It is no longer global warming because it isn't.

It is climate change because it does.

Men are never so likely to settle a question rightly as when they discuss it freely.

— Thomas B. Macaulay (1800-1859), Essay on Southey's Colloquies

All of us could take a lesson from the weather. It pays no attention to criticism.

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Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Bad Weather Leads to Bad Science

Public Figure, Michael Mann and James Hansen of NASA are giving science a bad name. They are trying to link any instance of bad weather with catastrophic anthropogenic global warming (CAGW). Via a recent media blitz they are determined to have the public believe that human emissions of carbon dioxide, a trace gas essential for life on earth is evil incarnate. Human induced CO2 released from its abode by burning fossil fuels is the witch responsible for bad weather, any bad weather. As if bad weather never occurred before humans discovered oil. They say that this year's bad weather would not have happened without CAGW.

Got a drought the cause is CO2 no doubt.

Got a flood must be CO2 from a Bud.

Got a hurricane must be CO2 from a plane.

Got a twister must be from CO2 mister.

Got a fire must be started by an SUV buyer.

There is nothing CO2 can't do to make you blue.

But there is one thing that you can't stop; CO2 is good for any crop.

What evidence has Mann and Hansen got to indict CO2 for the hot?

Not a lot.

Here is Hansen on Hansen in 2006. Flashback 2006: Hansen warned fellow alarmists: 'We don't want the public to hang their hat on a recent storm, recent hurricanes for example, because those will fluctuate from year to year'

Seems his opinion has changed recently. Will the real James Hansen please stand up?
Get ready! Hansen has now decreed all weather caused by humans therefore ---- Thousands of fish die from heat wave as scientist blames climate change

Double M agrees. Michael Mann supports Hansen's claims: 'Given the prescience of Hansen's science, we would be unwise to ignore his latest, more dire warning'

Andrew Weaver concurs: Other warmists give approval to Hansen: The science in Hansen's study is excellent 'and reframes the question,' said Andrew Weaver, of U. of Victoria in B.C.

Reid: Time To Stop Acting Like Climate Change Deniers Have A Valid Point Of View - They Don't 

Fear mongering and doomsday forecasting at its best. Scaring people including politicians, hyping the hyperbole fuels the funding. The MSM loves a good scare. It is healthy for sales and Nielsen ratings. Is that the paradigm of climate science? So, is there a consensus or do some scientists disagree with the conclusion that bad weather can be attributed to CO2.

Here are some papers gathered together by Marc Morano at "Climate Depot's Morano: 'Global warming activists are desperately seeking to tie any and every weather event to global warming. Rest assured, your SUVs do not cause heavy rain'". The linked list is rather long. Enjoy the dissent. 

Anthony Watts has this to say:
NASA's James Hansen's latest claims dismantled: 'This is nothing but a political ploy from a man who has abandoned any pretext of professionally done science in favor of activism' 

Stephen Goddard at Real Science points out that
Hansen Uses 30 Year Cherry Picked Time Period To Prove That Climate Is The Most Extreme In 10,000 Years
'The Godfather' of AGW Challenged: 'It is pure and simple cherry-picking. Had Hansen compared against 1930s he would have seen that recent temperatures have been relatively quite cool'

Steve Goddard has discovered the finger print of man made global warming and it resides at the airport. 

Philip Stott observes:
Flashback: UK Prof. Philip Stott: 'From the Babylon of Gilgamesh to the post-Eden of Noah, every age has viewed climate change cataclysmically, as retribution for human greed and sinfulness'

Prof. Roger Pielke Jr. rips claims: 'Hansen's use of science as a political fulcrum encourages over-the-top claims by scientists and an effort to squelch opposing voices'

NOAA's Martin Hoerling calls Hansen's claims 'flawed scientifically' 

Hoerling: 'The weather patterns responsible for most of today's heat waves would have happened regardless of human-induced climate change' -- Bringing carbon dioxide down to the level Hansen sees as safe 'would not eradicate heat waves'

UN IPCC Scientist Dr. Madhav Khandekar: 'The record books shows that the hottest period of the 20th century was during the 'dirty thirties'

More dissent can be found at and at Bread and Butter science.

European severe weather lowest in 100 years, contrary to IPCC predictions

Severe Weather Increase Prediction Due To CO2 Emissions Proven To Be Severely Bogus

Severe Hurricane Incidents At Record Low, Opposite of IPCC Predictions

New Study Finds EPA & IPCC Climate Model Predictions Wrong About More Droughts For Southwest USA

EU Scientists Discover That Modern Severe Weather Events Are Happening Less, Not More As Predicted

Unequivocal & Irrefutable Empirical Research: No Increase In Hurricane Landfall - IPCC's AGW Prediction Fails Test

Predicted Increase In Severe Windstorms From Global Warming Has Not Happened, New Research Shows

New Tropical Cyclone Research From China Reveals Major IPCC Prediction Fail

Another Day, Another Study, Another Failed IPCC Prediction: Modern Global Warming Has Not Caused Increase of Severe Floods 

Severe Cyclones Striking Australia Declines By 60% - Exact Opposite of IPCC Climate Model Predictions 

World's Best Scientific Research Determines Zero Connection Between Global Warming and Hurricanes & Cyclones 

Australian Study Proves Major IPCC Failure: Climate Models Predicted An Increase In Severe Weather - Didn't Happen 

Severe Weather In The Far East & Pacific Regions Has Declined Over The Last 50 Years, Scientists Confirm 

Prediction That Global Warming Causes More Storms Fails Empirical Testing - IPCC Climate Models Wrong 

Central Siberian Forest Fires Have Declined During The Modern Global Warming Era Say Experts

New Research: Experts Determine German Flooding Has Not Increased From Global Warming As Predicted  

Chinese Scientists Find That IPCC Predicted Extreme Rain Events Are Not Happening With Greater Frequency 

IPCC's Flood Predictions Found To Be Without Scientific Merit: Major Flooding Appears To Be Declining, Not Increasing 

Empirical Evidence From Japan Refutes Climate Model Precipitation Predictions

UN & Leftist Politicians Claim Global Warming Has Increased Severe Weather Disasters: That's Not True For Tornados  

A Very Simple Question: Has Huge Human CO2 Increase Caused More Severe Weather? A Simple Answer, Nope 

And on and on it goes. There are many more studies at C3 that dispute the rise in severe weather that Mann and Hansen imagine is happening. Saying it is so don't make it so.

Humans can count and have learned to pass on information from generation to generation. That is called recorded history and it does not support a rise in severe weather observations. If one is trying to link CO2 to severe weather the logical correlation is to associate increasing atmospheric  CO2 concentration with a DECREASE  in severe weather. Things keep getting better.

Or, could it be - deep breath - CO2 has nothing to do with the severity of the weather?

Maybe it is H2O that changes climate. Store it on land. Increase evaporation. Increase rain. Keeps soil moist. Allows grass, plants, trees and crops to grow. Reverses desertification. Increases arable land. Just a thought. And CO2 will aid that new growth.

For scientists like Mann and Hansen to ignore the evidence and try to twist the data into a confirming instance of their personal beliefs is a travesty to both themselves and the truth that they convey to the public. These guys can't be trusted to provide unbiased results to the public or to go where the data lead. They are too dedicated to an agenda which is blinding them to the truth that Nature is clearly presenting to those who choose to observe it.

Severe weather is what Mother Nature has always looked like. And very often she gives us weather to enjoy.



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