Congress doesn't act quickly, Whitehouse warns, global warming will
lead to more air pollution, rising oceans, disease-carrying ticks and
mosquitoes, Sandy-like storms and a wave of floods, heat waves,
wildfires and droughts.
a Democrat, says global warming is the top issue facing the country
today, ahead of the economy, gun control and health care.
Is there anything this man doesn’t believe is caused by global warming? What global warming? Has he been off planet? He seems to be suffering from the modern affliction of apocalyptic anxiety (AA). Are there support groups for that?
More air pollution - how exactly? From CO2, a trace gas essential to life on Earth? Ooooh, I am so afraid.
Rising oceans. What planet is this guy living on? The Maldives are building new hotels, resorts and airports. Stupid capitalists. Don’t they know their property is soon to be underwater?
Disease carrying ticks and mosquitoes. Why didn’t Noah smack them when there were only 2 of each? It is hard to forgive him for that oversight. But we do the best that we can.
Sandy-like storms? What about Katrina-like storms? Is this man unaware that N. America is in a lull for MAJOR hurricanes like Katrina since none have made landfall in over seven years? Is he unaware that Florida has not been hit by a hurricane of any strength in over seven years? Both of these are the longest period of absence in the record. Does that sound like extreme weather is getting worse? We should be grateful for the lull and that we have not been visited by 7 hurricanes in one year as they were in 1886. Imagine the property damage were that to happen now.
A wave of floods, heat waves, wildfires and droughts. Seriously? Does he not consult the government agencies that have been set up to track such things? Is he unaware of history?
Global warming is the top issue facing the country today. Really? Don’t turn around Mr WH but you are at the head of an empty line.
whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed — and
hence clamorous to be led to safety — by menacing it with an endless
series of hobgoblins, all of them imaginary." ~ H. L. Mencken
That is quite a litany of ills leveled at the feet of CO2. This list is not exhaustive but we will not mention any others as we do not want to add to his AA. Whitehouse has it bad. He must be suffering terribly with a guilty conscience. We hope the links above will help the fear in him subside.
The purveyors of apocalyptic anxiety (AA) engender in the populace fears for the future of their children and a desire to do their small part to mitigate their contribution to climate change. AA is a modern affliction from which many people suffer. Those who experience AA often berate those who have seen through the charade. There seems to be a lot of it going around. Can we borrow the useful methods of the very successful original AA to combat this affliction? Perhaps we need a 12 step program for people who have overdosed on the CAGW delusions in their own mind.
Hello, my name is _________ and I am an Alarmaholic. I am afraid of CO2, a trace gas essential to life on Earth. Just knowing that I exist leaves me trembling in fear and sweating with guilt. My exhaled CO2 helps to feed my vegetables but at what cost? Gaia, have mercy on my soul.
Perhaps a sufferer could be paired with a buddy who has conquered their AA so they will have someone to call whenever the next bad weather event should occur. Their recovered doubter can supply reassurance to assuage their fear and relieve the guilt that they are at fault.
This is no joking matter. AA is a pernicious and severe mental aberration that has caused politicians to implement many costly programs to address a problem that does not exist. Delusions can be expensive and wasteful of taxpayer money.. Non-problems addressed mean real problems remain naked.
Someone once implied that a lie can circle the world before the truth has a chance to put on its pants. Their dishonesty invites exposure. Their own hypocritical behaviour will disclose the ruse for the elite cause that CAGW has become. But it remains to be seen if that exposure becomes evident to the majority of people ‘played’ by the CAGW elite before global governance is achieved and freedom lost.
People like WH serve as the unwitting mouthpieces for the aggrandizement of the hypocritical elite of CAGW. .
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