Two more missions are currently in the news. It is interesting to witness how they have begun.
Both were hemmed in by Arctic Ice which is supposed to disappear by the summer of 2012.
Fears that the Arctic was melting and sea levels would rise were a concern between 1900 and 1940.
How about this from the 1940s:
or this from 1923
Still here! Still waiting for the meltdown!
In the past during the Medieval Warm Period Arctic temperatures in some locations were much higher than they are now.
The Arctic is resilient. Perhaps climate change in the Arctic as elsewhere is cyclical.
The hysteria around the Arctic is another example of doomsday fears peddled by scientists who are encouraged to report dire conditions in order to keep the research funding flowing. Politicians and the media love a good scare story. What they have failed to realize is that they are producing a spoof like Scary Movie where everyone laughs at the inanities instead of moistening their underwear from fear.
Where's the BEEF? was a successful commercial because it made is point with humour.
Where's the GLOBAL in global warming also points out the obvious when people realize that when it is hot in the US mid west it is cold in Alaska. Kinda takes the GLOBAL outta global warming don't it?
Hot here; cold there
Heat distribution not so rare.
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