Jeff Masters over at the Weather Underground noticed that in July 2012 the temperature at the Summit Camp in Greenland blasted above freezing for 5 days in a row. This was some kind of record. The Summit is the coldest place in Greenland and averages -10C in the summer. Warmists like to point out anomalies that support their view that the Earth is warming and 5 days of above zero temperatures at the Summit Camp in Greenland in 2012 when there was a heatwave and drought ongoing in the US apparently is cause for alarm. To their mind's eye it supports the view that the Greenland Ice Sheet is melting due to man made global warming.
The Big House at the Summit Camp was built on stilts so that it could be brought to grade. I wonder how many times the BH has been lowered since its construction. The Ice Sheet adds about a meter of snow each winter. Some WWII planes that went down in Greenland in 1942 were later found in 264 feet of ice. Each summer the periphery of the Greenland ice sheet near sea level melts in the summer sun. Icebergs are often formed as pieces of tidewater glaciers break off at the terminus. In winter the snow accumulates anew atop the ice sheet and pushes the glaciers back into the sea.
Warmists love their hysteria and can't live without it.They manufacture it with tunnel vision that only allows them to see affirming instances of reality. Those events that do not square with their vision are ignored, denied or spun into affirming instances. Reality must conform to their preconceived notion of a warming world.
If unusual warmth in a usually cold place is seen as evidence for a warming world then by that same logic one would suppose that cold in a place where it is usually warm could be interpreted to be evidence of a cooling world. The problem for the warmist is that such events are regular occurrences. Unusual warmth in one place will be offset by colder than normal events somewhere else. Never will you find a time where everyplace on the planet is warming or cooling in unison. In fact, East Antarctica has been cooling for thirty years. Kinda takes the GLOBAL outta of global warming doesn't it? Where's the BEEF?
In 2011, in the driest desert on the planet, the Atacama in Chile, snow dropped from the sky. Evidence of global cooling no doubt. You won't find a warmist blaming heat trapping CO2 in the area for that one. The Sahara received snow in the winter of 2012. That was the first time since 1979. By the logic of the warmist it is more evidence of global cooling. The South Pole on June 24, 2012 set a new record low for that location of -100.8F. Kinda takes the GLOBAL outta of global warming doesn't it? Where's the BEEF?
Warmists were trying to prove something true that cannot be. The whole globe cannot be warming everywhere at once. It doesn't. Look around. Whenever there is a heatwave as in the US in 2012 it is unusually colder elsewhere - UK, Amsterdam, Anchorage, B.C., Washington State, Oregon, Florida, Phoenix. Even winter locations such as Chile, Argentina, N.Z., Australia, Fiji, and South Africa are experiencing a fiercer winter than normal. The cold offsets the heat. Search here.
All facts must be admitted into consciousness in order to formulate a correct theory. That theory must account for all relevant facts.
The theory of anthropogenic global warming (AGW) assumes the superiority of one factor as the cause of the Earth's weather/climate - carbon dioxide (CO2). And yet the predictions that flow from that theory are not being reflected in reality. Therefore the theory must be wrong.
Since warmists can't prove global warming they switched to climate change as the dependent variable for the amount of CO2 in the atmosphere. After all, who could deny that the climate is changing since it always does. Not giving up on their campaign to demonize CO2, a trace gas essential to life on Earth, they claimed that extreme weather events were becoming more frequent and more severe and that CO2 was fueling this trend. Except that humans can count and keep records which can be checked to see if the claim of an increasing trend is true. Most extreme events like severe hurricanes, tornadoes, forest fires, floods, droughts, mudslides, hail and avalanches are trending down. And these downward trends are occurring while the amount of CO2 in the atmosphere from soccer Moms driving vans and using plastic bags is on the increase. Disconnect.
So where does this leave warmists? Without a case.
But the damage has been done. 'Green' policies have been pursued by industrialized governments who have been made to feel guilty about their CO2 emissions. Alternative energies have been sought and subsidized as a means to reduce the CO2 in the atmosphere back to what is considered to be an acceptable level. There is even a web site that is named for the 'safe' target limit. Governments have pursued wind, solar and biofuels as the primary alternatives to fossil fuels. They have launched an attack on the coal industry as the 'worst offender' and forced the closing of coal fired power plants. As a result of these policies governments find their expenses rising because of subsidies, citizens find both their taxes increasing and their energy costs inflating. This is not beneficial to the less wealthy among us. And that is not the end of it. Our food prices skyrocket because of the mandate that 10% of the gas in our cars must be composed of ethanol which is made from corn. So we are paying more for food because we are burning biofuels in our vehicles. This is exacerbated during times of drought. Whose bright idea was it to burn food in our vehicles? That is a crime against humanity. Whose bright idea was it to subsidize sunrays and breezes and mandate they they supply X% of our energy needs by twenty whatever? Think sailboat and nighttime. These alternative sources of energy are unreliable and expensive. Welcome to sweating and shivering. Unless you are a member of the elite who need fossil fuels to carry on their great work. Think North Korea at night. The leaders have light. Everyone else is celebrating Earth Hour throughout the night. I have often thought that Earth Hour was instituted to get us ready for those days ahead.
Not only do warmists see only events that confirm their bias they do not see the benefits of the molecule that they demonize. Trees, plants and crops love CO2 not to mention corals in the sea. Scientists have documented the benefits of increasing CO2 in the atmosphere. They fail to see that CO2 is greening the planet. CO2 is green. In a world of 7 billion people who like to eat, enacting policies that limit plant food is a crime against humanity.
But then 'greens' tend to see humans as evil. There are too many of us that consume too much and we are destroying the Earth. So it is not surprising that population control is on the green agenda. Greens tend to be misanthropes and would not bat an eye if a disease of some sort were to decimate the population. Some, like Prince Philip, even wish for it. Others think eradicating smallpox was a mistake. Could that be why vaccine scares have developed? In the past, finding treatments and cures for the afflictions of humans was seen as a good thing. Anyone who expressed differently would be seen as a monster who wants to commit a crime against humanity. Has something changed?
Greenland is still frozen at the Summit. No golf today.
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