last year. It didn’t do it. We got a cold and snowy winter of 2012-13 with a record snow extent set for N. America in December of 2012. Where did all that heat go? Where did it go?
You and I both know the answer to that, Carl. Up, up and away in my beautiful balloon. On its way out it barely made a ripple in the temperature gauges where Fearless Felix made his entrance into the atmosphere. Cold like Antarctica up there. Kinda like putting your boiling hot sauce in a working refrigerator.
Did someone forget to flip the ‘on’ switch for US CO2? Is the CO2 in the US broken? Is it on strike? Has it lost its heat trapping superpowers? Kryptonite is in the US air? Has it hopped the jetstream for a warmer clime? Is there a hole in the CO2 blanket over the US?
CO2: a heat trapping gas that can’t trap heat.
Perhaps we owe CO2 an apology. My rumor mill tells me it is good for something: my fruits and veggies seem to like the stuff.
From Spiegelonline:
the Royal Netherlands Meteorological Institute (KNMI) is calling for the IPCC report to be published online so that it can be updated at any time. The current process disregards studies completed after a certain date, which means that UN climate data isn't up to date by the time its report is published, the institute says.
Why should we have to wait 5-7 years to find out that “New paper finds climate sensitivity to CO2 is ‘close to zero’ — Study ‘finds there is no agreement between observations and climate model predictions during the last two decades of the 20th century’“
Where do you think the 95% figure came from? Do they have data to back that up? Or do you believe it because it came from such an august body as the IPCC?
Please find out “Why the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change can't be trusted” and read: “The Delinquent Teenager Who Was Mistaken for the World's Top Climate Expert” by Donna Laframboise. It should shatter your confidence in that organization to produce anything but political propaganda. http://www.noconsensus.org/
CO2 has been exhaled during the creation of this post. No living thing was harmed. Some even liked it.
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