It is no longer global warming because it isn't.

It is climate change because it does.

Men are never so likely to settle a question rightly as when they discuss it freely.

— Thomas B. Macaulay (1800-1859), Essay on Southey's Colloquies

All of us could take a lesson from the weather. It pays no attention to criticism.

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Friday, August 10, 2012

Mr. Mann

"As the science of climate change becomes increasingly clear and better understood, the climate science denial machine has become nastier and dirtier in its misinformation campaign," Mann explains.

Trouble is Mann can't tell misinformation from information. He lives in a world of self-delusion supported by data manipulated to tell the story he wants and needs to believe. He is not alone.

His continued refusal to admit his errors paint him into a corner or dig him a deeper hole but however you want to characterize it he is preparing his own demise as a serious scientist. James Lovelock saw the error of his ways and courageously switched course and went where the data lead. The consequences of not admitting scientific error is ridicule and ultimately, self destruction. Does Mann realize this? It will be a shame for his family but scientific truth is more important than the individual. May his ego not lead him into darkness. You can get lost there. 

An example of the exact same thing, 'misinformation', that he accuses CO2 climate change deniers of perpetrating has recently appeared in the news. The news media were awash in the great Greenland meltdown of summer 2012 where the temperature zipped above freezing as it sometimes does during the summer and called it unprecedented in the title only to have the body of the report correct that impression with the news that this type of melt happens about once every 150 years. Therefore, not unprecedented.

Now, Michael, who is engaging in misinformation and trying to leave an impression of 'unprecedented' climate change when no such conclusion is supported by the data?

Mr. Mann is adamant that Big Oil is funding the CO2 climate change skeptics. Rather than focusing on the claims being made by the skeptics he prefers to divert attention to their supposed funders - does he have proof? This is a convenient red herring and allows him to deflect criticism of his own work onto another part of his own delusion. Most critics of CO2 induced climate change will point out his errors without charge.

Let us focus on the facts, Michael.

CO2 is increasing, temperatures are not. But greenery is. Plants love it. CO2 is green!
Extreme weather events are not increasing.
Temperatures have been warmer in the past when CO2 was at lower concentrations.
Neither ice sheet is melting in any unprecedented way.
Sea levels are not accelerating. In many places sea level shows no increase.
Climate models are out of sync with reality.

The evidence supports the skeptics. 

CO2 is a minor to non-existent factor in climate change.

We love to scare ourselves to death.
It sells papers and programming so the media love a good scare. High Nielsen ratings attract advertisers.
Some politicians love to save the world and be idolized as heroes. Can't think of anyone in particular. Can you?
Scientists can attract funding by offering to investigate the problem.
Crony capitalists love it. Guaranteed loans and grants and subsidies and bailouts.
Misanthropes can bask in their superiority by bashing humans and their greed.

The truth gets buried and we, the people, get conned.

Until honest people catch onto the scam and fight back. It is a sad state of affairs that such human energy must be expended to combat the lies but the price of freedom is eternal vigilance. Long live the internet!

Mr Mann, you have no trump left in your hand.

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