It is no longer global warming because it isn't.

It is climate change because it does.

Men are never so likely to settle a question rightly as when they discuss it freely.

— Thomas B. Macaulay (1800-1859), Essay on Southey's Colloquies

All of us could take a lesson from the weather. It pays no attention to criticism.

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Sunday, January 27, 2013

Ignorance of the POTUS

We should expect more from the President of the United States. The POTUS is often characterized as the leader of the free world. Should we not expect this leader to acknowledge reality and be guided by it?

In his inaugural address to launch his second term in office President Obama has ignored reality and indicated that he will aggressively target climate change in his second term. He said:

'We will respond to the threat of climate change, knowing that the failure to do so would betray our children and future generations'
'Some may still deny the overwhelming judgment of science, but none can avoid the devastating impact of raging fires, & crippling drought, & more powerful storms'

Ah, the children and future generations will be saved because we know how to control the climate. Can you hear Mother Nature chuckling in the background at that pompous assumption? Human can control the climate? Really? We can adapt and we can get out of the way of some manifestations of climate change but we know how to prevent a Superstorm Sandy? Really? Change is what the climate does. The POTUS subscribes to POGO Politics and thinks it is our fault and something must be done.

We must act because of the imaginary threat that a trace gas essential to life on Earth poses to all mankind. That is the implication of the words of the POTUS. And yet if you take time to examine history you will find out that forest fires are on the decrease even as CO2 increases its presence in the atmosphere. Devastating forest fires occurred in the past despite lower levels of CO2 in the atmosphere. You will find that contemporary droughts are not as severe as they have been in the past even as CO2 increases its presence in the atmosphere. And you will find that neither tornadoes nor hurricanes have become more frequent or more powerful even as CO2 increases its presence in the atmosphere. The correct conclusion to draw is that CO2 has nothing to do with these unwelcome but natural events

As human emissions of CO2 continue to rise severe weather is supposed to become more frequent and severe. The IPCC Srex report disagrees.

Mother Nature must have missed the memo  as did the POTUS because the exact opposite is happening.

Here are reports of decreasing trends in:

  1. Hurricanes
  2. Tornadoes
  3. Droughts
  4. Floods
  5. Forest fires
  6. Precipitation
  7. Temperatures
  8. Crop failures

Interestingly, as CO2 has increased in the atmosphere the failure of green policies has continued to rise as well.

The only voice that counts in science is that of Mother Nature and she is saying loud and clear that CO2 does not have much if anything to do with climate change. After all, if you have extreme weather in times of lower CO2 concentration and bad storms in times of higher CO2 atmospheric concentration then isn't the correct conclusion that CO2 has nought to do with it?

People are learning that CO2 has nothing to do with the temperature or the climate.

The evidence mounts as a new study shows that tropical storms have decreased in frequency since 1872. Weather was more variable  and extreme in the past.

If we are a in warming world then why was snow cover at a record level in December 2012? As the world warms are we not supposed to see less snow and more rain in the winter? Why are 2012 winter temperatures so cold in a warming world?

The ignorance of this information on climate change  emanating from the executive office is disturbing. It does not inspire confidence in the leader of the free world. It’s pathetic and it is not the first time. So much for the overwhelming judgement of science. Actually, it is overwhelming just not in the way the POTUS has been led to believe.

Climate changes continuously and  possesses no weapon of mass destruction that threatens future generations. Just as the intelligence of WMDs in Iraq turned out to be a myth so too will history look back upon the current scare of man made climate change as an example of mass hysteria complemented with confirmation bias groupthink.

But was the presence of WMDs the real reason for the invasion of Iraq or was there something else afoot? Is the ‘threat of climate change’ meaning the threat of man made climate change the real reason for the actions taken to combat it?

“We’ve got to ride the global-warming issue. Even if the theory of global warming is wrong, we will be doing the right thing in terms of economic policy and environmental policy.” ~ Former  Senator Tim Wirth

Compliments of the current POTUS the US debt increased almost 60% in the last 4 years. The feds need money. Can a green tax on fossil fuels be far behind? Are you more likely to acquiesce to a tax increase if they admit they spent all your money and need more or if you believe that the sky is falling and we need the tax to save ourselves and the world for our kids and future generations? Easy one to answer. Manufacture a crisis and get more money out of people. We can claim we saved the world for our kids and theirs. Then, in a show of how much we love them and how concerned we are for their welfare, we present them with the bill. What will it be then? Twenty trillion $? Thirty trillion $? Your guess is as good as mine.

Meanwhile POTUS cronies make out like bandits. We get poorer while the political 1% get richer. And all in the name of saving humanity. Perfect scam. Create a crisis, pursue policies which garner additional power and money into the hands of the federal government and its supporters then, when the crisis doesn’t arrive, claim success and sheepishly accept the kudos. You are a hero. Extreme weather doesn’t disappear or become less frequent but by the time anyone notices there will be another, more important, manufactured crisis on the horizon that must be attended to by the next accumulator of power. The game continues.

There is no climate crisis. There never was. We have been suckered. Extreme weather has always been with us. The ‘deniers’ were right all along and if we had listened to them our incomes might be higher and our taxes lower. It is a game designed to suck more out of us and leave us with less freedom with more power over our lives in the hands of the central government. Either by tax or higher cost energy or both we will pay. The game is all about power and money.

Can you hear Gomer? Well, golllly! Surprise! Surprise! Surprise!

And we fell for it again. Get ready for the next one. They will be back with another planet threatening crisis looking for more concentration of power and money in the hands of the few. A crisis - even one invented for the purpose.

Quote by Club of Rome: "In searching for a new enemy to unite us, we came up with the idea that pollution, the threat of global warming, water shortages, famine and the like would fit the bill....All these dangers are caused by human intervention....and thus the “real enemy, then, is humanity itself....believe humanity requires a common motivation, namely a common adversary in order to realize world government. It does not matter if this common enemy is “a real one or….one invented for the purpose."

Pinky: what are we going to do tonight, Brain?
Brain: same thing we do every night, Pinky. Try to take over the world.

Global Governance - the ultimate goal. The truth will not be allowed to get in the way of it.

The sheeple will be blinded with fear and bathed in guilt for the benefit of the political 1%.

And now that Obama is ready to maintain the delusion of man made climate change and the delusion that humans can do something about it Greenpeace has an agenda for him. The Greenpeace plan is an example of how to destroy a country from within without firing a shot. You mislead the leaders into believing in a falsehood like CAGW. Then you encourage the leaders of the country to pursue policies that won’t solve the non-problem but will waste the capital and resources of the country in a misguided effort to address a phantom. The country destroys its energy infrastructure for you and slips into economic decline back toward the poverty which it had successfully conquered. Here is Greenpeace.

Put a final period on the end of 'No Keystone Pipeline' -- 'Accelerate the expansion of clean, safe renewable energy' -- 'Make carbon unaffordable' -- 'Save the Arctic' -- 'Support communities most impacted by climate change'

As the US shuffles off in pursuit of these unnecessary goals say hello to fuel poverty, lower living standards, more political power in the hands of the few and no change whatever in extreme weather. If our leaders elect to pursue these policies they will have slipped down the rabbit hole to visit Alice in Wonderland because they are not living above ground in the real world. Delusions, as we are about to find out, can be costly.

Combine the trillions that is advocated to be spent on climate change with the entitlement commitments ‘we’ make to each other and you have a recipe for fiscal disaster. Our future generations will be most grateful for our concern with their welfare.

Unless Obama can figure out how to control that big ball of fire that sometimes graces our skies we cannot control the climate.

Kool-aid anyone?

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