It is no longer global warming because it isn't.

It is climate change because it does.

Men are never so likely to settle a question rightly as when they discuss it freely.

— Thomas B. Macaulay (1800-1859), Essay on Southey's Colloquies

All of us could take a lesson from the weather. It pays no attention to criticism.

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Monday, August 19, 2013

Has CAGW Jumped The Shark?

Possible candidates for CAGW ‘jump the shark’ moment:

Now is the time at SDA when we juxtapose!

Ernst & Young, 2008 - Climate change tops insurance risk list

Lloyds of London, 2013 - Climate change ranks 32nd in business risk
Below "piracy".

When insurance companies downgrade CAGW as a risk to the bottom of the heap the game is up. This is the definitive ‘jump the shark’ moment for CAGW. The public has already placed CAGW on the bottom of the heap.

Insurance companies have a monetary incentive to exaggerate the dangers of CAGW in order to allow them to charge higher insurance premiums for their coverage. Apparently, using whatever method insurance companies use to rank ‘business risks’ has led the famous Lloyds of London to drop CAGW to a more realistic risk location.

Another possible candidate, which occurred earlier in CAGW history, was the migration from Global Warming to Climate Change. This allowed all bad weather to be blamed on the addition of carbon dioxide to the atmosphere via the burning of fossil fuels. not just the warming events that were becoming less common as the world began to cool. When you can blame the latest storm, flood, drought, wildfire, hurricane or tornado on human induced CO2 atmospheric additions nothing can disprove CAGW. This is a definite ‘jump the shark’ moment. Falsification of theory must be possible in science or you have ‘jumped’ the shark’. Warmist wailing about each bad weather event becomes so predictable that the public sees it as a joke.

Climategate, which exposed the collusion of a cabal of climate scientists and their efforts to prevent contrary studies from seeing the light of day in the pal reviewed literature, is another possible candidate. When the game is up you have jumped the shark.

Repetition of false ‘facts’ which become known to an alert public is another possible candidate. Claiming the Arctic sea ice is melting when it isn’t becomes obvious with the continued failure of Arctic rowers such as those in 2011, 2012 and 2013 to complete their initially stated journeys. The CAGW paradigm suffers another blow from first hand observations of Mother Nature.

Repeated false forecasts with continual recasts of the dire results becomes stale after awhile and people stop listening and start laughing at the incompetence of the ‘expert scientists’. This does not enhance personal reputations or the reputation of science in the mind of the public. Forecasts of an ice free Arctic in the summer have continued to fail. CO2 in the Arctic does not appear competent to trap the ‘heat’ of the midnight sun in summer.
Rising seas swamping coastal communities is another false forecast with sufficient lead time to allow the unconcerned public time to laugh.

Warmists abandoning ship is another sign that CAGW has jumped the shark.

And how will this false climate crisis end?

My guess is that some form of carbon tax (it was all about getting money out of you) will be enacted at some point after which politicians will drop the subject. The MSM will not notice that no noticeable change in the weather ensued. Or the politicians will get lucky with their timing and the world will enter a cold period. Problem solved. New problem: global cooling. And round and round we go and where it stops nobody knows. Scientists seeking funding are always up for a new crisis to study. The MSM loves a good scare story. Politicians love to be the heroes.

Will the next generation be sucked into this charade? Who needs tickets?

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