Sandy was an extra-tropical storm that smashed into a Nor’easter and was maneuvered into the New York and New Jersey areas to wreak havoc in October 2012. The Drought was the 2012 summer dry period that sent temperatures in the US mid-west and eastern seaboard into triple digits. Corn crops were reduced by 13% over the 2011 harvest figures.
It may seem weird to talk about a drought and a big rain/snow storm in the same year but it often happens that way. We live in a world of opposites: wet and dry, cold and warm, windy and calm. They can occur at different times but one will often be followed by the other.
In a world of global warming hysteria it is not surprising to see the MSM blame both events on human induced CO2. Scientists are required to set the record straight.
Sandy was not caused by global warming nor was the Drought the result of severe weather.
This may be of some disappointment to those who are looking to blame every example of severe weather on CO2, a trace gas essential to life on Earth, but reality doesn’t support that conclusion.
Severe weather has been on the decrease even with the rapid rise in CO2 over the last 60 years. Hurricanes have given Florida a respite for over 7 years. And a cat 3 or greater hurricane has not made landfall in the US for equally as long. Tornadoes were way down in 2012.
Droughts were more severe in the 1930s and 1950s. The drought of 2012 did not break the world high temperature record nor did it break even one State high temperature record.
Severe weather is not pleasant for the people in its path and it is a damn expensive inconvenience but it is and always will be a part of life. We best learn how to adapt as best we can. Severe weather events occur in all kinds of CO2 concentrations thus proving that CO2 has nothing to do with their appearance. Shouldn’t that be obvious?
We do not control Mother Nature. The sooner we learn that lesson and take it to heart the saner we will be.
We didn’t have a severe flood in the US in 2012. Will we remember that floods have happened in the past when the next one occurs or will the MSM again become hysterical about the amount of CO2 in the air?
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