It is no longer global warming because it isn't.

It is climate change because it does.

Men are never so likely to settle a question rightly as when they discuss it freely.

— Thomas B. Macaulay (1800-1859), Essay on Southey's Colloquies

All of us could take a lesson from the weather. It pays no attention to criticism.

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Saturday, March 4, 2017

The Most Important Issue Facing Mankind

Man made climate change is touted as the most important issue facing mankind and if we don’t reduce our CO2 emissions pronto humanity may go extinct. This fear and guilt mongering is all based on Global Climate Models(GCMs) which can’t predict squat and haven’t been correct about anything.

Is the alarmist message getting through? Let’s ask the United Nations who recently conducted a poll that asked people all over the world to rank 16 issues in order of importance to them.

Surprise, surprise climate change came in last. Most in the US do not believe that every bad weather event is man made. This result supports other polls that have been conducted. People in the US are not falling for the nonsense.

People are smarter than the Phds who are trying to scare them. There are other things more important than climate change. But when do politicians ever listen to their employers?

Who benefits?

Closet totalitarians who want to control the resources of the world.

Politicians beholden to the green lobby for their campaign contributions.

Politicians who are trying to stick handle through disparate opinion trying not to offend anyone.

Green NGOs who get increased contributions.

The MSM who get to ride a scare story to increased sales and advertising.

Crony socialists in the wind, solar and biofuel industries who receive subsidies, grants and loan guarantees from the politicians who then receive contributions for their reelection campaigns. All very incestuous.

Who loses?

People in their role as both taxpayer and consumer. Subsidies for renewables have to come from somewhere. Higher energy prices result in higher costs for just about everything that is manufactured  The poorer you are the harder it will be to run your home or vehicle.

The most important issue facing mankind is NOT climate change which can’t be stopped but the incestuous relationship between politicians and their crony socialist friends. They have incentives to dream up crisis after crisis which they then must solve. The result: crony socialists get rich at taxpayer expense and politicians gain more power over those taxpayers. Crony socialists love to socialize YOUR income for their use.

The solution: complete separation of State and Economy. No subsidies, grants, loans or loan guarantees to any profit OR non-profit organization. The government is not in business to pick or make winners in the economy. That job is best left to consumers in the marketplace.

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