Does Obama want to be a dictator? Is he being enabled by his colleagues in the ironically named Democratic Party? Because there is nothing remotely democratic about his ‘end around’ the duly elected representatives of the people who as it turns out could care less about climate change as an issue. Remind me why they were elected? Why did we bother with the expense of an election if the POTUS can just ignore them and do what he wants? Who cares about the will of the people. Government is all about Father Knows Best. There are more important things to accomplish without the restraints of an antiquated form of government. N. Korea has the right idea. The benevolent leadership of the Father. Sweep impediments out of the way. It is the new normal.
“Essentially, [Obama] said that it is time to act,” she said. “And he said he wasn’t going to wait for Congress, but that he had administrative authorities and that it was time to start utilizing those more effectively and in a more concerted way.”
but at the same time....
mixed messages....must have been asked a tough question...
So Obama the dictator is going to bypass the elected representatives of the people and use the EPA to implement his climate change agenda. So why don’t we just do away with the checks and balances of the American government and fire all members of the Congress? Why elect them if they are going to be bypassed by the executive branch. This is national subversion of the democratic process.
Hail, Obama! What is next? Are you going to confer with the leader of North Korea for advice on how best to suppress the opposition? Although, after your IRS harass the Republican campaign and the NSA national snooping and the bugging of journalists campaigns perhaps he should take lessons from you.
With this blatant disregard of the democratic process Obama is moving the US more and more toward a police state. With his blatant cronyism with respect to green energy subsidies he is legitimizing the move toward a National Socialist State.
This man is dangerous and despite his oath to uphold the US Constitution he shows it nothing but disdain. America has lost its way.
Is there no one left in that country to stand for freedom and against government tyranny?
Obama is bringing 1984 from fiction to reality. Obama knows best.
Obama will enact measures which he will later claim have solved the problem of man made climate change because after his agenda is implemented he will suddenly recognize the truth of what skeptics of climate change have been saying all along: extreme weather is not increasing, temperatures are cooling, sea rise is slowing and the polar regions are not melting.
Government gains more control over the economy which makes firms go to it for approval of energy projects. This makes government a focal point for campaign contributions and drives the US more toward a political market for goods and services and away from one where supply and demand rule. Consumers are overruled. The bureaucratic mind replaces yours.
Government corporate welfare desperately needs to be stopped. Power must revert to the market and not reside in the hands of politicos. If government can’t hand out taxpayer money to companies then it can’t be accused of playing favorites which is the inevitable outcome of the current structure.
Climate change was never about the truth of the science. It was about the centralization of power in the hands of the few. CAGW is just a convenient path toward that end.
The weather is no worse now than it was in the past or will be in the future. It cycles because the climate changes continuously. It cycles. When Obama has implemented his climate change agenda the storms will still come, floods will still happen, some areas will experience drought and crop failure, temperatures will continue to go up and down, hurricanes and tornadoes won’t cease and destruction due to severe weather is inevitable. Nothing new under the sun.
Unless, of course, some scientists who foresee a new Little Ice Age on the horizon due to the sun’s lower activity prove correct. But Obama won’t care. He will be long gone from politics by then and would never admit he was wrong anyway.
I can’t help but think that the agenda is being pursued with relish at this point in time because the POTUS has realized that the argument cannot be won on scientific grounds so let’s just declare the science settled, the debate over and move on to solutions. Since Mother Nature is turning against them alarmists must act now to implement solutions so that credit can be claimed when the data become too obvious to deny any longer and then it will be OK to admit temperatures are declining, severe weather is not increasing etc because of their policies. They will look like heroes even though their solutions did nothing but make the rich richer and waste a lot of precious resources pursuing an imaginary problem.
How can you lose with a strategy like that? Obama will do this early in his second term so that by the time elections roll around people will have forgotten and been diverted to other issues. After all, the press fawns over the POTUS so he can define the crisis of the day, the focus of the moment to his advantage. The POTUS has learned that the American Mainstream Media is like a puppy that learns to bring the leash to its master.
Obama looks bad only if CAGW is real and he does not act. He is seen as a chump.
If Obama acts and CAGW is real he wins whether his solutions solve the problem or not because he at least tried to do something.
If Obama acts and CAGW is not real he can always blame the scientists who have an incentive to manufacture a crisis for research funding. He acted on the best available understanding.
If CAGW is not real and he does not act it is not a story. No one will notice. He gets no political mileage out of inaction. The MSM won’t serenade him as a genius. If the MSM was advocating for action when none was needed they would have to admit error. They instead will drop it like a hot rock and will find some other crisis to delve into.
The incentive then is for the POTUS to act in a crisis whether the crisis is real or not. And so he does.
It is a political win-win. It is a perverse system with an inner bias toward action. Do something and spin it later. Just don’t sit there. It would take a leader of great character to resist the temptation to act when none is required. Sometimes the correct policy is no policy.
This is not Obama. He is right and that’s all folks. If you don’t like it, lump it. Arrogance has no trouble ignoring reality.
The whole problem with the world is that fools and fanatics are always so certain of themselves, but wiser people so full of doubts -- Bertrand Russell
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